The Meeting

A Relationship Is Not A Test So Why Cheat ?


Tiffany's P.O.V

Tears of joy filled up our eyes as we gazed at the amazing building that is standing right in front of our faces . 
You see TS Entertainmet is not just any kind of building standing in the middle of Seoul ,
it's a place were your ultimate biases made their dreams come true.

Suddenly the door opens and we immidiately wipe away the tears that were forming up a few seconds ago .
We look back up and see B.A.P's manager s l o w l y  heading towards us like we've got all day .

"Annyeong Haseyo" the two of us say in a calm voice while making a 90o  bow.
He annoyingly replies with a simple 'hello' and leads us into a large room where we'll probably meet the boys .
After 5 minutes of waiting we hear footsteps of several people. 
(Its obviously our B.A.P oppas)
Minah and I look at each other , both of us smiling from ear to ear from the excitement.
Once again, the door opens and six gorgeous looking creatures come into this large
room that we were waiting in for those eternal five minutes . 
"Annyeong Haseyo, WE ARE B.A.P, YES-SIR!" They say altogether with big warm smiles on their faces .

We stand up and do a 90o bow .
Even though our inner fangirl personalities want to burst out and show themselves to the world ,
we try as much as we can since being normal in front of idols is the key to success.


"Hey , I'm Tiffany and this is Minah" I say while pointing at my best friend.
"I'm Yongguk and this is Himch-"He gets cut off by me.
"Yeah yeah we know , it's kind of hard not to know your names if you guys are famous all over the world"I reply ,
trying to hide my growing smile.
"Well true , but it's still polite to introduce ourselves"Daehyun says back shyly.
"Okay lets get to the basics, why were we picked out of all those people?" I say emphasising the word all.
"Because we thought you would'nt be all like 'OMFG IT'S B.A.P ,
THEY SO WON'T BELIEVE ME, BUT CAN WE HAVE A PHOTO ?!!!! ' ya and things like that,
but gladly you did'nt do that " Yongguk replied with a relieved expression. 

"So Yongguk-ssi , what would-"this time I got cut off by him. (Yongguk)
"No call me Oppa" he said with a really deep serious voice. 
"Or would you like me to call you-" again he would'nt let me finish the sentence.
"No call me OPPA!" he said with a way louder voice than I expected.
I looked at him before I burst out laughing.
"Hey Mister , when did shouting and interrupting people join the 'Being Polite' family? ,
now please let me finish the sentence" I replied jokingly.
"Would you really like me to call you Oppa or Gukkie ? " I finally said proudly and without being cut off.
"Call me oppa, just oppa" he said as you nodded an okay.

"OMG, Where's Himchan and Minah??"I ask curiously. 


A/N : Guys again big love and thanks to 'omgitskorean123' , again she helped me alot and gave me great ideas :D 
I'm happy to say that this chapter has hod 100 more words than the previous one :D I LOVE YA'LL !
,see you next chapter XD .



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baekmeacake1 #1
Chapter 6: I wonder how the dinner will go
baekmeacake1 #2
Chapter 3: This is so good :) please update the story as it is really interesting
Hope we can write more chapters together and make them longer~~
Sending143 #4
Hey! I like it!