Together Let's Kiss at Midnight

Together Let's; Drabble Collection



Taeyeon woke up from her deep sleep as she felt her phone buzzed on the night stand beside her. She squeezed her eyes open and groaned a ‘hello’ without looking at the caller ID. “Tae, what’re you doing?” asked the person who was calling. “Sleeping, obviously. Who’s this?” Taeyeon asked, rubbing her eyes to shoo the sleepiness away. The other line chuckled, “Sorry, you’re asleep eh? It’s me, Suho.”  “Suho? It’s late, what makes you call?” Taeyeon asked, jumped a bit. “Look outside,” he said, and cut the line. Taeyeon looked at her phone screen puzzled. She peeked between the curtains of her room’s window, and spotted Suho in their couple hoodies in front of her house, waving to her. Taeyeon nearly collapsed seeing her boyfriend at this hour. She quickly took the pink couple hoodie that was sloppily placed on the chair and put it on before unlocking the glass door to the balcony. In her slippers, she walked out and the chilly air immediately greeted her. “Suho, what the hell are you doing at this hour!?” She barely said. Suho could only grin and took a few steps back, before running in his fastest pace towards the short wall of Taeyeon’s house and climbed it swiftly. Taeyeon clasped her hands in front of and gasped. “Suho, are you crazy!?” Suho ignored her and carefully walked on the wall towards a big tree near the balcony. He climbed it, and in a swift moment, Taeyeon and Suho were already facing each other. “Hey,” Suho began, still trying to catch his breath, still clinging on the tree branch. Crossing her eyebrows, Taeyeon said, slightly raising her tone, “Do you realize that it was dangerous, Kim Suho!? Do you even know what you’re doing!?” Suho finally jumped to the balcony and fixed his hoodie before continuing, “I do, and I know what I’m doing. But I really want to see you until this rate that I’d do anything.” Taeyeon hit his chest, “I nearly collapsed seeing you climbing those walls, you idiot! What if you fall and hurt yourself?” Suho smiled a calm one, “I won’t, okay. I’m here now, Taeyeon-ah, and I’m still in one piece,” he continued, tousling the girl’s already messy hair. “Do your parents know?” Taeyeon asked, concerned. Suho shook his head, “No. That’s why it’s called sneaking out.” Hitting the guy’s chest twice now, Taeyeon hissed, “Aish! I really don’t understand you sometimes, Suho. What if your parents find out? What if my parents wake up? What if—” Suho hushed her, “Ssh, thing is there’s only you and me now, Taeyeon-ah. Stop worrying.” Taeyeon zipped . “Are you not happy that I come?” Suho asked, bending to Taeyeon’s eye-level. “I am happy Suho. I just don’t want you to get hurt because of this,” she replied. Suho caressed her cheek, “I don’t care if I get hurt if it’s for you.” Taeyeon gazed back right to Suho’s brown eyes and curved a small smile on her lips. Under the moonlight, they shared a kiss. Suho loves Taeyeon so much, and by the way Taeyeon’s hands crumpling his hoodie when she kissed back, Suho knew that Taeyeon felt the same.


Kiss at midnight: done!




[a/n: omg 10th chapter! i truthfully didnt think i can write this story until this far. its all bcs of u guise. i really love and appreciate you who's subscribed, commented, and upvoted. it's u who keeps me going. HEEEY PLS COMMENT BELOW IM NOT SCARY :"""\]

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Chapter 26: so sad that you have to end this story :(
anyway, i love these drabbles
they give me so much feels orz
thanks for sharing this amazing story
author-nim, fighting! :)
whateverlah #2
Chapter 26: I respect your decision tho its sad to see this drabbles collection is end alr.

This is one of my favorite stories tbh ^^
exotaeng_ss #3
Chapter 26: Aww......
Chapter 25: <3<3 They're always cute!!
exotaeng_ss #5
Chapter 25: I just read chapter 24 and 25 because i've got exams lately....

Tae is so cute >_<

And the pet names are just sooo funny >_<

U know what, when i was still a little kid, i named my cat as puppy and my dog as kitty...
Because i can't tell the difference of a dog and a cat when i was a kid...
I'm just a stupid little kid...

I just wanted to ask, which one do you prefer, caramel popcorn or the salty popcorn?

사랑해요 <3
kiyoong #6
Chapter 24: Lol. I really laugh hard with the pets names, PIZZA and ICE CREAM.

What an interesting name they have. Unlike me, I named my pet fish, 'PUPPY'. Can you believe it? I just called my fish a dog. xD
exotaeng_ss #7
Chapter 23: Hehehehehhehehehehehehehe

Tae have a trust issue heree
I'm grinning ears to ears like a maniac


사랑해요 ~
Chapter 22: When I read this chapter,I want to see Sutae playing guitar in real!! Anyway hwaitaeng author-nim ^_^
exotaeng_ss #9
Chapter 22: I'm sorry for not leaving a comment on the chapter 21, i was so busy (>_<)
Btw this story is soooooooo CUTTTTEEEEE~
I love love love love love this story.
Cheesy Monkey is a cute //funny nickname~

You just made my day purrfect~


Chapter 21: I don't know what to say cuz each chapter are full of cuteness and fluffiness! Hwaitaeng author-nim!^_^