Count On You

Heartbreak, Friendship, Love 

Infinite - Can U Smile


Two days passed and JinYoung failed to get anywhere near HeeJin. Everytime they made eye contact, she would instantly look away. Whevenever JinYoung was close to her, she would walk away and pretend to not hear him. She would do anything she could to avoid him. JinYoung thought that it was because she was being moved to the Lee's and started to get frustrated.

At home, Mrs. Jang has ordered the maids to pack HeeJin's belongings. They were all sent to the Lee's and the only thing left was for HeeJin to officially move in.

It was the day that HeeJin would move in with the Lee's. School was a blur. When HeeJin was taking a last look around her room, HyunSeung stepped in. "Hey, you ready to move out?" he asked. She sighed. "I'm gonna miss this place." He put an arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of it." He squeezed her arm and gave her a smile. She gave a small smile back.

"I can't believe umma is really making you marry that kid. I don't like him." he mumbled the last sentence. She looked up at him. "You don't like any guys in my life that isn't you!" she protested. "I like JinYoung." HeeJin raised a brow and he lightly chuckled. "I just don't see why umma won't arrange a marriage with him! He's your best friend." HyunSeung sighed.

"Umma doesn't like him." she glumly said. HyunSeung pinched her cheek hard. "Oww!!" she yelped. "Aigoooo ~~ my little sister and her boy drama." he teased. She blew a rasberry and raised a brow. "You're saying that as if you don't have any girls in your life." His smile faded slightly and HeeJin instantly felt bad. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's alright. I'm fine." he faked a smile. HeeJin bit her lip with guilt. Before either of them could say something, one of the maids stepped into the room. "HeeJin-sshi, Mrs. Jang would like to speak to you." HeeJin sighed and rolled her eyes. "Neh." she mumbled and started to walk out of the room. Before she walked out the door, HyunSeung called her. "HeeJin-ah, don't forget that no matter what happens, I'm still here." she smiled. "I know that, I'm glad that I can always count on you." She walked out of the room leaving HyunSeung alone.

HyunSeung sighed and leaned against the wall. He pursed his lips and looked around her room. *I don't want HeeJin to end up regretting an arranged marriage. I regret cancelling my arranged marriage when I was her age, I don't want her to end up like me.*

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Chapter 63: Heyy whats happen?? Is that all?
I thought hye jin will be with jinyoung....
woohyun_lover #2
nice story *__*
Me: OMO~~!!! What's going to happen to Hyunseung oppa and JiHyun unnie?! I know they weren't really the main lovers, but... I got into it! And what's going to happen to Jin Young, huh?! Waeyo~~?!<br />
Jin young: Shush~! *flicks my forehead* I don't need to be in here! Heejin is happy with Chunji! *sigh* but! That's all I need.<br />
Me: Ow... *holds forehead* That hurt!!! *hits Jin young's chest* Meanie~! I was only asking...
Me: You better not drown my Heejin unnie! *grabs Chun Ji's shirt* Or else... *lets go of Chun Ji* *Yuri imitation* You die~!<br />
Chun Ji: *shocked* You have some attitude! *brushes shirt off* I won't drown her. I can't because I love her~! Drowning won't happen to anyone, ... possibly you.<br />
Me: YA~! You can't do this!<br />
DEbubbs: Whoa~! No drowning is gonna happen here!!<br />
Me: Meh hehehehe! *merong*<br />
Chunji: Why I oughta!<br />
Me: *blocks face* Michinom~!
arvita #5
Jinyoung Oppa..........
Chunji: I've... fallen for her.<br />
Me: *pops out of no where* I knew it!!! *starts singing and dancing lamely* you fell for Heejin, you fell for Heejin! Haha hahaha! I knew it! *starts doing cabbage patch* I knew it, I knew it... Chunji loves Heejin...<br />
Chunji: Hey?! Where'd you come from?!<br />
Me: I'm ... uh? I'm... uh? I'm... Your conscience?<br />
Chunji: What the... Really?<br />
MapleDumplings #7
NOOOO!!! Why reject Jinyoung over and over again? :(
The choices Heejin unnie make me cry... Aish~! Why do you do this to me?!
MapleDumplings #9
The things happening around Heejin and Jinyoung make me sigh :(
aish~! this is what i get?! poor jinyoung oppa... TTATT heejin's heart recovery, HWAITING...