It's too late

It's too late

Seungri used to think it’s never too late to do something.

For the first time, he regrets.

Seungri is now on the rooftop of YG Ent. Looking at the sky, he’s just a small star in the wide universe.

He feels lonely.

Today, Jiyong holds a press conference to public his marriage. His fiancée is a normal person, not a celebrity. She’s a perfect one for Jiyong. Ironically, Seungri knows it better than anyone else.

Seungri also know one thing: he loves Jiyong, and Jiyong loves him. 

“Jiyong, Daesung and I will the earliest to get married in Bigbang”. Taeyang once said that in an interview. Seungri just smiles. Bitter. He’s watching the person he loves more than anything get married.



Besides being the members of Bigbang, his relationship with Jiyong is no more than brotherhood. Jiyong is his favorite hyung. Similarly, he is Jiyong’s favorite maknae. There’s no such thing called “love” between them.


Seungri knows Jiyong love him, and he’s sure Jiyong love him back. They simply stay beside each other, and put the other beyond themselves.

Taeyang is the only one who knows the situation between him and Jiyong, and willing to support them. Accurately, Taeyang choose Jiyong side and support him unconditionally.

Even when he knows about the marriage, he just says

“Always think before doing Jiyong. But I’ll support you as always”. 

Seungri is annoyed with Taeyang’s loyalty. But he keeps hoping that Taeyang will remind Jiyong their relationship.



Hours pass, but Seungri keeps staring at the sky.

Suddenly, the door opens. It’s Jiyong. Seungri curses himself. He wants to avoid him, yet also wants to see him.

“It’s about time. Let’s go down.”

No need to turn around, Seungri can define Jiyong’s position at the moment. He’s leaning on the door, both of his hands put into his trousers’ pockets. More important, his eyes are now on Seungri, lovingly.

Seungri hates Jiyong. Actually, he hates everything Jiyong has ever done to him. Those things make it even harder to get Jiyong out of his mind.

“You should go first, hyung. Don’t let her wait”. His voice shows clearly his coldness.



Seungri knows he’s not a good actor. However, in front of Jiyong, his acting skill accelerate, so good that he can be an Oscar’s nominee.

Seungri avoids Jiyong, though his eyes look for him.

Seungri refuses Jiyong’s affection toward him, though his heart yearns for more.

But sometimes, Seungri allows himself to fall into Jiyong’s embrace. They share passionate kisses, hot make out. And after that, everything is back to normal.

Seungri feels like he and Jiyong are in a game. Hide and seek, which he will run and Jiyong will chase him. Tom and Jerry, that’s what people say. The only difference now is Tom finally quits the game, and let Jerry alone.



Seungri decides to go down. He turns back, Jiyong had left. Silence surrounds him, only the sound of his leather shoes against the marble stone of the stair can be heard. Just few more steps and Seungri will kiss his love goodbye, forever.



The conference room is full of cameras and reporters. On the wall behind them, the logo of YG Ent is hanging at the center. All of them are standing, with Jiyong and his fiancée in the middle.

Fighting the urge to look at Jiyong, Seungri tries to keep his head straight; his gaze focuses to the front. He forces a smile and tries acting normal.

The questions keep coming, the flashlight from the cameras keep appearing and the sound of keyboard typing keep playing. The girl, Jiyong’s fiancée, is sitting next to Seungri. Being a normal herself, she’s feeling extremely nervous. Her hand automatically looks for Jiyong’s hand, squeezes it lightly.

Seungri sees all. Even though his heart yells at him to snatch the girl’s hand off Jiyong’s, he keeps smiling. He holds a micro, answer the questions. He sometimes acts like an annoying maknae, telling jokes.

Seungri not even once looks at Jiyong, so he missed Jiyong’s sad eyes looking at him.

The press is over. Seungri passes Jiyong and his fiancée, keeps not looking at him. He says goodbye to everyone, and leaves.

He wants to be alone.



After going home, Seungri drowns himself in alcohol. His feeling right now can be described as a big mess. His heart screams for Jiyong, but his mind does opposite.

Slowly, Seungri falls into dreamland, which he hates the most. Cause it’s full of Jiyong’s images, deadly attractive.

Seungri feels cold.



When Seungri wakes up, he finds himself on the bed, with his comfortable sleep outfit. His lips linger a familiar mint taste.

His phone rings. It’s Jiyong’s fiancée.

She wants to meet him, and he says yes before his mind processes it.



Despite Seungri’s avoidance, the girl finds her way to make friend with him. She always greets him whenever she sees the Bigbang members.

They even hang out sometimes, much to Seungri uncomfortableness. The only reason for them meeting each other is for her to get to know more about Jiyong from his favorite maknae.



‘She’s a perfect one for Jiyong’. His heart aches when thinking of it. He wonders why it’s not him, but he never has courage to ask Jiyong that. And what’s the point of asking since he knows it’s too late for such question.



Seungri makes a quick breakfast, and gets ready for his meeting. The girl asks for his advices for everything that related to Jiyong. Surprisingly, he allows it to happen. Besides, it’s not her fault after all.

Seungri arrives at the place. He looks at his watch; he comes here 15 minutes early. Seungri takes time to observe the place.

After a while, Jiyong’s fiancée comes. She’s wearing a simple dress and doesn’t have any make up. She gives Seungri a small smile for greeting.

They sit down, have small conversations in awkwardness. After some nonsense chit chat, the girl finally speaks

“Seungri - ssi”


“I wonder if you could sing in our wedding ceremony, since you’re his favorite maknae and he loves your voice too.”

Seungri startles at the offer. Singing in his love wedding? His mind is screaming a no.

“I…I’d love to.”



Returning back home, Seungri still doesn’t understand why he accepted that offer easily.

“Maybe I need this, so I can leave this love behind, for good”. He mumbles for himself, his hand places on his left chest.




The wedding will be held in Paris, the city of love. It will take place at the famous cathedral, Notre Dame de Paris. Also, the wedding will be on Valentine Day.

They only have less than a month to get everything ready. Seungri realizes that it’s just him and the soon-to-be Jiyong’s wife are busy. Top and Daesung also help them when needed. On the other hand, Taeyang and the groom, Jiyong disappear. Seungri tries to ask the girl, but she just smiles and says that everything is fine; Jiyong is busy with something else.



One week before the wedding, everybody takes flight to Paris.

Seungri still haven’t seen Jiyong.



A day before the wedding, Taeyang appears. He brings the best man suits and gives them to the members.

There’s no sight of Jiyong.

Seungri takes his suit and puts it in the wardrobe, not even look at it.



The night before the wedding, Seungri still can’t find Jiyong.

Seungri and Jiyong’s fiancée go to the hotel bar. She wants to celebrate her bachelorette party with Seungri. After the party, the girl gives him a kiss on the forehead and whispers in his ear

“Thank you very much”.



3AM. Seungri can’t force himself to sleep. He knows he need to be ready at 8 in the morning, but he can’t sleep.

Seungri takes his phone and opens it. There’re 6 messages, with only one concept.

“I love you”.

All of them are written on Valentine Day, and haven’t been sent.

Seungri touches the screen. After a few seconds, all of the messages were sent. Their destination is Jiyong’s phone.

Though it’s too late now, Seungri still wants to do. It’s a last thing he can do, before leaving this miserable love behind.



7AM. The alarm rings fiercely. Seungri wakes up from his broken sleep. He takes a shower and puts his best man suit on. He leaves the room at 7:30. He has the final rehearsal with the members before the ceremony.



It’s a beautiful morning. Sky is blue and not too sunny. The wind blows lightly, brings along the rose scent from the nearby garden. Sunlight covers the walls of the old Notre Dame, makes it even more ancient and magnificent.

A perfect day for wedding.



Seungri arrives at the cathedral. He only sees Jiyong, who is standing in the middle of the cathedral. Jiyong is in his black suit. He’s smiling at Seungri, his eyes sparkle with happiness. Standing beside Jiyong are the other members. They’re also smiling at Seungri.

All of them are in their black suit.

That’s when Seungri realizes.

He’s wearing a white suit.


It’s never too late, Seungri.



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Chapter 1: Awwwww...
Chapter 1: omgggg so seungri is the one being who will married with jiyong??? he will not married with the girl right??? goddd simple story but sweet enough who make me dizzy ??????
Chapter 1: Oh my god .. this is so beautiful
Chapter 1: Ohhh......
Chapter 1: Oh my god now im crying ~~~~ this is so beautiful!!!!!
Chapter 1: I love this ftom Ri.s pov. I was wondering what message that Ji received in the middle of the night but did not reply any. And know I know.. Tq so much
Chapter 1: Oh my God it's beautiful... I really love it...He didn't realize that he will marriage with someone he love the most... Thanks to that girl, she can let go of Jiyong...