Money and Makeup


As a joke, Jongin posts "isn't my girlfriend pretty?" on Facebook, along with a picture of his friend Taemin, long haired and pink faced, a clip in his hair. But Jongin's school friends think that there is no way he could get a girl that hot, leading to a heated argument and a bet. So in order to not pay his friends money, Jongin has to beg Taemin to play along.


Hello friends. My family went on a road trip, and what else am I supposed to do while being in the car for 14 hours? So tadah. Enjoy!


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planetefantome #1
Chapter 1: That was really cute! Even on the first fake date, they were having fun, and it seemed real enough, especially with the way Jongin complimented Taemin when he was less feminine. I like how you progressively hint that Jongin likes Taemin, culminating with "it was just about everything Jongin had past the last few months thinking it would be". And of course, them going to prom together is an excellent ending!
Chapter 1: its pretty sweet... i would have liked to see his friend react to his BOYfriend though.
Taekaiforever #3
Chapter 1: My taekai feels! Asdfghjkl *-*
Chapter 1: Omg what to say..
I love this story, I love your writing!!
Everything is perfect. *_*
Chapter 1: Oh my oh my oh my this story is so cute their relationship is so cute I just can't
Chapter 1: So cuuuute <3. I fall in love with the story :'3 <3
Chapter 1: ohmygod ;;______________;;
im begging for a sequel ohmyg i cant even ;;_________;;
i read this while playing ace and lying here try to breath ;;__;;
jambydsy #8
Chapter 1: I need more kyaahhh plz sequel