Chapter 4 - Welcome

Unknown Secret Love~When will it Bloom

Saturday evening, after accompanied my uncle to airport (He is going to New York). Uncle Sam (Boyfriend manager) brought me to their dorm. All of them were at dorm and they even prepared my room nicely. Uncle Sam only dropped me at their dorm and went away immediately because he had work to do.

“Annyeonghaseyo. . . “-Boyfriend

I just walked passed them, saying nothing.

“Btw, where is my room?” –me

“Oh ah. . . this is your room. I hope you like it.”-Hyungseong

He lead me to my room

“Ahhh. .ok, and where’s my luggage? And staffs?” –me

“It’s inside.” –Donghyun

“It’s already nicely packed” –Minwoo

“Ah ok.”-me

I went inside my room. True, it’s very clean and all my things were packed nicely and tidy.

“You should say thank you to us, you know.” –Minwoo

“Minwoo, don’t start it!” –Youngmin

“Why?” –me

“It’s manner. You should say thank you when someone has done something good to you.” –Minwoo

“Ah, really? I never heard of it. But why should I say it to you? Anyway, since young, someone else always does things for me but I never say thank you to them and they never complain or anything so. . .”-me

“Aish . . . this girl , really.” –Minwoo

“What? Rude? I get it a lot till I used to it.” –me

“Ok ok stop it two of you. It’s only our second meeting and you guys already started a fight ?!ok stop it, let’s get along with each other. No more fighting!” –Donghyun

“neee. . .” –All

“Whatever. . . “–me

“Saya, let’s eat together! We already prepared something for you ^^ it’s your welcoming party anyway. It’s tradition here.” –Jeongmin

“I’m not hungry.” –me

“Just a bit, it won’t hurt.” –Jeongmin

“I said, I’m not hungry. Just eat it by yourself. And don’t bother me.” –me

I closed my bedroom door. I knew that they were disappointed and angry. I did not hate them but I did not understand why I was so irritated at that moment. Maybe, because I never had such tradition before in my family and I felt it was very awkward. I confined myself inside the room and suddenly I fell asleep.

Boyfriend at the dining room, eating.

“Hyung did you see her attitude?” –Minwoo

“Yeah, how could we live with her? She really mean and rude, I don’t mind if she was a little bit rude but, she really is very rude.” –Youngmin

“Neee . . . and we are older than her, usually girl at her age will call us oppa or something right and talk formally. But she called us with ‘you’ or ‘yah’.” –Kwangmin

“Yeah, usually girl should talk nicely and sweetly but she really . . . I don’t know what to say.”-Minwoo

“OK OK, I understand your concern but you should not judge her that way. We barely know her, maybe she still in shock that she will be staying with us for don’t know how long.” –Hyungseong

“Yes, I agree with Hyungseonghyung. She is so young, just try to put yourselves in her shoes. I believe you’ll be shocked and angry too. Just look it in positive way. Maybe she has her own reason” –Jeongmin

“Yeah, just get along well with her. Especially the maknaes, you’ll be going to same school and be in same class as her soon anyway. Also, starting from today we are family.” –Donghyun

“Hyung, but don’t you think it’s weird?” –Kwangmin

“What?” –Donghyun

“Boss said she is from HSI high. Isn’t it a prestigious school and only extremely rich and smart people can go there? It’s hard to get into that school.” –Kwangmin

“Yeah, I also heard that rumor about that school and when we met her yesterday, her uniform really is from HSI high.” –Youngmin

“Yeah hyung, that school really is awesome. Many people wanted to go into that school. It’s hard to transfer into that school. But isn’t it such a waste if she transfer to our school? I mean it’s like from heaven down to earth.” –Minwoo

“Hahahaha . . . Minwoo, why you suddenly sound so poetic? What with that from heaven down to earth?” –Jeongmin

All laughed at Minwoo

“Hyung, but really hyung.It such a waste. I really don’t understand boss, is he planning to ruin her life or something? Or is boss planning to make her life better? But why boss did such things to her? Like making her transfer school and living with us. I really don’t understand. And why her parents did not say or do anything. No, why didn’t she live with her parents?” –minwoo

“Aigoo minwoo aa. .You really that curious huh? Then ask her yourself.”-Youngmin

“You are not curious? She suddenly comes like that.” –Minwoo

“True, all of us were curious. But just go with the flow. We will know it oneday anyway. Don’t think too much or you will be aged hahahaha” –Kwangmin

“Hyung, boss didn’t tell you anything about her?” –Jeongmin looked at Donghyun

“Truee, I think boss did tell you something right hyung. If not why did you agree with this and you are the one who looks the most relax out all of us. I believe you know something right hyung.” –Minwoo

“Ok, ok I was caught. He did tell me something about her bad background. He said she is can be rude at times and she fights a lot with people especially girls. She is targeted to bully and she has no friend because she really cold towards people. Sometimes her words can be poisonous and hurt others. However, she doesn’t mean it in bad way, she just too honest with what she thinks. And with living with us, boss hoped that we could change her to be a better person and teach her some basic manner. That all he told me.” –Donghyun

“AAhhhh . . . so it was like that . . . see she is not that bad.” –Hyungseong

“nee hyung” –Maknaes

“But she does not look like she is bullied by people.”-Minwoo

“Maybe she is. She is really pretty after all and maybe her friends are jealous. Or maybe because of her attitude people think that she is arrogant.”-Youngmin

“Yeah, true, if you looked at her closely she extremely pretty girl. Did she have a plastic surgery or something before? She is rich though” –Minwoo

“EEII. . . impossible, I think she is natural. It works of God. Also, she is still underage for such things and she is not an idol to be or trainee. Even so, I don’t think our boss or her parents are that kind of people.” –Hyungseong

“Hmm true, Also, I don’t think boss will do such things and look at her, she doesn’t have any skin care product or something like that, only basic cream and soap.” –Donghyun (they knew because they tidy up my things before I move in.)

“Yeah, true. I was so shocked. I thought girls should have a lot like skin product or something. She really weird. Not even a foundation or make-up kit.”-Hyungseong

“So hyung, does that mean, all this time she isn’t wearing any make-up. We are looking at her bare face?” –Kwangmin

“Aigoo, Kwangmin aa, you did not realize it? You really are very blur.” –Donghyun

“I thought nowadays girls hate to be seen bare faced, especially by men. They will at least put a minimal make-up or foundation right . . . Then that mean she really pretty even without make-up and minimal effort?! WAHHH life isn’t fair. Hahahaha” –Kwangmin

“You guys are also pretty. HAHHAHAHAHA” –Hyungseong

“Eiii. . . don’t be like that hyung hahahaha” -Youngmin

“But hyung, her clothes, dress and accessories are daebak! It’s really pretty, if I were a girl, I will be very jealous.” –Minwoo

“Yeah, I saw it too. If just now you packed her clothes, you will feel yourself shopping at high class shops. Hahahaha”-Youngmin

“Ok, ok, you guys want to be a girl is it? Hahahahaha” –Jeongmin

“NOO” –Minwoo and Youngmin

“Hyung, but how did she face the bullies? Such prestigious school also has bullies?” -Youngmin

“That, I don’t know. How she face the bullies. Ahhahaha may be she fight them back hahaha”- Donghyun

“So, does it mean by transferring to our school and be in the same class as us, we should protect her?”-Kwangmin

“Maybe, who knows, but I think you should protect her, she is our sister after all, right?” –Donghyun


“Ok, let’s tidy up and rest. We will have a long day tomorrow. Save your energy!”-Donghyun

“Neee hhyung”-All

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Are you going to update soon??????
Nice story...... please keep on it, Fighting!!!