proper fandom etiquette

I Freaking Hate Byun Baekhyun


The dip, Chen and Chanyeol walked out of the dorm. The two wouldn't stop talking about future plans to sail their ship. Ships that they would soon need to destroy. Chanyeol doesn't want to make things awkward, but he mentally added that he needed to kill baekchen. 

"Did you see that one gif set though?" Baekhyun says laughing. 

Chen laughs along, "You're such a diva Baek! I don't even want to know you anymore man!" 

I roll my eyes. Please. I know you're only in it for the ship popularity. 


"Hey but did you hear about that one tumblr famous anti chenbaek blog?" Chen asks. 

My ears perk in interest. 

Baekhyun snorts, "Freaking haters. BaekChen is sailing!" 

Chen started to laugh and I only roll my eyes.

Girls started to squeal all around us, oh. It seems I forgot to tell you, the three of us are currently surronded by fangirls who were recording our every move.

Baekhyun holds Chens hand and waves it around in the air causing the fangirls to scream and take more pictures, "Ship BaekChen arasso?" 

They reply almost immediatly, "Yes!" 

Baekhyun smiles and pulls Chen into a hug while Chanyeol stands behind the two awkwardly. The rest of the fangirls squeal once again and continue taking pictures. Chanyeol tries to awkwardly move away, he doesn't want to be in the captions on tumblr with baekchen ft awkward chanyeol. Nope. If anything it's supposed to be baekyeol ft awkward stupid cheekbone llama chen. That sounds proper.

"No! I don't want to ship it!" A brave fan screams as she's pushed to be face to face with her idols.. again. 


Chanyeol smiles recognizes the fangirl, it was the one from a few nights before, the one fangirl who apologized for her behavior. He smiled knowing that the fangirl knew where her number one ship is, with Baekyeol. 


Screw Baekchen. 


"Guys?" Chanyeol calls out. As if on cue everyone turns to face him and he gulps. He's been through additions, live music programs and never broke a sweat.. but standing up for your ship? That takes guts. "Can we all just get along?"

There was a gasp. Chanyeol grinned and continued on with his heroic speech. "A ship is a form of fanservice! Ships are couples that fangirls thrive on! They are the very essence of a fandom! What we're doing here now.. here in this dark alley.. my fellow mob of fangirls is disgracing the gods of fandoms!"

There was a couple of dramatic cries emanating from the mob of fangirls. Chanyeol continued, "What we are doing in this very moment is wrong! A fandom is a second family! We are to be here whenever their oppas or unnies need them most! When they need a shoulder to lean on! We are not here to bash other fandoms! Not to bash other ships!" He whips his head around so that he's sure he's made contact with every single person in this mob, "We are EXO stans! We're known as an immature fandom! I believe that in a few years our fandom will be okay and well respected! We can take this one step at a time!" 

Baekhyun grins and steps to join Chanyeol, "We can start small! Find a ship! Taoris, kaisoo, hunhan, baekyeol! What I have named are the main ships of EXO! You don't need to ship those! Chenbaek, Chansoo, Taohun, Xiuhan, Sulay! Whatever your fangirl or fanboy hearts desire! Find a ship! Write fanfictions about your inner most desires! Whether it be pg-13, crack, angst or ! We will embrace the fic!"

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun with a proud smile on his face, his uke was able to get his point across. Chen looked at the two in amusement. Just earlier Baekhyun didn't care if uke and seme were the same thing, now he's waiting for fanfictions. 

The fangirls around them, and the occasional fanboy burst into tears. Cries of perfection, that was so deep oppa, i told you EXO is perfect, they care so much for their fandom was heard. 


The three of them walked back to the dorm strangely content. As stupid as they sounded, they did get their message across, don't start fanwars, love each other in the fandom and don't bash ships. 


Once they reached the dorm they peacefully walked in. They were calm and tired, the three had no energy to be yelling, which was surprising for the beagle line. 

As they passed the kitchen Suho immerged from the darkness causing Baekhyun to scream and fall on Chen reing in the two of them on the ground groaning. Chanyeol rolled his eyes and looked at Suho. 

"What is this?!" He screams as he shoves a tablet in their face. 


EXO members Byun Baekhyun, Park Chanyeol and Kim Jongdae (Chen) seen giving an inspirational speech about proper fandom etiquette. Losers.


They look at the tablet and start laughing. Suho groans as he leaves to look for Lay, the only person nice enough to vent to, you know.. Nice enough to care. 





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Chapter 6: i think this is good...i like it
yourEXOticELF #2
Chapter 6: KYAAAAHHHH!!!!! OMG!!!!! it's so fluffy!!!!!!! *.* OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! MY ChanBaek or BaekYeol? whatever. FEELS..!!!!!!
Chapter 6: Kyaaa~~~
Sweet chanyeol!!!
Chapter 6: awesome story!!
Chapter 6: New reader here! Omg this fic is seriously hilarious! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Chapter 6: bsjuadb I am seriously love this fic
Chapter 4: Lol i love this like really xD
Seriously, thia fic needs more attention because this is simply awesome
Chapter 4: Hhhhh anti baekchen.. I mean chenbaek lol chanyeol in denail huhu
Chapter 3: Lol! Too many ships~
kilaaa #10
Chapter 3: LOL XD Update soon :D