Chapter 2

Two Blood
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"You know you come to the wrong place dont you?" Kris questioned.

"I..I didnt do any wrong!" The guy said as Kris pull his head. The guy feel like his head about to break from his body.

Kris is well known with his cruelness when killing their enemies expecially vampires. Though demons is more powerful than vampires, but what made Kris being sick with vampires is because vampires onece attacked demons because they lacking of fresh blood. And the only ways for vampires to get the blood instantly with attacking demons. Its not the blood that made Kris very mad towards vampires. Theres something happen that day. The things that he doesnt want to remember ever again.


Suddenly a plume of black smoke get closer to the place where Kris punished his victim. Kris turn to looks who is coming. From inside the black smoke Kai appeared with his hands inside the pocket his lips. Kris notice a dried blood on Kai lips. He's smirk looking at Kai.

"Having a great dinner?" Kris greeted him.

Kai smirk then he stand beside Kris. Kai look at the vampire guy Kris had punish. His face has been covered with a black tickish liquid. 'Vampire blood' Kai's thought. He then look at Kris.

"Are you gonna eat him?" He asked.

"No." A short answer from Kris.

"It waste then." Kai smirk.

"Its all yours." Kris replied Kai. He begin to walk out and then he turn to Kai and whisper to him but still the vampire guy can here it.

"Make sure theres nothing left. I dont want my place get dirty."

Kai grins showing his sharp fang ready to kill his victim.

As Kris reach outside the building he can hear a screaming and then he grins and shake his head.




 Clary throw the stick into the fire then seat near the bonfire to make her body warm. Its kinda cold that night. She look up at the sky. 'no stars' she thought. The sky looks cloudy maybe the rain will come after all. Junhyung look at Clary. He can read her face. She looks worried. He approached her just want to comfort her.

"Cool night." He said.

"Yeah." She replied sighing without looking at him.

"Is there anything you wanted to tell me Clary?" He asked suddenly when she notice that Clary sighing. 

Silent. No answer from her.

"Clary?" He called her as he look at her and that he notice that Clary was staring in the bushes. He looked at the direction Clary were staring and theres nothing.

'I think I saw something' Clary thought.

"Clary!" Junhyung called her as he grab her arm. Clary startled at Junhyung's.

Clary shake her head and look again at the bushes. 'What was that?' She thought. 'I knew I saw something.' she continue. "I need a fresh air. Could you please let me?" Clary asked Junhyung and he let her. 

She walked into the bushes that she think she saw something. She wanna find out what is that she saw. She wanna make sure that she really saw a thing or its just her hallucination. She check around the the bushes and found nothing weird. Its look normal to her. "I'm sure

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Ankzara17 #1
Please update soon! The first chapter is so interesting and mysterious in some ways. Thank you.
Ankzara17 #2
It sounds so fricking good but I already feel bad for JunHyung, since that's why I came to this page. However, I was too fond of the forward to look at another story. Please update