Love you too.

Say you love me.

Say you love me.


  Ah, winter.


  The two were there snuggling at each other’s presence as the night slowly gotten colder. The younger one, acting like his age, wriggled his head in between the dragon’s folded arm as he tried to see what he was reading. Kris shifted his arm a little, allowing the unicorn’s small head to fit through the small space before continuing his book. Lay stared at the book for a while, then stared at the dragon, and then back at the book. He couldn’t understand what was so nice with that book filled with a bunch of tiny words and no pictures at all. If it were for him, he would have read a manga instead.


  The unicorn slowly got sick of the book and slides his head down to the dragon’s thigh, lying there comfortably while turning on the TV. Kris took little notice of his actions as he continued his “dictionary-like” novel, apparently more interesting than his boyfriend.


  The living room’s atmosphere has gotten more boring by the minute, with Lay flipping through random channels and Kris playing with his hair. Their faces looked so emotionless that it will probably freeze the whole Antarctica and save global warming. The typical unicorn couldn’t stand the silence between them before getting up from his position, gaining Kris’s attention.


“What’s wrong? I thought you like the way I touch your hair.”


“I do but I’m so bored and you’re just there… doing that.” The unicorn simply pointed with a disgusted face.


Kris looked down his book before staring at him. “It’s called reading and I hope you will try it too.”


“No way I will. It’s already boring enough to be with you and now you want me to have that dumb hobby of yours.”


“ Oh really? And who was the one that cried for three hours when I left for Canada without notice?” Kris smirked as he placed his book down.


Lay’s eyes literally widened in shock.“ Tha- that was just because … because …”  


“Because of what? Cause I might leave you forever?” Kris snickered.


Lay’s face reddened in embarrassment before turning to another side, attempting to hide his tomato-like face. It was true but he didn’t want to admit it, come on, who the hell would. Kris panicked a little, hoping that his boyfriend won’t give him the silent treatment for a month again before giving him a backhug. The unicorn automatically melted upon the dragon’s warm arms wrapping his waist. He turned his head a little and gave the older one a light peck on the face and receiving one in return.


“I love you baby.”


“I lo--uh you too!”


Kris pulled his head back in astonishment. “What did you say?”


“…What you just said.”


“ Say it again.”


“Why? There’s no point in doing it again.”


“Yes there is, so say it again.”


“I lo--ah you too!”


“That’s not what I said.”


“It is!”


Kris looked at the defending unicorn, puzzled over his actions. It’s not like he never said it before- wait a minute. He never did. It was always Kris who said it. For one whole year, he’s always “me too” and “mmhhmm yeah” towards him. And he never realized. Even thought it’s nothing big, he does not like this fact. The fact that Lay is making him feel a bit naïve about this relationship.


“ Hey you, you never said that phrase towards me before!”


“I…I didn’t? Oh silly me! Wait, what’s the time? Time for me to go to bed already? So yeah good night!” Lay spitted out before scrambling to their room.


And since Lay casually locked the room door, we have Kris sitting there all dumbfounded, in the living room, for the whole night.



The whole day passed by quickly, with Kris in the office until dusk and Lay cleaning up the house for the whole afternoon. Last night, Kris practically froze for 3 hours in the living room until the unicorn secretly came out to put a blanket on him before hanging his suit on the clothes rack. He then didn’t see him until after work, where Lay was at home preparing dinner.


Lay looked up from his magazine upon hearing the doors unlock, excited to know his boyfriend has come home. He greeted the dragon normally with his happy tone, but somehow, Kris looked at him with a monotonous expression before walking towards the dining table for dinner. The unicorn’s excitement dropped drastically upon his reaction, only to realize how large of an impact a phrase can be.


He then slowly trailed over to the table and ate, glimpsing at his boyfriend once in a while. The unicorn felt extremely sorry for him and wasn’t even expecting him to know that there was a twist in the dishes today. Actually, he wasn’t expecting him know anything at all.


“Hey, you know today is-“ Lay tried to lighten up the mood.


“I don’t really feel like talking today. It’s not you, its just work. Oh yeah, I’ll take a shower and sleep earlier. I lov- I mean, thanks for the meal.” Kris spoke tiredly before trailing off to the room.


Lay nodded lightly before keeping the dishes, even though he hasn’t finished yet. He didn’t even know what he was doing anymore, all he wanted to do was to give him a surprise today but then he has to up. And now, he doesn’t even know how to save the whole situation. The cake is still sitting in the fridge and he still hasn’t given him the last surprise. Not just that, he’s upset and thinks that this whole relationship is a joke.


He just doesn’t know what to do now.


Kris was already on the bed, not really sleeping, somewhat like self-reflecting. He was wondering was it right for him to act like that towards him. He knows extremely well how his actions will affect him but he just couldn’t help it. Knowing that the person that is the most important to you might not feel like how you are; it’s making doubt this relationship for the very first time.


It was until midnight when he heard Lay entered the room, footsteps lightly tapping on the floor and breath sounding unstable. The mattress sunk down a little under Lay’s weight as he slept beside the dragon, barely within touching distance. Kris wasn’t asleep but he didn’t want to face him yet, so he continued to fake it.


“Kris? You’re asleep?”


Maybe. Maybe not.


“ Well I just wanted to tell you, I’m sorry”


For what? Hurting my feelings? It’s okay. I’ll get over it.


“I know you might think that I’m taking this relationship as a joke,”


I don’t know, do you think I am thinking that way?


“But I’m not. I really do - sigh – love you and I don’t want you to think that I’m joking.”


Woohoo you said it.


“I’m just feeling insecure, you know? I was afraid that if I fall in too deep, you might leave me. I don’t know, I was just scared.”


You must have not realized that if you didn’t date me, nobody will.


“And now, I really hope that you wouldn’t be angry anymore since today’s our very first anniversary.”


Haha I wasn’t angry at the first place- wait what today’s our anniversary? Holy crap I forgot oh damn.


“I know you’ll be so busy and you’ll forget but I don’t blame you, it’s my fault for making things worse between us. I also got us cake and I wanted to say ‘I love you’ while hugging you but it’s too late I guess.”


Please stop saying it’s making me feel guilty goddamit how could I forget today uh so now how.


Lay let out a soft sigh and planted a kiss on the dragon’s head before sleeping.


“Goodnight darling, and I love you.”


Kris slowly turned towards Lay before wanting to punch himself. He should have known that Lay was really sensitive and insecure when it comes to relationships but he let his dumb mind to tell him otherwise. He then slowly crawled towards the unicorn before wrapping his arms around his waist, probably trying to apologize in his own special way.


“Kris? What’s wrong?” Lay turned over, shocked at his actions.


“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t know what was going through your mind and treated you so coldly. I even forgotten our anniversary today and made you feel sad. I deserve every slap you give me now.” Kris mumbled while nuzzling in Lay’s neck.


“It’s okay. You and I both misunderstood each other but since now everything’s resolved, I only hope that you’ll stay with me forever, or else I’ll chase you till the end of the earth.”


“You can save the strength cause I’m not even planning to do that.” Kris replied to the unicorn’s little threat before giving him a light kiss on the face.



“Love you, Lay.”


“Love you too, Kris.”



a/n: ooooooooh eeeeehhh ahhhh



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Chapter 1: Love u too my kray ><
Chapter 1: oh my, this is so adorable. (i can feel my face hurting from smiling)
leolliepop #3
Chapter 1: oh gosh ;;;;; this is a very suitable way to start off the yearrrrr a fluffy sweet idiotic adorable fanxing \o/ i love this story so so much i love your stories so so much and i love you tooo so so so much because you posted a story even tho you just posted one few weeks ago ;~; HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! xoxo, i hope you'll still stay continue to write more fanxing~~*
Chapter 1: awwww.... that was so... idek >.< sweet? lovely? heartwarming? may be all of the above >.< <3
nfntwoogyu #5
Chapter 1: Kray was super duper cute and adorable! This story was amazingly cute. Thank you for making this story,author-nim. ^^