
Will you miss me?
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Kai leaned hunch back over the railing on the side of the road, by a bridge; the rain falling heavily as he didn't care. Letting every drop trace every curve of his face and body, a mixture of salty tears burning in his red eyes; from the lack of sleep he had received last night.



The only word left on his chapped lips…



Kyungsoo had cleaned the house, gone to work and then came home to cook dinner; hoping he could talk to Kai about where this relationship they call it was going to go. Waiting patiently as the hours went by, Kyungsoo growing anxious as, to where Kai was and well it had been hours after his normal shift. Preparing to call Kai, pulling out his phone the ringtone for Kai sang from his phone.




After the phone call ended and a few minutes passed the door opened, revealing an exhausted Kai and a trail of muddy shoes in the entrance way.


 “YAH!” Kyungsoo screamed, “YOUR SHOES!”

“Oh, sorry” Kai, immediately woken from his have dazed mind, “I will clean up my mess” He replied, carrying his shoes to the laundry room, and running to get the mop.


Kyungsoo noticed something a little off with Kai, the sight of his usually strong body full of warmth and energy, looked drained, weak and a fragile cold. Walking to him, snaking his arm around Kai’, pressing his face to it.


“What is wrong?”

“Nothing, is wrong, I am just tired” Kai answered honestly, continuing to mop the floor.

“Hey, give me this, go eat and take a warm bath; then sleep”


Kyungsoo, took the mop from Kai, kissed his forehead and rubbed his back as he walked to the kitchen.


“It’s in the oven” Kyungsoo smiled, finishing the cleaning of the footprints from the floor.


Taking the mop back to the laundry room, and walking out, stopping to lean against the doorframe, as he watched Kai who had fallen asleep on the dinner table, by his empty plate.


What is wrong…? What has made you so tired?


Waking Kai from his sleep, slinging one arm around his shoulder, he walked him to the bedroom. Pulling the blanket back and stripping him of his jeans and sweater, tucking him into the bed, kissing his forehead ad leaving the room.



“Yes Kai”

“Sleep here?”


Kyungsoo, thought about why he wanted him to sleep beside him, since he had never done so before. Kyungsoo always slept at his place or in the living room along the couch; but tonight Kai wanted him there. Walking to the bed and slipping in, facing the window, he shuttered as a cold hand ran along his arm; Kai pulling him into his chest.


“Why are you so cold?” Kyungsoo asked turning over to face the staring Kai.

“My bike was stolen, so I had to walk home; the weather is really cold”

“Ah, well we will have to fix that, the last thing you need is to get sick”


“Go to sleep”


Kyungsoo turned back over and as the night went by he had fallen asleep, but Kai had fallen asleep and woken up; remaining awake the rest of the night.



Days in a Daze




“Where are you?”

“Over here”


Kyungsoo ran around the corner and through the door to Kai’ office, plopping into the cushioned chairs.


“I got a gift for you!”

“Really? There is no need…”

“Come with me”

“Keep it”


Kyungsoo frowned for a bit, wondering why Kai wasn’t up to receiving gifts from him, but Kyungsoo pushed him anyways.


“Come with me”


He grabbed Kai’ hand and led him to the front of the house, showing him brand new bike, even though Kai had a car now; Kyungsoo knew that he loved bike rides to clear his stress.


“You like it?”

“Thank you” Kai replied hugging Kyungsoo.

“I hoped you’d like it, I know how much bike rides make you feel happy”


Kyungsoo couldn’t imagine why that hurt so much, because he had always t

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kkaebsong365 #1
Chapter 1: That was adorable and cute and heart warming. I love it
Chapter 1: well, with this fanfic,
people should call you 'AUTHOR' :)
Chapter 1: Freaking Trooooollllllll ^^ i loved it though
Chapter 1: Nice one. I bet your friend will love it. Anyway, where do you learn to write such a wonderful fanfic. I bet you are a writer..