• Walking Hazard

A stalker
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I ran down the hall to the lockers. "34c, Where are you?" I moan. I need to get to class on time. I don’t know if the Mr. Jung would be a strict teacher or not. I look down the line of lockers until I finally see '34c' with a sigh of relief when I find that the locker is already open. I rummage through the tiny area when I find a blue note book labeled 'history'. I grab the book and head for class. 

"I'm going to make it" I say with a triumphant smile. Just like a jinx the bell rang. When I finally get to class Mr. Jung looks up at me with a long stare.

“Students who are late will see me after school for detention Miss Lee Haeri.” He said with a serious tone.

“I’m sorry; would it help if I told you I was getting a notebook?” I lift up the book in the air to validate my excuse.

“If she gets detention can I have it too?” a boy called out.

“Yeah” His friend said. “Anything to get me and Haeri Al—OOF” He blurted.

“Sorry. My hand Slipped” I heard Kai growl. I turn to Kai, When our eyes locked he flashed me a mischievous grin and a wink. I smiled back at him, but quickly returned my gaze to our teacher.

“I’ll let it slide since you were so kind to show me around last week but don’t make it a habit.” He turned to the chalk board “Your seat is next to Kai’s Maybe you can convince him to work.”

With that being said, I scurried to down the row of desks and sat next to Kai. As I walked by Jessica she whispers. “Don’t you think that Mole Face would know what time class starts, since she is such a teacher’s pet.” Then she cackled as I slumped down to my seat.

“Now we are just waiting for Luhan ” Mr. Jung said while looking down at his attendance sheet.
“Oh Sir.” I raise my hand “Luhan won’t be here today he has to meet with club representatives for the festival.” 

“I see.” He closed his book and began to write on the chalk board again. 

Kai turned to me with a crooked grin. “So ‘Mole Face’ Do you think Pres’ heads going to explode because he missed a day?” 

“Not really see I have his note book so he will be caught up.” I smile but then slap him on the arm “Don’t call me ‘Mole Face’” I grimace. 

“Chill” he chuckled. “I don’t even know what it means” He then frowned

“She is making fun of the birth mark I have under my cheek.” I gestured to them. “But I like it.”

“Yeah, I like it too it makes you look cute” I immediately flush a bright pink. Stupid Kai. Always making me blush.

Kai P.O.V

She looks really cute when she blushes I thought looking at her. That little bit of pink made her eyes deeper then they already were. She stopped looking at him and began to copy down everything the teacher had said. Hm forcing her to take down notes while you’re skipping class won’t help you Pres I thought smugly.

“So the Pres has got you doing notes for him?” I whispered in her ear. “And I thought you guys were

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addpapoy #2
Chapter 3: Updt soon author nim anyway who is this misterious guy who send haeri a letter ?
Chapter 1: update soon author-nim~~^^