Chapter 8

Unknown Secret Love~When will it Bloom

We were heading to office because Minwoo, Jotwins, and Jeongmin needed to go for practice to prepare for their debut and I followed them because there would be no one in the dorm. Also, it was troublesome to send me to dorm and a waste of time. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was uncle.

“Saya, how was school? Is it fun?” –Uncle


“Why? Did you make any friend?” –uncle

“Nope” –me

“ahh. . . I see. .”-uncle

“Uncle, why did you call at this hour? Aren’t you in New York?” –me

“Ah, just wanted to know how things there.” –uncle

“Ne, uncle, when will you come back here? Anyway, why did you go back and forth to New York?” –me

“Ahhh, Dad (means your grandpa) asked me to. There still unfinished business here.” –uncle

*let me explain. Even though uncle has his own Entertainment Company now, but he could not neglect his family business. My Grandpa (mother side) has many companies overseas. He is the largest shareholder in Entertainment industries as well as other areas. Instead depending on his father, uncle chooses to open his own Entertainment Company. However, because he is the only son, he needs to help Grandpa to manage the companies because Grandpa only can depend on him now. Since my mom married to my dad, mom is very busy with my dad’s family business so Grandpa feels sorry for her. Hence, he rarely asked my mom to help him. Ah, also my parents’ parents are friend with each other that why mom and dad married with one another. Luckily, they loved each other.***

“Ah. . .”-me

“Oh yeah, Saya, Ms JinRu (director of Star Entertainment) will take care of your things in my absence. So be good and don’t cause any problem for her . . . yeahh. . . so-called your guardian or my replacement hahahaha” –uncle

“Hah? What? Actually how long will you stay in New York?” –me

“Until I finish the work here. Also Gramps will come to Korea soon. Make sure you pay a visit.” –uncle

“What? Gramps is coming?” –me

“Soon, he will let you know. You are his favorite granddaughter after all. . ahhahahaha”- uncle

“Yeah yeah whatever.”-me and I hang up. I was very irritated. First because he forced me to live with Boyfriend. Secondly, he made me transfer school and I was bullied on my first day. Third, he left for New York and leaved me with MsJunRi. Did he know how scary and strict she can be? I knew she was caring, responsible and such but. . . Seriously can my life get any worse than this?!


“Is that boss?” –Jeongmin

“Nee.” -me

“What did he say?” –Jeongmin

“Why do you want to know?” –me

“Ah. .nothing.”-Jeongmin


@Star Entertainment Practice Room

Boyfriend started their practice and as usual, I sit comfortably in the corner of the room. I opened the file that the teacher gave me earlier. I stared at the paper.

“What is this?! Introduction form? Am I going for interview or something? Isn’t it uncle already taken care of all the things?!” –I whispered

I filled in the form. The questions were weird, in my opinion. I thought “Is it needed? What the hell with the question and why they wanted to know my hobby, dream and why do you want to be in entertainment industry.”

“Saya, what are you doing? Studying?” –Kwangmin

“Nope” –me

Donghyun came into the practice room with Hyungseong. They had vocal training earlier. Both of them approached me and asked how was school. I didn’t answer them.

“Saya, what is that?” –Donghyun

“Self-introduction form.” –me

“Ahh . . . I see” –Donghyun

Minwoo, Jeongmin and Jo twins came to look at the paper.

“YAH, Saya, what is that?! Are you planning to hand it in like that?” –Minwoo pointed at the paper.

“Nee.” –me

Kwangmin took and read my self-introduction paper out loud.

“Name: Woo Sa Ya; Birth: 8 July 1996; Primary school: HSI primary school; Middle school: HSI high; Hobby: none; Dream: none; Why do want to be in Entertainment industry: Don’t know, uncle maybe; Ambition: haven’t found . . .WAHH DAEEBAK!”-Kwangmin looked at me with his big eyes.

“Seriously this girl . . . aish, do you know you will be in trouble if you hand it in like that?Do you want to be called by the principal and punished?”-Minwoo

“Hm, not bad, ok. .then. . .” I took the paper from Kwangmin hand and wrote “Ambition: to head master, if you want to know about me then call me for the interview. Writing it in the paper is a bit tiring and waste of time.”

“Saya! Are you crazy?! You dare to write such things?” –Youngmin

“Yeah, it’s better to go for interview.Right?”-me

“I will not help you if anything happened ok.”-Youngmin

“Nee~ I never ask for your help anyway.”-me

Suddenly Boyfriend manager called me. He asked me to go Ms JunRi office.


@Ms JunRi office

“Yes, Saya, aigoo. . . you already this big, please have a sit.” –Ms Jun Ri


“Ok ,Saya, I’ll in charge of you in place of your uncle. So please listen to me and do approach me if you need anything. Also, about you staying with Boyfriend must keep a secret from people. Do you understand? And I’ll take care of your school and everything.” –MsJunRi

“Nee~ ah, Auntie. . .” –me

“Eii. .don’t call me auntie, call me noona JunRi noona”-Ms JunRi

“Ahh nee nee whatever, I want to ask about that school. You should know right why uncle put me into that school. Also, you do know me and my background. Isn’t it putting me in that school is a bit. . . Also, aren’t the students there aspiring to be an idol or something?” –me

“Saya.You doesn’t have to worry. This is the best for you. Yes I know you dislike being an idol or something like that. Also, about your safety, we had already considered it. And we already discussed this whole situation with your family and they all agreed. Also, your Grandfather approved it. In addition, the reason why Mr Kim put you into that school for you to learn business management. Don’t you know that school has ‘Special Class’? Your uncle put you in that class. That class teaches management in entertainment and business. Only some selected students attend that class.” –Ms JunRi

“So, does that mean I do not need to attend vocal, dancing and acting classes? Then. .  It’s alright.” –me. Preparing to go out of the room

“No, you still need to attend but not as much as the rest. But you’ll have special lesson here. You will found out the details at school tomorrow.”-MsJunRi

“Ahh~ nee. whatever”-me, I didn’t really care and listen to her words.

“And don’t cause trouble at school!” –MsJunRi

“Nee nee” –me. I went out of her room in rush. Quite satisfied because I do not need to attend such annoying classes. 

Ms JunRi POV

“I hope that girl could make friend in that school. She such a problematic child. Hah~ She already grew up now. Hah! I missed the old days when she was still a brat, but she stills a brat even now hahaha she haven’t changed a bit. Still very cold and ignorant. ‘Special class’ huh?!Doesn’t she know she will meet many interesting people from that class?! I hope ‘that’ nightmare would not come back Hahahaah Mr Kim really is something. I don’t understand him. Now I’m really worried. Hope she won’t cause any trouble for Boyfriend as well. There are so much works to do now~ ”


I was happy and went back to practice room smiling. Boyfriend was dumbfounded looking at me. It was rare for me to smile happily like that especially after being called to MsJunRi office.

“Nee, Saya what happened? Did she do something to you?” – Jeongmin

“Nothing”- I smiled

“Saya, I think we need to go to hospital” –Minwoo


“You look extremely happy. I think you hit something hard.”-Minwoo

“So, do you mean I cannot be happy?!” –me *angry

“No, we didn’t mean that way. It’s just unusual to see you like this.”-Hyungseong

“Yeah, I hope you look like this every day. Hahahaha” –Donghyun

“Then, people will think that I’m crazy!”-me

All of them laughed. And I gave them poker face.

“HAHAAHAH no, what I mean is that it is good to look at you if you are happy. I hope you will be happy every day.” –Donghyun

“Ahh~” –me

“Anyway, what happen?” –Youngmin

“Because I will go ‘Special Class’ instead of performing classes. Isn’t it great?! I do not need to be always in the same class as you.” –me

Minwoo and Jo twins were shocked when they heard ‘Special Class’


“Nee~ “-me

“Don’t you know what ‘Special Class’ for?! Are you sure?” –Youngmin

“Nope, how could I know?!” –me

“What wrong with that class anyway? It sounds good though.” –Hyungseong

“Yeah, is that a bad thing?” -Donghyun

“If you go to that class, you would not have chance to perform during festival or to be an idol. If you are not signed with a company, you won’t be a trainee. Also, I heard a rumor that class consist so-called problematic students and lack of talents. Also, in ‘Special Class’ they will give you the worst teacher or sometimes there will be no teacher or coach to teach you dancing, singing etc. But I don’t know the details. It’s only a rumor I heard.” –Youngmin

“DAEBAK! Even my school doesn’t have such things. Hahahahaha. . . But isn’t it bad if they treated the students like that? It’s quite unfair though. So why did they accept those students in the first place?” –Jeongmin

“Yeah, if so, why did the school accept those students?”-Donghyun

“Ah, then it’s perfect! I don’t have any plan to perform or to be signed with a company.” -me

“Why? Then why did you attend the art school?”-Jeongmin

“Uncle made me transfer, remember?!” –me

“ah, yes yes” –Jeongmin. He a little bit confused.

“We don’t know the details about that class but I always heard negative comments about that class.”-Kwangmin

“AH, you see, I heard that ‘Special Class’ is not good. But I don’t know the details and the facts. But from what I heard the people in that class are problematic and lack of talent. They never really show their talents though, so I really don’t know why people called them lack of talent. It’s weirdand mysterious at the same time.  Also, erm ok look here. SOA have two classes one is regular class and the other one is performing classes. (minwoo scribble the white board)” –Minwoo

“Regular class is our class right now. We are learning subjects that needed for collage entrance. And for performing art Classes we learn idol-related things such as dancing, singing, acting etc. In performing art Class, it divided into levels.

Level 1- Mostly selected students and high-ranked idols. They will give many privileges to this class. The best teachers and coaches. Private lessons and everything. Also, they will be given larger sum of money to prepare for ‘Once a year Festival’ that our school made every year. From that festival, some of them will be scouted by talent agencies, usually the better one. Hence, because most of the students in this class have more chance to be famous than the rest.

Level 2- Mostly trainee and some idols.Jo twins and I are in this class.

Level 3- Trainee and normal students.

Level 2 and 3 is the same. They gave us same privileges and also good teachers and coaches. It’s like a normal performing art school. We don’t receive too much but not less.

All of the classes above required auditions but I heard ‘Special Class’ doesn’t require any audition. They look at academic results and you will be interviewed directly with the principal or worse the head master. Also, during ‘Once a Year Festival’ where all the students try their best to showcase their talents and abilities, ‘Special Class’ students never attended it. Many people said they are lack of talent so they do not dare to perform. But from what I heard, in ‘Special Class’ they will learn mostly about management in Entertainment and business, we do also learn such things but the fact I never see them using music or dancing room. Because this is an art and performing school, learning too much of things are a bit . . . out of place. So, people will call those from that class ‘nerd’, ‘book worms’, ‘trash of the school’ etc.

But, don’t you think it’s weird? Why did the school accept them in the first place if they do not have any talents? Also, this class was created not long ago, when the school changed the principal, probably when we were in 2nd year of middle school. But I heard those in ‘Special Class’ were the students who were chosen by the Head Master himself. Then why people called them ‘unwanted’? ” –Minwoo

“Yeah, I also heard that but don’t you think that after the principal changed and Yosu transferred, our school became really weird? Also, I heard our principal dislike those people in ‘Special Class’ for some reason that she created that class for those people. Not only that, before we also did not have leveling system but after ‘Special Class’ created, the principal started with that leveling system.” –Youngmin

“Yeah, yeah that true. I heard from that those in ‘Special Class’ were students that were rejected by the principal but accepted by the Head Master. Because of that, the principal was unhappy about it and created that class to separate them. However, why didn’t the Head Master do something about it?”-minwoo

“Yeah, but come to think of it, that Yosu, girl in our class, didn’t she transfers to our school during our 2nd year of middle school, where all these mess happened and she immediately went to level 1. Don’t you think it’s weird? She is not an idol or trainee at that time right? And she suddenly became the queen of the whole school?” –Kwangmin

“Hey three of you, look here . . . who are you talking to? Ahhahahah” –Hyungseong

“We are talking to Saya , Why hyung?”-Minwoo. They looked back.

“Look here hahahaha, while you were talking she sleep on my lap peacefully.hahahah”-Jeongmin

“OMG this girl! We are trying to explain things to her so that she will not choose the wrong path and she sleep?! Aish seriously I can’t handle her.”-Minwoo

“Hahahahahah. . . this is daebak. . .Your explanation sound like bed time story for her.” –Donghyun

“This girl really doesn’t care about her life huh?! She made enemy on her first day and . . .”-Youngmin

“YOUNGMIN!” –Minwoo. He glared at Youngmin because they promised not to tell the hyungs what happened today.

“WHAT?!Enemy? Tell us!” –Hyungseong

“Yeah! You could not hide this from your hyung. What did she do?”-Donghyun

“She . . . made the teacher speechless.” –Kwangmin *softly

“She, what?”-Jeongmin

“Today at school, she stepped on the queen of the school leg” –Kwangmin

“What? Queen, what?” –Hyungseong

“Queen, the girl name is Yosu, she is the queen of our school. Everyone wanted to be in her group of friends and she like to bully others so she will be respected and scared by the whole school. She also very close to the current principal so no one dare to do anything to her. The principal adore her so much. That what I heard from the seniors.” –Youngmin

“Does that mean, she made enemy with the worst person of all, then will she be alright then?” –Hyungseong

“In my opinion no, she will be bullied. And to make things worse, she will be attending that ‘Special Class’.” –Youngmin

“Then. . . aigoo seriously I’m really extremely worried about her. Will she be alright?” –Jeongmin

“Ehhh~ Why? Did you worry about her so much? Do you like her or something, hyung ahahahaha”-Kwangmin

“Don’t you worry about her too? Of course, I do like her as a younger sister. Even though she rude and cold but sometimes she is cute and can be childish without her realizing it herself. She really has a lot of pride and it’s funny to see her act and talk. Also, her attitude is something that very worrisome. I really have that feeling to protect her like my real younger sister. In my family, I’m the youngest so having her as my younger sister. It makes me feel the sense of responsibility. Hahahahaha”-Jeongmin

“Since when did you speak like that? Hahahaha. . .but I also felt the same way as Jeongmin. I don’t know why but there this feeling that I need to protect her like younger sister. Actually, the first time I saw her, her eyes really. .  . I can’t explain it but I know that I need to protect this kid.”-Donghyun

“Actually, me too. Her attitude is something. It’s bad but I don’t really dislike it. She talks what she thinks. She is just too honest and speaks her mind. However she doesn’t know how to put it nicely.ahhaha” –Hyungseong

“Yeah me too. I also felt the same way.” –Jo twins *at the same time

“Nee. . .,I also felt the same way. Even though we always fight, I really do care about her. She can be a pain at times though. Selfish and all but I don’t know why I don’t really hate her hahahaha. . . true, she is extremely worrisome. But don’t you think she is a little bit childish? Ahhahahaha” –Minwoo

“You too, Minwoo. Actually 4 of you are worrisome and childish HAHAHAHAH” –Donghyun

“EhhhhHyung!” –Minwoo and Jo twins

They continued with their practice. Jeongmin slowly put my head on the mattresses besides him. 

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Are you going to update soon??????
Nice story...... please keep on it, Fighting!!!