All In The Line

Running Out of Reasons

A/N: OMG It's so good to be back! How's everyone??!

Chapter 43

(Rae In)

1 month later.

“Alright, meeting adjourned.” I sighed after finishing the three-hour long brainstorming for the next magazine issue. The competition has levelled up these days, and our editor-in-chief won’t stay still knowing our biggest rival might still the top spot next month. I checked my phone. There’s one message from my mom asking if we can go home over the weekend for my dad’s birthday, and another message from Taemin telling me we should go see my dad this weekend. “I’ll be clearing up my duty so you better, too!” I can’t help but smile. He has been very attentive to my family for the past few weeks.

“Fine, I will! Don’t forget to pick Dannie up from school at 3.” It’s 15 minutes past 2 in the afternoon. He might forget again since he’s so busy with his patients. Just last week, he forgot to pick Dannie up that she stayed at school until 5:30. We figured out when the ahjumma who takes care of the unit called me about it. I told him it’s okay if I start picking her up every day but he still insisted. He said being busy is never an excuse to ditch picking his daughter up.

Just then, my phone rings. “Hello?”

“Song Rae In-ssi? This is Han Kyung Min from the orphanage.” Oh. I wonder what this call is all about.

“Ah, yes, this is Song Rae In speaking. How can I help you?”

“Can we meet you at the orphanage tomorrow morning? This is for a very important matter.” Yes, she indeed sounds so serious and scary. I’m positive about our custody with Dannie. She’s been with us for more than two months now and we’ve never heard anything bad from the orphanage. So I wonder, and I think I just need to ask.

“Can you give me some idea about it?”

“I’m sorry, I’d probably let you know as early as now. It’s about the reconsideration of Han Dannie’s custody.”

“Huh? What? What do you mean? I thought everything’s—“

“Ms Song, it will be best to discuss it tomorrow with the council. Please have Dr. Lee Taemin accompany you, too. “

“Yes, okay, I understand.”

Now, I am really really worried about what this meeting will turn out to be. Reconsideration of Dannie’s custody? So are they thinking of taking her away from us? After everything that we’ve done? Everything we have sacrificed? No. No no way.

To this, I just dial Taemin’s number abruptly. I can’t stay still. “Taemin-ah.”

“Babe? Something wrong?” He asks the moment he hears my voice, as if he already knows that something came up.

“The orphanage called. They are reconsidering Dannie’s custody. They want to us tomorrow.” I mention and he remains silent on the other line. I know he got worried about it, too. “Taemin, what are we going to do?”

“It’s okay, Rae In, we can handle that. Don’t worry. We’re in this together, remember?”

“Yeah, I know, but still…”

“It’s okay. We have nothing to hide. Everything is true. Our feeling and our love for Dannie. They can never doubt that. We’ll go tomorrow to see them. It’s okay, hun. Don’t worry.”

Hearing his voice, it’s enough to calm myself a bit. I badly need that assurance.

We’re all set the next morning. It’s Friday so after dropping Dannie off to school together, we drove towards the orphanage. It’s 20 minutes away from the City. Upon reaching the place, we go straight to the visitor’s hall. We are caught off guard the moment we see a very familiar face, yet it’s someone that we would least expect to see there. it’s Lee Young Jin.

I hold onto Taemin’s hand tightly. He squeezes it back and looks at me. “You got me.” He whispers to which I nod slightly.

As we approach, Taemin starts greeting the people. “I’m sorry, are we late?”

“No, Dr. Lee. You’re just in time. Please have a seat.” One of the elders gesture the empty seats opposite Young Jin. I avoid making eye contact with him as much as I could. I hate his face so much if punching someone’s face in front of old people is legal I could just… ugh.

“I’m sorry to be calling you here in just a short notice. We couldn’t just ignore Mr. Lee Young Jin’s plead.” The head of the council speaks as everyone of us have already settled. “I know we have already discussed about it, but Dr. Lee, Mrs. Song, about Dannie’s custody…” He pauses and looks at the both of us. I don’t think I have the time to blink at that moment. I think Taemin stops blinking, too. We are too focused on what he’s about to say.

Seriously, how did I not guess that the reason why we’re here is because of this son of a…

“You told us that Dannie doesn’t have any other relatives and the closest one will be you, Song Rae In, right? As Han Dan Mi’s best friend? However, we just learned that she still has, in fact, an uncle and a family living in Europe.”

Ah, so this hell of a guy actually made us look like we’re liars. I can’t just lose to this guy.

“That’s what I thought so.”

“Lee Young Jin even said that you knew each other.”

“Back in highschool, yes.” I know I have to go all out in honesty on this. I won’t leave a single detail out of how I know of this guy. “I know Lee Young Jin is Dannie’s dad’s half-brother. They went to the same school but as far I could remember, they never got along. When we entered college, Dannie’s dad had to drop out of school because he lost Young Jin’s dad support after the legal family migrated to Europe. That’s the last time we heard about Lee Young Jin and their father. Dannie’s dad went on so many part time jobs just to enroll himself back to college. He and Dannie’s mom got married, they gave birth to Dannie, Dannie’s dad died, Dannie’s mom died years after, and we never heard of Young Jin and their father, not until he came back one month ago.” I just couldn’t help but spill it all out. What’s the point? I am willing to go all out just to keep Dannie.

“On some days whenever I have the chance to chat with Dannie’s parents, her dad would open up about how he felt his only family turned their backs on him. He accepted that fact that they are no longer his family. We didn’t even saw any of their shadows during his funeral. If her dad’s herself didn’t consider them family anymore, why would I?”

“I never lied about Dannie not having anyone else but us. It’s true. Her father only had Dan Mi and Dannie before he died. Why would I think that these people would care about Dannie’s welfare? They didn’t even send a single cent to support her life.”

“I’m really really sorry if you think of me in such a bad way.” Woah! And now he starts acting?! What is wrong with this guy, seriously??! “I know we’ve been bad family members, which is why we believe this is the best time to change, to make up for what we’ve missed out to…” He stops and looks at the both of us first before continuing. “…And I know we had a rough ending with our relationship.”

 $@#$$#@$*&+!!!!!!! What the hell is wrong with you?!

“Why, you-“ I pressed Taemin’s thigh as I’ve figured he starts heating up.

“There was never anything between the two of us.” I say clearly. “Lee Young Jin-ssi, the people here are very busy with running the orphanage and yet you disturb them because of your trivial issues. I don’t if it’s my husband or it’s me who stepped on your ego that you’re so obsessed in wanting to get me, but seriously, you should stop this. Dannie is not some tool you need to get in order to win someone else.”

“Ms Song, I’m sorry I seriously don’t get what is happening…” The head of council decided to get in between us as he probably felt that I won’t stop talking. Well, I really won’t stop talking until this ugly man gives up.

“This man met me a month ago saying he will get Dannie so he could get me, too.” I really don’t care now. I am keeping Dannie and I don’t care if they think I’m stooping this low I just can’t let him win. “I understand that the reason why you are reconsidering Dannie’s custody is perhaps because he is a relative by blood. But honourable council, he is a blood Dannie won’t probably accept to be with her own. In all honesty, if someone wants to claim Dannie’s custody and we know he’s going to love and care for her like how a real parent would, then by all means, even if it hurts us, we’ll let her go. But if it’s with this man, I am willing to fight for her. She has already become our daughter, and to be honest, she played the biggest role on strengthening our relationship as a couple.”

And my long speech ends there. Taemin rubs my thighs and he smiles genuinely, letting me know that I did a good job. He didn’t even have to talk anymore. Funny, it felt like I was the one who called for a meeting. Even the elders couldn’t say a thing as it felt like I didn’t let them to.

“Lee Young Jin-ssi?”

Perhaps, the guy was shook by how I fought back that he didn’t know what to say anymore. How would you defend those expose though? He didn’t even have the time to deny the fact that he indeed went to me last month.

After few minutes of silence, the head of council speaks again, “We appreciate everyone’s presence here today. Lee Young Jin ssi, Dr. Lee Taemin, and Mrs Song Rae In.” He nods at each one of us. “We will get in touch with you about the reassessment of Han Dannie’s custody. He stands up and shakes each of our hands. “Thank you for your time and your effort. Rest assured we will decide while carefully thinking about Dannie’s welfare.”

As soon as we enter the car I lost all my strength. It is like I put all of my energy into everything I said a while ago. I feel Taemin’s hand ruffles through my hair. “You did well, babe.”

I open my eyes and look at him. “Do you think we will keep Dannie?”

“By all means, we would. We will take it to the court if we have to.” He assures. I steal his hand and hold it tight.

“Thank you.”

“Why? Dannie’s my daughter, too. I can’t let her be with that man as his father.” He tucks my hair behind my ear and stares at me for quite a while. “You look so pale, Rae In. Are you not feeling well?”

“I think so.” Suddenly, I start feeling a bit dizzy and weak. Maybe because I am so drained with what I did a while ago. It’s so exhausting fighting for what you love, really, but everything for Dannie.

“Okay, let’s go home quickly so you can get some rest.” He says and quickly fastens my seatbelt. He also adjusts my seat so I can lean more backwards and take a good nap. The moment he starts the engine, I feel myself finally dozing off.

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genevieveghea #1
Chapter 45: Omg welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!! I really love your story!!
7018198 #2
Chapter 45: Oh my God you came back thank youuuuuu
pinkypn #3
Chapter 45: Just to be safe they show taemin mom and Danni a picture of the man that way they kniw to stay away from him. They can telk Danni that he is a a bad man and to never go near him if she sees him. They can tell his mom the truth. It's better safe than sorry.
noomin #4
Chapter 45: I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw that u updated yaaay i'm soo excited looking forward to more chapters
Chapter 44: Ughhh I'm so excited to see what happens next!!!!
alifahleo #6
Chapter 44: finally, you're back!!!! i really miss youuuuuu and dont keep me waiting for this long anymore... i really love ur story:) will wait for the next chap:)
faniee #7
Chapter 44: Omg you're back! I love you and thankyou!! ??
Chapter 44: I missss youuuu soooo muchhhh
Chapter 44: I am not seeing things right? 6v6
Welcome back!!!!

Oh oh... another little brother/sister for Dannie? :3
noomin #10
Chapter 44: Omgggggggg u r backkkkk yesssss i missed this story yayyyyy u slayed this chap this r heated hope u'll update soon