Gimmie Paw.

I Have My Reasons

Jessica smiled as she walked down the concrete sidewalk, she was able to sleep until 1 in the afternoon. In her right hand she held a single scoop of cookies and cream ice cream in a sugar cone and in her left hand she held her iphone that played music into the single headphone in her ear. She sung quietly to "Defying Gravity" from the musical 'Wicked'. 

With no where in particular the girl allowed her feet to take her wherever they wanted, soon enough she found herself in  a quiet empty part of the park. Smiling she made her way to an empty park bench and sat enjoying the warmth of the sun on her milky skin. 

After finishing her ice cream the blonde haired girl leaned her head back and closed her eyes, a feeling of pure peace coursed through her body, and her faced showed how peaceful she was. 

It wasn't until Jessica heard a very familiar voice yell. 


The blonde stood up looking in the direction in which the voice came from. 


Jessica felt the air get knocked out of her lungs as she was engulfed in a tight hug that restricted her from the precious air she needed in her lungs. 

"Pany she can't breathe." another voice said causing the girl to realease Jessica from the air restricting hug. 

The blonde girl hunched over and took in big breaths of air, with her breathing once again stable Jessica stood upright and took in the sight in front of her. 

Two girls, a brunette with eyesmile that shone brighter than gems and a short raven haired girl. In their hands was a leash, the brunette had a white dog at the end and the raven haired girl had a black dog at the end of the leash. 

"Hey Tiff, Taeyeon." Jessica greeted. 

"How rude of you stupid, don''t I get a Hi?"  a voice similar to a spoiled little boy said to Jessica.

"Hello Prince, and Ginger." Jessica mumbled knowing the two dogs could hear here. 

"Sooyeon" Taeyeon said in acknowledgment. 

"Hello Sooyeon unnie. How are you?" a very calming greeted.

"Jessi, I didn't expect to see you here. Me and Tae Tae decided to take Prince and Ginger to come play at the park with the rest of the girls' dogs. We weren't sure if you would come since you might have been asleep that and you aren't such a big dog fan" Tiffany explained. 

"Meow, why don't you go back inside cat." mocked Prince. 

Ignoring the comment Prince made, Jessica smiled at Tiffany. 

"It's fine fany, don't worry your pretty little head. I was about to go anyway." Jessica said calmly. 

"Why don't you stay and hang out with us?" the eye smiling girl asked. 

"Yea, stupid. Why don't you stay? Oh wait it's because you don't have a dog."  mocked Prince.

"I don't have a dog Tiff, it'd be awkward ya know just watching everyone play with their pet." replied the blonde. 

"Pany whatever your thinking don't do it." Taeyeon whispered 

"Let's get you a dog Jessi!" Tiffany all but yelled in excitment. 

Jessica looked at Tiffany as if she grew two heads, she zoned out thinking of every possible thing that could go wrong if she had a dog. 

"Tiff I don't think that's a- " Jessica began to say but stopped once she the excitement die in the younger girl's eyes and the smile that was plastered on her face turn into a frown. 

Taeyeon looked at Jessica expecting her to turn down Tiffany's idea, Ginger and Prince also looked up in suspense also curious to hear the girls' answer. 

Anyone living thing could tell how much of a pull Tiffany had over Jessica, what ever Tiffany wanted to wants Jessica would try her everything in her power to make her best friend happy. So Taeyeon and the dogs were expecting for Jessica to put her foot down at this since they know how much the blonde doesn't like dogs. 

"Tiff, I don't think it's a good idea." Jessica said watching tears form in her friends eyes, panicking she said the first thing that came to her mind. 

"It's a great idea Fany!." she said with a huge smile and excitment laced in ever word. 

Taeyeon's eyes grew into comical size, unable to believe Jessica just agreed to get a dog. She watched as Tiffany pulled said girl into a hug and saw the disbelief in Jessica's eyes as well. 

"Putting mom's wants before yours. I'm impressed, stupid."  Prince said impressed. 

"Wow, Prince. Your mom must have some kind of magic, in order for Jessica agree to getting a dog." Ginger told the white dog. 

"Oh my gosh, Jess we should go get your dog right now! So we can all play with out dogs today!" the brunette said as she gave out a eye smile to the blonde. 

"Right now? Shouldn't we wait until I get the dog things?" the blonde said hoping to stay doggless for another day. 

"No we can get the stuff after, ya know so we can buy the right things for it." Taeyeon said, adding more gas to the fire. 

"Tae Tae's right Jessi, let's go get you a dog."  Tiffany said grabbing Jessica's wrist and leading her to the car with Taeyeon and the dogs following close behind. 

"First we'll go to the dog shelter and if you can't find a dog there then we could always go to the Pet store. Right Tae Tae?" Tiffany asked to the now driving Taeyeon. 

"Of course Pany, whatever you say." Taeyeon agreed. 

"Come on Jessi, we're here. Taeyeon's going to stay in the car with the dogs while we go in." 

"But Tiffany, what about the rest of the girl's aren't you all supposed to meet for your doggy date?" 

"You're right, we'll have to hurry. Come on let's goo" Tiffany said pretty much dragging Jessica inside the animal shelter. 

Jessica held in a groan, she shouldn't be even thinking about complaining she did bring this upon herself after all, but then again if she did say no it would've upset Tiffany and Jessica couldn't deal with herself knowing the she was the reason Tiffany would be upset. 

"Alright Tiff, let's go."


"Hello, how can I help you two today?" a woman in her mid thirties asked Tiffany and Jessica once they walked up to the desk. 

"We want to adopt a dog please." Tiffany said giving the older woman an eyesmile. 

The woman smiled a large smile "Any idea of what your looking for?"

"Preferably a puppy m'am" Tiffany answered. 

"Alright, come this way ladies." The woman said leading them through a door, and down a hallway. As soon as they entered the hallway Jessica was overcome by the amount of dogs that couldn't shut their trap. 

"Hey, Hey pick me. I won't pee on your floor. Promise."

"Take me with you, then then rub my belly."

"I'll listen I promise just take me with you." 

Throughout the whole walk to where the puppies where Jessica had to endure the pleas of every dog that continued talking to her, and everyone in the building. 

Finally they got to the puppy wing and Jessica watched as Tiffany gushed over the puppies. 

Once again Jessica was forced to listen to the pleas, the empty promises and wants of good belly scratches but this time very hyper loud puppies were telling her this.

Jessica walked down looking in the cages at the puppies untill one caught her attention. 

It was a fluffy looking puppy, it laid in the back of the cage unlike the other dogs/puppies who usually stood so close to the cage door. The puppy was mostly black and had tan on some parts of it's body. 

Looking at the sticker on the cage door, Jessica found out it was going to be a big dog, it was a girl and it's name was Lola. 

"Excuse me Ms. can I see this dog please." Jessica asked a nearby worker who nodded and opened the door allowing Jessica in. 

"Just tell me if need me m'am." the worker told her. 

Now in the cage with the dog, Jessica walked over to the dog kneeling down beside it. 

"You okay there?" she mumbled not wanting any people passing by to think she was crazy. 

"I'm alright just tired is all." the puppy answered not knowing Jessica could understand her. 

"Tired of what?" 

"Getting my hopes up, thinking maybe I'll find my special human but their all the same. They take me then end bringing me back." 

"That must really , here gimmie paw." Jessica said holding out her hand. 

"You can understand me?"  the puppy asked lifting her head to look at Jessica. 

"Yes, come on Timbit gimmie paw." Jessica said waiting for the puppy to put it's paw in her hand. 


"Yes, now don't question it. If you gimmie your paw then maybe me and you can blow this popcicle stand and talk about potential names for you." 

"You promise you won't take me back here or give me away?" the puppy asked cautiously with a tone of hope.

"I promise now come on, gimmie paw Timbit" Jessica promised honestly still holding out her hand.

Hearing the honesty in Jessica's voice the puppy got up and jumped on her her face.

"Timbit has a nice ring to it, let's go.." 

Holding Timbit close to her chest, Jessica smiled. 

"Ma'm I'd like to adopt this dog." Jessica told the worker as she exited the cage. 

"Oh and Timbit." Jessica said watching as the puppy turned to look at her. 

"My name it's Jessica." 

Whew there goes chapter one. 

Stay tuned in and see how Timbit and Jessica interact with each other. 

Tell me how you like it, or if ya hated it. 

Until next chapter.




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Chapter 1: lol timbit. haha i like this story.. it's something new. jessica can communicate with dogs.
haha prince is such a brat. :))

can't wait for more! ^^
shadowpanda #2
Chapter 1: This seems like a good story. I think it's interesting how Jessica can understand dogs. I hope you updated soon author-nim. Fighting!