Third Event: Time Territory

Asianfanfic Broadcasting System (ABS) Hero Bank

Jeon Hyosung
Abilities: Charm, Pheromone Manipulation, History Reader
Weapon: Secret Colt, Dia Hook, Camo Cape

Lee Joon
Abilities: Sight Seeing, Sight Jacking
Weapon: Sniper Rifles, Magnum, Time Bomb

Ryu Hyoyoung
Abilities: Dimension Hopping, Wyvern Summoning
Weapon: Police-issued Handgun, Chain Whip, Striker

JuRyu NicHwa
Abilities: Shapeshifting, Organic Absorption, Elemental Generation
Weapon: Longsword, Tentacles, Organic Claws

Joon wakes up, feeling sweaty all over his body.

He realizes what makes his body excrete such liquids. He is in a place with flame all over the place. This place is so not for him.

“Feels hot, isn’t it?”

He turns to his left, startled, “What are you wearing?”

Rather than wearing her crimson jacket, Hyosung appears with her revealing red dress toward him, “Does it make me look appetizing?”

“Why are your words make it so wrong?”

Hyosung just smirks.

“Your mind is the messed up one,” Hyoyoung appears right behind her.


Their head turns to their sides, seeing NicHwa crawling on her hands and feet slowly toward them.

Joon points toward her, “What is that thing, really?”

“Doesn’t look human to me…” Hyosung takes out her Colt.

NicHwa sees the weapon as she roars out loud, with a figure of a woman climbs out of her wide-opened mouth, having two pistols on both hands.

The figure aims both guns toward the three, looking mad.

Hyosung chuckles, “Wow, you not just have the face of this beauty over here, but you also have my friend’s face as well.”

The three aim their pistols at the creature, having a standoff.



The four look at a new scene unfold nearby them in horror.

Hyoyoung mutters, “We are in a deep trouble right now. Let’s just have a truce, okay?”

At a mountain nearby, lava slowly flows toward them as slow as stream of lava can get.

Sensing danger, NicHwa reforms itself into a different figure, moving her legs away from there as fast as she could.

“Hey, she’s got away first!” Joon points out as the three run away from there as well.

Running, Joon decides it is a great idea to take a peek at how far their distance is from the lava.


He realizes something, “That thing is chasing after us!”

Know how futile it can be, Hyoyoung lets her right hand glows, shooting out a light out of it.

The light reaches the sky, creating a huge portal with a wyvern flies out of there, roaring.

The wyvern moves near them as Hyoyoung shouts, “Jump!”

The three jump on it.

The owner of the wyvern looks at NicHwa, “Here!”

She gives her hand to the creature as she sees it, shooting her right hand to grab the hand that gives. She successfully gets on the back of the wyvern.

“Eww…” Joon whispers as Hyosung just laugh, “That’s quite interesting.”

The sole man of the team looks at her in horror, now wishing for brain bleach.

The wyvern flies away from the lava as the team looks down, looking at how people are eaten by the lava, literally.

Soon, the lava covers most of the spot.

“Okay, what now?” Hyoyoung turns toward her pet wyvern as he just roars.


A voice comes out of NicHwa’s mouth as she points out toward one mountain.

A group of people are waving at them.

The wyvern flies toward the mountain, with the lava just…look at them…?

Whoa, that thing has eyes?


The team is now walking into the mountain, following the group that saved them deep into a cave channel.

“Thank you for saving us. I don’t think we can survive from that volcano…” Joon mutters, “It’s weird to see how it is so determined of chasing us down.”

Hyosung laughs gently, “Silly boy, there is no way that the lava is alive and try to kill us all…”

“It is,” the man from the group responds.

“For real?” Joon is startled, “I thought I was just imagining things!”

“You’re not. That volcano is the whole reason why we are living in this mountain right now.”

Hyoyoung wonders, “By you, means all of you right now?”

“No. it means all of the people of Flame Territory.”

They stepped into a lighted area, now able to see the big picture of the inside of the mountain.

There is a civilization there, with homes and other buildings.

“There are people in here?”

The three heroes are shocked, looking at NicHwa, “You can speak??”

Beside them is another girl’s face, but at this point they know that it is NicHwa by looking at her tattered clothing.

She looks at them, “Only in this form. I can’t speak during battle when I am using other faces.”

The man from the group speaks, “Yes. Before this place is like other place, all good and all of us are able to live in here. But then a huge disaster appears, and that’s when this world starts to be divided into territories. All of us who ended up in this territory isn’t so lucky, forced to escape from the living volcano.”

“Why is there such disaster? What cause it?” Hyoyoung asks some more.

The man just shakes his head, “I have no idea. But we have suspected that it is all because of what our mothers have done.”

“Your mothers?”

“Yeah. Our mothers have all took seeds from one single man forcefully and now we are all suffering for their sins. How can any of us survive when what we received afterwards are disasters upon disasters?”

He sighs, walking away with his group, “Let me show you your place for the night. You can sleep there for awhile before continuing your journey.”

As they keep on moving through the villages, they can see how all kids there do not look cheerful like what kids supposed to be. Cries can be heard all over the place and those kids are all on the ground, looking sick.

“What happened here?” Hyoyoung asks in concern.

The man shakes his head, “ disease. A disaster happens upon us.”

NicHwa steps forward toward him, “You keep on saying of this disaster thing, what does it really mean? What disaster?”

“All of us are conceived by our mothers, but all of us share the same father. His bloodline should have assured us of no disease, but something went wrong and disaster befell upon us. disease do occurs afterward, as the newest generations are suffering of the disease. It is truly a sin of our mothers.”

He looks toward the hole they came from, “That volcano is also one of our mothers’ sins. He has arrived to feast on us, and we can only live in this place in order to survive. There is no other mountain that is for us.”

They finally reach an inn, as the four enters the room, looking at the man, “Please stay here for today. We will show you the way to go the next destination for the tournament tomorrow after we have assured that the path is safe. Sorry if we are unable to help you with anything.”

“Why did you help us then?” NicHwa asks him.

Everyone is silenced.

All eyes are at her.

“You knew that we are the participants of that damn tournament. Meaning you knew that we are the enemy of your world’s only surviving warrior. Helping us just increase the chance of him killed by us. Don’t you care of your fellow people?”

He just smiles at her, “Truthfully, it does not matter to me. I only thought of helping people when I see one. Maybe it’s in my DNA to do so…”

“Just like him…” she whispers to herself.

“Please rest,” the man steps out, closing the door.

Hyosung turns toward her, “You really are talkative, aren’t you? What are you, really?”

“Failed experiment. Think of me as the less creepy version of Human Centipede.”

Joon is confused, whispering at Hyosung, “What’s Human Centipede?”

“I don’t know. Sounds like a position to me.”

Hyoyoung just silenced. Are these two seriously had no idea what Human Centipede really is?

NicHwa walks toward a window, looking outside, “Ryu Hwayoung, Jung Nicole, Han Sunhwa, Jin Hyewon, Olga Kurylenko and Tsubasa Honda… the six unlucky women forced to join the worse experiment on human DNA… And I am the product of the abomination, forced to live with six different stats inside me.”

“You still want to kill us before…”

“Right now my face is Tsubasa Honda, the most peaceful women of the six. By the other five isn’t so forgiving. They hate human so much that I am unable to control that side of mine, maybe losing control in a wrong time.”

“Why doing the experiment?”

“It is the dark ages of humanity’s civilization, as no sciences are guarded from the scientists’ greed on discoveries and researches.”

She sighs, “I am just waiting for people to truly kill me. Any suicide attempt will cause the hatred in me to take over my body, turning me into the monsters you have seen before.”

Hyoyoung walks toward her, “What about the girls’ memories? Did you know any of them?”

She nods, “I know that this girl named Ryu Hwayoung has your counterpart as her twin sister. She is one of the cursed scientists.”

“No matter what, I am still a bad sister it seems,” Hyoyoung sighs, looking away, “I guess the enemy from my world is right. Hwayoung and Hyoyoung should never exist together. Disaster will only be created by the creation of both souls. Zero even mentioned that.”

“You know Zero?” Joon asks her as she turns toward, “Did you?”

“He helped me and my team a lot. He is the one who told me about this tournament and about Rain joining this.”

“Me too,” Hyosung mutters, “He told me about how a thief from my home world enters this tournament.”

Hyoyoung mutters, “Zero told me to fight against my other self if I am unsure about myself.”

“There is this one man that told me to find my purpose of living in this tournament,” NicHwa joins the conversation.

They are now thinking it all together. Who is Zero?


A day has already passed.

They are now walking out to the same entrance into the mountain, looking through the territory.

There is no more lava around.

The man points toward one direction through the place, “The Urban Territory is that way. As long as you are moving along this direction, you will be able to reach that territory.”

Joon turns to Hyoyoung, “Can’t you just summon that dragon to help us move to that place? That lava might appear again.”

“I can’t just summon 5-Wyvern anytime I want to. It hurts every time I do so.”

“Then we can only use it in time of emergency,” Hyosung walks forward, as the rest join along the path as well.


They keep on walking and walking, sometimes fighting creatures around the place.

Finally, they are able to see something far from the spot they are standing right now.

Joon mutters in exhaustion, “Is that…Urban Territory?”

“We have arrived then?” Hyosung wonders happily.


The earth shakes hard, with the four nearly losing their balances.

One of the volcanos starts spewing smoke as something crimson moves out of it, lands at the edge of the mouth of the volcano.

It is a hand.


As he steps on the ground, lava splashes all over the place.

“Owh, what now!?” Joon is in panic.

But NicHwa runs forward first, turning into someone else that seems to have French accent.

“You, where are you going!?” Hyoyoung calls her out as she turns toward her, “We need to reach the Urban Territory, right? Losing one person isn’t a big deal, right? As long as I am able to be dead…”

Her skin reforms, having her wearing a six-colored steam punk armor, which has orange, grey, pink, golden, sky blue and violet color scheme on it. She also has another pair of hands, each of four hands wielding one blade.

“KRAAAAAA!” NicHwa roars, charging toward the battlefield.

The three heroes just stand there, having no idea what are they supposed to do right now. They couldn’t just let their own teammate to fight that monster, but they really would not want to die there without even reaching the destination.

Hyoyoung takes out her gun, moving toward the fight, “You two go ahead. I’ll be back with her.”

Hyosung just chuckles, “I say foursome is better than .”

Joon sighs, “Why did I have to be in this weird team?”

NicHwa is shooting thunder out of her right palms, as the humanoid buffalo roars, smashes onto her body, pushing her away.

She lands nearby the three, looking at them, “Why are you still here?”

“No idea,” Hyoyoung looks at her bracelet, pressing buttons, “Arrest On.”

Hyosung pulls her diamond of her necklace, “I’ve vow to become the mistress of Burglars.”

Joon reloads his pistol, locking it, “Hunting Has Begin.”

The three now wear their own suit, with Hyoyoung wears her orange suit, Hyosung wears her red and rose suit and Joon with his black suit, taking out their guns, start spamming on the monster.

The monster keeps getting shot and shot as he growls in anger, smashing his hand into the ground, creating eruption as lava pouring out of the ground.

Joon shouts in annoyance, “Not again!”

“I guess this is the monster that attacked us yesterday,” Hyosung concludes, “What are we going to do with him, miss traveler?”

The question is asked on Hyoyoung as she sighs, “I guess I will be using wyvern again…”

“Not now,” NicHwa taps her palm onto the ground, creating the floor of gold as they float, away from the lava.

Joon takes out his sniper rifle, aiming at the monster, shoots directly onto his eyeballs.

The monster becomes angrier, stomping onto the ground. More lava shoots out in the form of fountains.

Joon shouts in annoyance, “The fountain is getting in the way!  I can’t pinpoint his location.”

“We’ll be finishing it quicker than you thought,” Hyosung takes out her hook gun, aiming at the monster.

Shooting straight toward the target as soon as she sees it, she pulls herself toward it with Hyoyoung and NicHwa grabs her arms, following her.

Once reached, Hyoyoung and NicHwa smash their whip and longsword respectively, finishing him as he falls onto the ground, having scars and blood on its chest.

The fountains disappear soon after.

Hyoyoung walks toward NicHwa, punching her as she falls onto the ground, “Want to kill yourself? You are not the only one who has a bad life. All of us are here for reasons. What you are doing is running away from your problem.”

She walks away to the sight of the Urban Territory as Joon and Hyosung follow her from behind.

NicHwa is still on the ground, looking blank, “I am an abomination. Why would I stay alive? For what purpose? It’s not like I am carrying these girls’ dead souls with me…”

She stands up, following them silently.

Back at the monster, the man from the mountain approaches the monster, looking at it turning into a female.

“I’m sorry to see you suffer this way, Ham Eunjung, or maybe I should call you mom from now on…”


Showing the same room, the man on the chair seems to be enjoying the fight, cheering, “Great! I love it!”

The woman in the room just smile.


Zero and his friends are looking at maps.

One mutters, “Flame Territory is out?”

“Yeah. Eight more territories then…”

Zero sighs, “The time will start soon…”


End of this territory.

Next: Bae Suzy, Ok Taecyeon, Kim Jongkook, Jung Jessica and Oh Sehun in Time Territory where they discover on the history of one world from the start till finish.



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PikaBleu #1
Chapter 4: 1 down, 9 to go...hehehe.. thankfully kyu was there...if not,they'll kill each other for i worried bout the other teams >___<
looks like those villains that participate aren't that bad...the main villain are behind the tournament...wonder what their purpose is....i'll anticipate when the heroes n villains work together to fight those people..
1132 streak #2
Chapter 4: Hahaa i like Eunjung's char. Here... Always arguing with Jiyeon... Eunji has two mothers?? how come??
1132 streak #3
Chapter 3: Wow now the game begins cant wait for Jiyeon's fight
1132 streak #4
Chapter 2: Oh gosh.. I think Dani was inside that box...
1132 streak #5
Chapter 1: Aww i was waiting for the fight of Bridge 000 but its not hope it will be the first fight in the second event
PikaBleu #6
Chapter 1: hi there!!!that's a very nice first chapter..u describe the fighting very clear n interesting,also putting cliffhanger at the end that makes readers curious..can't wait to see how the plot will going on :)