The Contract

12 Wolves And The Key

Chapter 3


When they arrive I've been fully healed while Lay is still working on JaeHwa. He already told me there was no nerve damage luckily, but it wasn't exactly easy healing her. As he finish up he sighs loudly, and stands. I go over to help him hobble over to his room. Healing always takes a lot out of him. When I return back to the living room she's up, but hasn't moved at all. She's just laying there staring up st the ceiling. The front door opens, and everyone runs in to check on her. She sits up, and puts her head in between her legs covering her ears. Seeing that she's conscious they all go their own way except for Luhan. We both just stare at at her.

"Hey JaeHwa are you okay."

She looks up at me blankly, and nods slowly. 

"I'm sorry.." She whispers.

"No don't be we should be apologizing to you for Kris."

"He's probably right you guys should stay away from me. I'm MyungKi's and that's all I'll ever be." 

"You know if you need to you could stay here." I reply softly.

"You don't understand. I was signed away to MyungKi by my parents. Sold off to pay a debt."

We go silent for a moment.

"How old were you?"

"4 or 5 I don't exactly remember. I had gone to the park with my parents. A man walked up to me saying I would be living with him from now on. I cried for my parents, but they turn their backs on me. Years later I discovered they had died in a car crash coming back from a casino."

"Sorry about your parents..."

She snorts loudly.

"They deserved to die that way after what they did. I hate those people, and if I could I would have killed them myself."

Her whole personality changes in that moment. I don't think were talking to he other half, but she has gotten darker. I guess this is the darkness her other half was talking about exist in the light half. 

"Um are you hunger, or anything?" I say trying to change the subject.

"A little bit thirsty."

"What do you want?"

"Um.. Some Bubble Tea."

"Yeah!!! Bubble Tea!!!! Buy Me some too Tao."

I roll my eyes at Luhan as he acts like a complete fool. We sudden hear a giggle, and turn to see JaeHwa laughing. We both smile at her as she bows her head in embarrassment.

"Um does anyone have any clothes I can borrow?" She ask quietly.

Luhan nods, and runs to his room grabbing a shirt, and jeans. Her returns, and shows her to the bathroom where she changes. The clothes are a bit loose, but she looks cute in them. We leave the dorm, and head to a secluded Bubble Tea shop not to far from our dorm. The owner knows us so he gets us a table in the back away from windows. We order the tea, and after we lasp into silence.

"So JaeHwa what do you like?" Luhan ask.

"Um well animals, kids, bubble tea, playing guitar, playing Violin, and singing."

"Wow you an play two instruments?"

"Yeah I didn't want to learn violin, but Jamie wouldn't leave me alone about learning it."

"Whose Jamie?"

"She my guardian in Cerberus. She's look after me ever since MyungKi took me away. I guess she like a mom to me.  But in the end she's still apart of Cerberus, she still wants me to become MyungKi's little pet." She sighs.

"There has to be a way to get you away from them. "

"I'm afraid unless you destroy my contract that's not possible. If MyungKi says come I go to him, if he says kill for me I will. I've done things that I wish I hadn't, but I can not refuse an order from MyungKi. Soon he'll call me to him, and I'll leave you guys. I won't see you again ever, and if I do it will be with orders to either kill or capture you."

This takes us both by surprise, she's completely given up on ever being free of her contract.

"Well then I'll cherish the moments I've had with you like now." Luhan says as he gets up to hug her. 

I smile at them, Luhan really is a great person.

"You are to Tao."

I look up a JaeHwa.

"You came after me, and attempted to save me so for that I Komowayo for that."

"I'm happy when she drops the formalities, and even more happy when she kisses me on the cheek. She smiles softly at both of us a tear slipping from her eye. 

"Well MyungKi is calling so goodbye."

She waves on last time before disappearing with a shadow we hadn't noticed before.


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Chapter 13: Aww..He came to back to life!!Loved It
lazardiana24 #2
Chapter 13: Beautiful i loved it!
Cool description & story!! - Yuki