Chapter 6 - First Day of New School

Unknown Secret Love~When will it Bloom

March – First day of new school

As always, morning was the most hectic time of the day. Especially when there were 6 high school students in the dorm. Of course, the hardest to wake up was still Youngmin, Minwoo and I. But out of three of us the worst is Youngmin. He could sleep even when he was standing up. As a result, Hyungseong, Kwangmin and Jeongmin would wake the three sleepy head.

About Donghyun, he is a university student so could wake up a little bit later than us. Also, he will go practice room for training. After all he is the leader of the group so he will have more things to do and responsibly for the group.

Hyungseong came into my room to wake me up because he knew that I won’t wake up if no one shook me.

“Saya, wake up! It’s time for school!” –Hyungseong

 “neee~ 5 min more. . .”-me *Half asleep

“No, it’s already 6 . . . “-Hyungseong

“Go wake Minwoo or Yougnmin first!” –me

“They already up. Saya, faster. . .”-Hyungseong

“Nee. Nee. I already up.” –me , still lying on my bed

“Then out from your bed and go to bathroom.”-Hyungseong

“hmmm. . . “-me, still on bed.

Hyungseong pulled my hand and he dragged me into bathroom.

“Don’t sleep inside, you’ll be late for your first day if you sleep, understand?!” –Hyungseong screamed from outside.

“Yes yes”-me


“Saya, are you done?” –Kwangmin

“Yes, yes.”-me

I went out from my room and. . .

“SAYA, where are your tie and blazer? it’s your first day of school you know?! You need to wear full school uniform.” –Youngmin

“Huh? Ahhh, you mean that long cloth. I don’t know what that is and I just left it inside my room. Also, isn’t it hot wearing a blazer, it’s not winter anyway. So I also left it.”-me

“Aish, seriously. . .”-Youngmin

Youngmin quickly took the tie and blazer from my room. Minwoo came out from his room. . .

“Saya, are you planning going to school looking like that? Do you want to be punished on your first day? hahahaha”-minwoo

“Saya, quick, wear it.” –Youngmin

“But I don’t know how to tie a tie . . . so I choose not to wear it. Anyway it’s ugly.”-me

“Seriously?! Then who tie your tie this whole time? Aren’t you old school also need to wear a tie?” –Kwangmin

“Ok, ok see here, this is how you wear a tie.” –Jeongmin

He taught me step by step.

“Aish, it’s complicated! Just go without it.”-me

“Aish, if we continued like this, all of us will be late. Saya, come here.” –Minwoo *He tied my tie

Usually girls would blush or their heart would skip a beat. But I didn’t. Also, I didn’t react when he was tying my tie. I was really ignorant.

“Ok, done. Now wear your blazer and let’s go.” –Minwoo

All of us went down using escalator.

“Saya, aren’t your skirt a bit too short for a new student? You should give a good first impression right?” –Kwangmin

“Nope. I thought normally people wear it like this.” –me

“And, why you use ankle socks? Isn’t it too short? You will be in trouble if your socks can’t be seen.”-Youngmin

“HAH~ seriously, both of you, stop complaining. You like chirping bird in the morning! So noisy.  So what if my skirt is short, it’s not that short though. And so what if my socks are an ankle socks? It’s still white and can be seen a bit. If it can’t be seen, I just need to take out my shoes right?” –me

Minwoo,Jeongmin and hyungseong laughed at us.

“Youngmin, Kwangmin, just let her be. I think the length is still acceptable. Hahahahah. . .”- Minwoo

“Yeah, both of you look like her parents hahahahah. . . “-Jeongmin

“see. . .”-me

Both of them gave ‘whatever’ faces and kept quiet.

“Anyway, Saya, button up your blazer.” –Hyungseong

“Why? Its ugly and I look weird. It seemed that I’m sinking with the blazer if I button it up.”-me

“Aigoo. .  This girl. You should look tidy, see all of us buttoned our blazer. It’s only for the first day so bare with it.” –Hyungseong

“Nope, I don’t want to, first it’s ugly, second it’s hot, it’s not even winter. . .”

Minwoo approached me and he buttoned my blazer and I stopped talking.

“Hyung, it’s useless telling her what to do. Here done.” –Minwoo smiled

I gave him a sour face.

Uncle Manager brought Jeongmin to his school first then ours because his school is nearer.  And hyungseong went to school with public transport because his school was in opposite direction from ours. Also he liked using public transport and met his friends on his way. He wanted to spend his last

year of being a high school student in such a normal way-like he always did before he was trainee (Even though now he is still a trainee). Uncle Manager dropped the maknaes in front of school gate and. . . .

“Saya, let’s go.”-Youngmin

“No, I don’t want to be seen with three of you. Uncle, go to the car park.” –me

“Why? Come on, don’t start it. . .”-Kwangmin

“No. . . I’ll go alone!” –me

“SAYA!” –Youngmin

“Stop it both of you, I understand, Saya you do whatever you like. We are going now. Don’t be late for the entrance, ok.”-Minwoo

“hmm”- me

Uncle Manager drove me to car park and he smiled

“You really a kind kid. You sure understand the situation right away hahahhaha”-Manager

“Nah, I just do not want to be center of attention. They are idol to be and I don’t want to get involve with them and give troubles” –me

“aahhh. . . I see, you really are kind hahahaha , anyway be careful. Bye~” –manager

“hmm, bye~” –me

Maknaes POV

“That girl really. . . I already tried to be good to her so that she won’t be alone at this school.” –Youngmin

“Yeah, why she did not want to be seen together with us? Are we that bad?”-Kwangmin

“Both of you are so dumb! What she did is to protect us! Don’t you understand the situation?” –Minwoo

Both of the twins were shocked and really didn’t get the situation. They looked at Minwoo for the explanations.

“What do you mean?”-Kwangmin

“Look, she is a girl. If people saw us coming out from the same car with her, people will have negative thoughts about us.There will be a lot of rumors about us even before our debut. Do you understand what will happen? If that happens, we can’t debut as an idol for the rest of our life. Do you know how scary is the media nowadays?” –Minwoo

“ahh I see. . .”-Youngmin

“So does that mean, she actually cares about us?”-Kwangmin

Youngmin and Minwoo looked at Kwangmin.

“Hmm. . . Maybe. Who knows ” –Minwoo

“So she not actually that bad, she still a human huh?! Hahahah”-Youngmin

“Your joke is not funny, Youngmin.Hahaha” –Minwoo

Three of them went to the school hall for the enterance ceremony 

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Are you going to update soon??????
Nice story...... please keep on it, Fighting!!!