Best Christmas Eve Ever

A Christmas One Shot for my sister Harmony Angel!

It was a terrible snowy day Christmas eve i should say everyone will be here tomarrow and not a thing is done!                                                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D.O. So are you ready for everyone to be at your place in 5 hours?

Chowa Of course why wouldn't I, But I do need some help!!

D.O. I'll be over in 15 minutes to come help you out!

Chowa okay i'll see you soon!

D.O. is now offline any messages you send will go into his text mesages!

*Knock Knock* COME IN! Where are you Chowa? Just a minute i'm in my bedroom changing into my work cllothes! Okay! Where do we start  frist? How about the furniture? okay sounds good to me.!

After the inside was done you guys did some paingting from yellow to blue.

"well thank you"!!! said chowa 

*D.O. blushes* "it was nothig really". D.O. said

"well want to go inside and get somethig to drink or eat"? said Chowa

"sure" said D.O. 


*Buzz Buzz*  hello where are you it's been an hour come on out!!!!! HELLO!!!! Sorry I have to go not but i'll take you out for dinner at 9:35 and we will go out! Said he shut the door behind him. hmm.... what to where he'll be here in 2 hours.

*Ding Dong* "ready we are going to a karkoe bar  okay

i love your dress Chowa! now come on we  have some karkoekie" said D.O.

"what was that all about?", said chowa 

"oh.... that was nothing really", said D.O

"no really who was it?", said chowa

"it was my ex-girlfriend, well now that i dumped her",said D.O

"oh..... okay",said chowa
"seee i told you",said D.O 

"yea but i was hoping you would not say that", said chowa
"why not?",said D.O

"because that was how i got dumped",said chowa

"i'm so sorry, would you be with anybody else if you wanted to?",said D.O

"yes! only if they truly loved me",said chowa

"well ready to go?, i have a big surprise for you",said D.O

"okay!",said chowa

*48 minutes later*

"where here!"said D.O

"really?",said chowa

"yes!",said D.O

"k,so what is the surprise?",asked chowa

"this!!",said D.O *as he held a black case and kneels down*

" chowa will be you be my girl?"

"yes!! i will",said chowa

"now lets go do some karaoke",said D.O

as you guys walked off and had a wonder full time!!

                                                            For my sister Harmony Angel 
                                                                HOPE YOU LIKE IT SIS!!    

                                                                                                                                                                            :-*    ENJOY!!!!!   :-*

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Chapter 1: Sorry if you don't like it you can just tell me and sorry for the bad spelling! merry Christmas and a happy new year!