Average, Normal Day

High School Moments

“Mrs. Park!~” Jongdae called out in his annoying — I mean, no, I mean annoying — voice, waving towards her. She turned around and gave Jongdae a quick smile before turning back again. Jongdae called her name once again, making her sigh in annoyance.


“Mrs. Park!” Jongdae tapped on her shoulder, smiling with his curvy lips and cat-like eyes, “You’re carrying so many things!” He noted, “Do you need any help?” He tilted his head to the side, adding a cute effect.


Mrs. Park silently cursed in her mind. Jongdae is known as the teachers pet in school. He doesn’t take it as an insult at all when students make fun of him, oh no, it’s the complete opposite. Jongdae embraces the fact (and even think he’s cool) that he’s known as the teachers pet. It’s basically the reason why he’s passing most of his classes, with the exception of Mrs. Park. It’s Jongdae’s goal to swoon her in a way to raise his D to a B. And if he’s lucky, maybe even an A.


Mrs. Park smiled back, trying not to show any hint of annoyance from the persistent student, “Oh, I’m fine, Jongdae. You should get back to lunch now.” In a flash, all the folders and papers were grabbed out of her hands, now in Jongdae’s.


“Oh no, I insist! Anything for my favorite teacher~” He cooed, skipping happily in the hall as Mrs. Park watched with frustration behind. Jongdae turned around, batting his eyes, thinking he looks cute when in reality he looks like he has a . “Mrs. Park? Are you coming?”


She sighed exasperatedly, waving him off. “Go on, I’ll be right behind you.” He smiled, continuing down the hall. Mrs. Park has only been working in the school for not even a year, yet she already deals with a student so persistent on bothering — excuse me, helping — her with tests and paper. She currently is debating on whether or not to raise Jongdae’s grade or bring it down to a Z. That is if it’s even  on the grading scale.





It was time for Physical Education for Joonmyun — also known as Suho by many others. Being the student body president with outstanding marks in every class — except for this one — many people are envious of him. Joonmyun doesn’t mind the envious and jealous glares he gets from other students, since the junior has more important business to take care of.


Like playing with the basketball team, who the leader happens to be his friend, Kris.


Too bad Joonmyun falls on his face and gets a bloody nose and a black eye in the end.


“Joonmyun, I think it would be best if you stopped playing sports at all,” says Kris, after he downed an entire bottle of water. Joonmyun removed the ice pack from his eye and wiped the blood from his nose with an already soiled tissue.


“That’s very funny” He muttered, looking at his friend. “We had a deal, remember? You help me with sports and physical education, while I help you with academics and your ty grades.”


Kris chuckled, “For a student body president, you sure are a great example when it comes to language.”  He joked, pushing the younger boy playfully. Apparently Joonmyun saw that as a threat, since he threw a water bottle at him. “Hey now, no need to get aggressive! And to think that Joonmyunnie shows appropriate behavior in front of the students.”


Joonmyun scoffed, bringing the ice pack up to his eye, “Shut up. This is the only class I’m failing while you’re failing in all of them.” Kris is seen taken aback by the harsh comment of his friend. He clutched his heart, like it’s been literally broken into pieces or he was dying of heartburn. Or something like that. Kris didn’t know anything about heartburn or love or any of those stuff.


“You broke my heart, Joonmyun-ssi. I think I’m having a seizure.” Kris brought a hand up to his forehead, lying down on the bleachers like a scene from Romeo and Juliet or something like that. He didn’t know. He didn’t know anything with English (Well he spoke it, just didn’t know stuff with literature).


Joonmyun laid the ice pack on Kris’ stomach, earning a girlish yelp from the older. “What the hell! Not cool, dude. No pun intended.” Kris said in a stereotypical American voice like the ones shown surfing on the beaches of California, or something like that. Kris didn’t watch many foreign films. He only watched dramas and cartoons. Especially Spongebob. Kris loves Spongebob.


“If you were having a seizure, you would be dying like a fish out of water.” Joonmyun informed the idiot he calls his friend. Kris scoffed, hitting the younger on his back, causing more blood to spill out of the other’s nose. “What the !” He screeched, “You better get me a tissue or else.” He pointed towards the bathroom, but pulled a muscle when he did. He silently cursed at himself for being terribly unathletic.


Kris brought two hands up, as if surrendering to the ‘threat’. He stood up, hands still in the air, “Whatever you say, Mr. Student Body President.”





“ …So I bought him this perfume thing from this creepy old guy, but he said it works wonders in bed, so I thought he was a e and going to ra—” Baekhyun stopped mid-sentence to his friend, since there was a disgusting, yet familiar, scent invading the classroom. Chanyeol, his best friend and boyfriend, walked into the room, smelling like ferret crap once again (looks like he has it on him too). Weirdly enough, it was a normal thing for the students. They’ve all gotten used to the smell. Chanyeol skipped his way towards Baekhyun, plopping his in the seat next to Baekhyun.


Chanyeol leaned in to place a kiss on Baekhyun’s cheek, but was stopped when his lips came in contact with the palm of his hand. “Oh no you don’t.” Baekhyun said, wiping the spit on his palm once Chanyeol retracted his lips. “You smell like again, Yeol. What about that gift I gave you for your birthday?”


Chanyeol shifted uncomfortably in his seat, pouting with only a face Baekhyun could love. “I can totally explain!” He cried with his deep voice cracking, trying to sound guilty, but it wasn’t fooling anyone — especially Baekhyun. Baekhyun made a face, nodding at him to explain himself. “You see, my pet ferret was running all around the house covered in crap, and I had to catch him and put him back in his cage.”


Baekhyun scoffed, taking a bag of wipes from his back pocket (he’s always prepared for emergencies like these), and handing it to his boyfriend. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hurry up and wipe yourself. Maybe spray some of that special cologne I got you for your birthday too.” Chanyeol accepted the wipe and quickly removed the terrible smelling gunk off his body and uniform.


“I’m like 99.99% sure that ‘cologne’ you got is a love spell, Baek.” He asked for another wipe, just as he watched a shy grin on his boyfriend’s face appear.


“What makes you think that?” He handed him another, face flushing in embarrassment.


“Oh, I don’t know,” Chanyeol’s eyes looked to the side, voice trailing off as well, “I just happened to come across a small tag in the box that says ‘Love, , Magic’ on it.” Chanyeol flashed a piece of paper in front of Baekhyun’s face, the exact words on it. Baekhyun laughed, eyes turning into small half-moon crescents.


“Damn, just when I thought it would have worked too.” The older boy snapped his fingers, trying his best not to make a reference to an old show he used to watch when he was a child, blaming everything on the stupid dog. “But hey, at least you’ll smell really nice.”


“Yeah, because I totally want to smell like lustful , with a hint of need and want.” He threw the wipes onto the table, waiting for classes to start so he can dispose of the -covered wipes.


The older leaned in, lips ghosting over Chanyeol’s ear, “I don’t see how that’s a bad thing,” Baekhyun whispered, voice seducing Chanyeol in ways that he shouldn’t, especially at school. Baekhyun’s fingers started to trail over the front of Chanyeol’s blazer, ing it slowly, revealing the tight dress shirt underneath. Chanyeol cursed under his breath for drying it on high. The fragile, feminine fingers of his boyfriend traced circles on the stomach, eliciting a whimper from the other. Chanyeol is quite ticklish there, and he would prefer to not be touched there.


There was a flicker in Baekhyun’s eyes, showing mischief. Suddenly, he started to tickle the younger, causing Chanyeol to burst into laughter, legs hitting the desk and arms flailing in the air. Once the bell rung, Chanyeol fell onto the floor, still laughing and clutching his gut.


“Oh my god, you ing tease.” He breathed out, regaining some of the much needed oxygen in order to live. Baekhyun smiled and stood up, grabbing his bag and waiting for him at the other side of the door.


“I’ll go on ahead to our first class. See ya, you piece of ~” He teased, waving goodbye as he joined his clique (or one of many) on his way to the next class.


As Chanyeol stood up, he heard Mrs. Park (Homeroom teacher) yell at Jongdae, “GET TO CLASS, KIM JONGDAE!” To which the student obliged and told her that he would help later during lunch. That teacher’s pet, Chanyeol thought. Too bad Jongdae is also his friend. He cursed in his mind for being the enthusiastic ADD kid. Good thing he always takes his medication!





Every high school has that one kid that shows up to class three hours late or showing up at school, giving no s to teachers or students that send them strange looks when they arrive in their pajamas.


It’s during the third period of the day when Kim Jongin shows up to his Geometry class.


Messy bedhead, wrinkled pajamas, eyes full of drowsiness, dried drool on the side of plump lips, backup swung over a shoulder — it’s the typical routine for Kim Jongin and his fellow classmates. It’s a mystery how the boy gets decent grades in his classes, when he sleeps through the majority of them anyway. Well, except for one: Dance. That’s the only class where he’s really awake, like, awake awake.


This boy pisses of Do Kyungsoo, though. Kyungsoo is a new transfer, and he’s only been here a few weeks. He’s made some friends, albeit strange ones, still his friends. That’s what he thinks, anyways. Kyungsoo likes to be clean and proper, even if he can kick someone’s since he knows the weak points of the body. Other students just see him as a harmless, cute, squishy sophomore.


Kim Jongin takes his seat — next to Kyungsoo, infuriatingly enough — and faceplants into the desk, not caring if there’ll be a bruise or mark on his forehead later on. The teacher continues on with the lesson, now handing worksheets to the class. The student next to Kyungsoo hands him the last two sheets, taking one for himself, he places it on his desk. He debates on whether or not to slap the worksheet right in front of Kim Jongin, or to crumble it into a ball and shove it into the slacker’s mouth.


Being the nice, good student he is, he places it on the desk silently, maintaining his innocent image. Turning to face the problems situated in front of him, he hears Kim Jongin groan and is seen digging somewhere in his pants — NO IT’S POCKETS, KYUNGSOO SAW THAT HIS HAND IS IN THE POCKET — and puts a pencil on the desk. And a calculator appears on the desk as well. Kim Jongin digs in the other pocket and — is that a bagel?


“Um.” Kyungsoo says involuntarily, looking at Kim Jongin, who is now staring at him with bagel in mouth and cream cheese — okay, where the hell did that come from — on the desk with a butter knife — seriously?! — on top as well.


“What,” He says casually, bagel still in mouth, like this is the most normal thing to do in a Geometry class. It probably is for Jongin, since the others pay no mind to him. For Kyungsoo however, it was just plain weird!


“So… Nice bagel, you got there.” Kyungsoo wants to throw himself off a cliff for saying anything at all. Why would I compliment the bagel, of all things? Jesus christ kill me right now, he thinks.


“Thanks,” He thanked the other, voice muffled as he ripped a piece of it with his teeth and started chewing. He laid the rest of it on the desk and got another bagel — okay, it’s like the freaking tardis in there. what? kyungsoo likes to watch british science fiction shows — out from his pockets. Jongin took the butter knife and scooped some strawberry cream cheese and spread it all over the bagel. He held it out to Kyungsoo, offering it to him.


“You see, I have work to do and…” Kyungsoo’s voice trailed off once he saw Jongin staring at him, a grin spread across his face.


“Come on, you’re like the first person to compliment my bagel instead of my y looks.” Kyungsoo eyed the boy strangely, who started to wave the bread back and forth, “C’mon, it’s cinnamon and raisin~”


Cinnamon and raisin bagels are Kyungsoo’s favorites… “Thank you,” he said, grabbing the bagel, biting into it as well. Damn, he thought, I forgot to eat breakfast. Now I’m going to be even hungrier.


“Kim Jongin.” Kyungsoo heard the teacher call the boy’s name and turned to face him, “Since you are sleeping and eating in class, I assume you are done with the worksheet?” Jongin flashed the paper in front of the teacher, showing a completed worksheet with — what’s that? All answers are correct!? Kyungsoo nearly dropped his bagel and started scribbling down answers and working the problems.


“Never failed to impress me,” The teacher said with a proud smile. He turned to Do Kyungsoo, frowning, eyeing the student and paying close attention to the answers and how the boy works the problems. He then spots the bagel on Kyungsoo’s lap, tisking at the the student. “Eating is not allowed on my class, Mr. Do.”


“Apologies, Mr. Kim.” Kyungsoo bows down his head slightly, waiting for the teacher to leave him. Eventually he did, and Kyungsoo let out a sigh of relief when the teacher bothered the other students. Kyungsoo turned to Jongin and squinted his eyes rather menacingly at him. “I hate you.” He muttered.

Jongin shrugged, shoving the last piece of bagel into his mouth and grabbing a box of fried chicken from his bag — okay, what the is with this guy — and proceeding to eat it. “Nobody can ever hate the fantastic Kim Jongin.”


It took Kyungsoo’s all to not stab the pencil right into Kim Jongin’s neck and watch him bleed to death. “I can’t wait for the day that I’ll push you into an ongoing car and throw your bloody, dying body off a cliff and into the ocean with a weight attached to your leg.” Okay, maybe that was a bit too sadistic for Kyungsoo, but he was thankful Jongin didn’t hear him. Maybe.


“Oh.” says Jongin with scared eyes, apparently hearing what Kyungsoo muttered under his breath while angrily writing down solutions on the worksheet. Kyungsoo may or may have not ruined his perfect, innocent image to the boy who gives no s, Kim Jongin.





Luhan’s locker is once again filled with dozens upon dozens of letters, confessions, and gay . Being the school’s kind flower boy, he’s grown accustomed to it. Since the first day of transferring from China to South Korea, he received many letters complimenting his good looks and childish appearance.


Luhan didn’t like those letters the most. Luhan is not a child! Luhan is a man.

That’s what he thinks, anyways.


Having his conveniently placed trash bin right next to him (these letters are blocking his textbooks), he grabbed handfuls of the letters and papers — double checking that he isn’t throwing his homework and notes away — and dumping it into the bin. His two best friends, Yixing and Minseok, walked over to him and noticed the piles of papers.


“Another full day, huh?” Minseok remarked. The two friends were used to seeing this scene every day at school because, well, Luhan is just too attractive for his locker to not overflow with letters.


Luhan sighed, dumping another pile of them in the bin, “Yup. Bad timing too, since I have to study for a test after next period and lunch.” Half of his locker was clear, thankfully. And Luhan can finally see his textbooks and belongings in the back of the locker. “Oh crap.” Luhan hissed under his breath.


Minseok raised an eyebrow at him. Luhan doesn’t curse often, so this is new. “What’s up?”


Luhan slowly turned around, a devastated look upon his face. His eyes were wide and his mouth was left agape as he slowly said these words: “I lost my soccer ball.”


Minseok looked at his friend with a strange look, “O…kay?” He crossed his arms, bookbag shifting of to the side of his shoulder, “What, is it like Pandora’s Box? Is all the evils in the world going to be released now that your soccer ball is gone?” He joked, sticking his tongue out to mock his friend.


Luhan grabbed Minseok’s shoulder, shaking him violently, “MINSEOK, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!” He screamed at his friend, attracting attention by other students in the hall, “That soccer ball is the thing I cherish in the world — not more than you guys, well, maybe — because it shows that I’m manly and not girly!” He sobbed. Luhan stopped shaking his friend to death, now that he’s crying on Yixing’s shoulder.


Yixing put his keyboard case, guitar case, and his folder containing many notes from his music class down and comforted his friend, patting him on the head. “Shh, it’s okay, Lulu.” He cooed, “It’s okay.”


“Yixing, I don’t know what to do! That was my only soccer ball, too!” He continued to cry on the younger’s shoulder.


Yixing gently grabbed him on the shoulders and looked at him straight in his teary, deer-like eyes. “Lu-ge, it’s okay. You can make it through this.” He said softly, in his wonderful healing unicorn voice (Minseok and their other friends named Yixing the healing unicorn because he is the sweetest and kindest person ever to walk this planet). “I’ll buy you some bubble tea after school if that’ll make you feel better.” He gave the older a reassuring hug.


Luhan sniffled, wiping the tears from his eyes. “Will you really do that for me, Yixingy?” Luhan is pouting now, looking like a small child whose candy was taken away. Yixing nodded, smiling. Luhan hugged Yixing, nearly knocking him to the ground.


Minseok sighed. Really, only Luhan is the strange one in their trio of friends. Other than that, Yixing is just a multitalented music enthusiast and Minseok is just the captain of the soccer team.





During lunch, Sehun throws his bookbag on the table, sighing once he finally sits down into the seat. It might take a while for his friends to come, since this period rotation is where they have the farthest classes from the cafeteria. Well, except for Oh Sehun. Sehun is one of the blessed people in the world — he can eat an unspeakable amount of food without gaining any weight. With his lean, skinny figure, Sehun was quite proud. And he really gave no s when it came to what food he was eating.


Sehun always carries two bags: one for his school , and one for his food. Taking the bag filled with food, he dumped all of the contents onto the table, eyes hungrily taking in the sights of cakes, breads, sweets, and basically everything in the food pyramid.


One of his friends, Zitao, the social media extraordinaire, enters the cafeteria. Tao is once again wearing those ‘hipster’ glasses, even though the boy can see perfectly fine. Sehun’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out and noticed there is a recent tweet mentioning him and his friend.



Tao looks for his friends, Sehun and Jongin, in the crowded cafeteria. Though the three are quite tall, the school is overflowing with weirdos and freaks (not that Tao is included… maybe) and it’s actually quite hard to find a tall, pale, skinny boy in a cafeteria filled with hungry and groaning teens. Tao decides to tweet about his friend, but not directly mentioning him. Tao is too cool for that.



Sehun favorites it and proceeds to put his phone back in his pocket, but the phone buzzes yet again, and Tao tweeted something new. Ugh, Sehun thought, that bastard is tweeting about me again. Sehun ignores the tweet and sets his phone aside, until it buzzes yet again and Tao mentioned both him and Jongin.



Tao turns around and finds that Sehun is next to him, moutain of snacks on the table. Tao smiled, clapping like a little girl when he saw that his favorite panda cookies were part of the pile. Tao sat down and reached to grab the small box, until Sehun smacked his hand away.


“No, bad panda. Wait until Jongin comes.” Sehun mockingly scolded his older friend, who whined and groaned and continued to tweet on his phone.


Jongin enters the cafeteria with his other friends, Suho, Kris, Luhan, and Chen. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were hanging out with Yixing and Minseok and that new kid (Kyungsoo, was his name? he thought) outside in the courtyard. Jongin opened the twitter application on his phone and saw his timeline.



Jongin sighed. He hates dealing with Tao’s consistent tweeting since it really drains his phone and, well, it’s annoying. Through the large crowd in the cafeteria, Kris spotted the mountain of food (presumably Sehun, most likely Sehun) and the others followed suit. Jongin replied to Sehun’s tweet.


Tao’s phone buzzed, showing that he got a new mention. “It’s from Jongin,” Tao said aloud, impatient for his friends to arrive.



Tao punched Sehun on his arm lightly and caught the younger boy’s attention. He told Sehun to turn around, and he hesitantly did. Jongin was standing behind him and planted a slobbery kiss on Sehun’s forehead.


“Dude!” Sehun screeched, nearly falling off the chair, “That’s disgusting! ing hell…” Sehun used the back of his hand to wipe the spit from Jongin’s disgusting kiss off. The others were laughing and Jongin was grinning like an idiot as he jumped onto Sehun’s lap, crushing his entire lower body. “What did I ever do to deserve this.” Sehun grunted as Jongin shifted his weight all down to his , crushing Sehun’s, um, regions even more.


“This is all love, Sehun. All love.” Jongin was pushed off to the ground, hitting it with a loud thud. Luhan helped the boy up and then sat on Sehun’s lap, but not balls-crushing like Jongin did.


“So what snacks do you have for me today, Sehunnie?” Luhan whispered, kissing the top of Sehun’s nose. The younger boy shifted his gaze to the side, embarrassed that a slight blush is now appearing on his face.


“I have some bubble tea and some cake…” Luhan squealed with joy, despite being a senior and four years older than Sehun. He hugged the boy while in his lap and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Sehunnie, you’re the greatest!”


Jongin made a gagging noise, “I think I’m going to barf.” Jongin held onto Tao for support, who is currently eating those panda cookies that Sehun didn’t allow him a few minutes before.


“Hyuuung~” Jongdae whined, lightly hitting Joonmyun which eventually turned into brutal punches. Joonmyun smacked the boy behind his head to stop the beating.


“WHAT?!” Joonmyun screamed, attracting attention by surrounding students. Student body president, Joonmyun. He cleared his throat and fixed his posture, nodding at the other students to carry on with their lunch.


“Waaah,” Jongdae pouted his lips and brought two closed fists up to his eyes, cutely pretending to cry, “Hyung yelled at me…” He fake-sniffled. Joonmyun sighed, rubbing the younger’s back.


“What is it, Jongdae? You made me angry, and that wasn’t very nice.” Jongdae removed his fists and continued to pout, suddenly looking like an adorable kitten. Joonmyun wants to squish the boy and all his cuteness.


“I’m sorry, hyung…” He laid his head in between the crook of the older’s neck, apologizing like a kitten. Joonmyun patted the boy on the back of his head. He caught a glance of the others. Kris is currently bickering with Tao about eating the green tea cakes first and not saving any for him, and Kai fell asleep. Sehun and Luhan were whispering to each other regarding Jongin’s face and a marker. At least Luhan isn’t on Sehun’s lap anymore.


“Jongdae… I think you should get off of me now.” The younger boy shook his head, “Jongdae, please. I’m hungry.”


“Not unless you get Mrs. Park to raise my grade to a B.” He whispered in a soft, whiny voice. Joonmyun was about to agree, until he realized what his friend to do. He pushed Jongdae onto the seat, who is now smiling with a devilish smirk.


“I am NOT abusing my powers — well, rights or whatever — as Student Body President to raise your grade, Jongdae!” He scolded, finger wavering in front and all. Jongdae’s mouth dropped in disbelief. His bestest hyung isn’t going to do him a small favor!


“Come on, hyung! It’s only a small favor!” He argued, trying to persuade the older.


“Small favor my arse.” Suho muttered as he sat down beside Jongdae, grabbing one of the many snacks on the table. Jongdae continued to pester Joonmyun by whining and hitting him. Everyone’s used to it. Jongdae is a hyung pet too, especially for Joonmyun.


“Sehun-ah, you should do it now!” Luhan whispered quite loudly, pushing the boy out of his seat. Sehun sighed, grabbing a black permanent marker and walking onto the other side of the table to where Jongin is currently sleeping. Sehun gave an uncertain look towards Luhan, who mouthed ‘hurry up!’. He swallowed and uncapped the marker, bringing it to Jongin’s face. In an instant Jongin’s hand was holding Sehun’s wrist very, very, tightly. Sehun nearly lost all blood circulation in an instant.


“Do you want to die?” Jongin asked a simple question, head still in his other arm. Sehun shook his head and Jongin released Sehun’s wrist, the reddened skin marking the tight grip.


“Hey Sehun,” Kris called, “Can I borrow that marker? Gotta show Tao my awesome drawing skills.”


“Uh, sure.” Sehun handed the marker to the senior, who started to draw on the lunch table as soon as he got it. Eh, I guess Kris won’t mind cleaning the classrooms after school then, Sehun thought.





“SO!” Baekhyun yelled, hitting Kyungsoo on his back. “How do you think of the school so far, Do?” Kyungsoo nearly choked on his food when he was hit. He wiped his mouth and straightened his back, fixing his blazer as well.


He cleared his throat, “It’s okay. Kim Jongin pissed me off a lot, though.” He grabbed his chopsticks and resumed eating. The others laughed.


“Ahh,” Chanyeol wrapped his arm around the small boy, “Why so? Jongin’s not that bad.”


Kyungsoo didn’t even bat an eyelash to Chanyeol as he continued to eat, “During the few weeks I’ve been here, I’ve never seen him in Geometry ever.” The others laughed. Apparently everything coming out of Kyungsoo’s mouth is hilarious. Oh, just they wait, Kyungsoo thought.


“Yeah, Jongin comes to school during the third period each day.” Minseok added, eating his steamed bun. It’s cute, really. Since Minseok looks like a bun himself. With those adorable, chubby cheeks — okay, getting off topic.


“But thanks to the period rotations each week, he shows up at different classes. It’s also how he’s passing.” Yixing took a big bite out of Minseok’s bun, causing the older to protest loudly. “I’m sorry, hyung. It just looks really good.” Yixing pouted.


“Next time you should ask, okay?” Minseok waved his finger in front of Yixing, who nodded like a little kid.


The group continued to eat in peace, a light breeze blowing but not strong enough to ruin their outside lunch. Baekhyun scooted closer towards Kyungsoo, who continued to eat his food quietly. He scooted even closer, and Kyungsoo noticed. He scooted away, but then Baekhyun scooted closer even more. It became repetitive until Kyungsoo hit Chanyeol’s back by accident. Kyungsoo apologized.


Baekhyun had Kyungsoo trapped in between him and Chanyeol. A grin was now plastered on Baekhyun’s face. He leaned in and whispered, “So a little birdy told me that you like to punish people.”


Kyungsoo nearly dropped his bento box and nearly choked on his food again. He swallowed the food in his mouth, looking at Baekhyun with caution. In a low, quiet voice, he whispered, “Who told you?”


Baekhyun retracted back to sitting crosslegged, “Oh, just some people in one of my many cliques.” He grinned, looking at his fingers. Damn, he has attractive hands — okay, getting off topic.


“I— I don’t know what you’re talking about, Baekhyun.” He averted his gaze to the side, accidentally looking at Chanyeol, whose cheeks were stuffed with food and a goofy smile.


Baekhyun pulled Kyungsoo to the side, away from Chanyeol and the others. He cupped a hand over his ear and whispered, “How about you do me a favor?”


“What kind of favor?” Kyungsoo was slightly interested now.


“You punish my giant of a boyfriend. No, I want you to torture him.” Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, surprised of this request. He was about to ask why, until Baekhyun said, “I’m tired of that idiot smelling like every day. Unfortunately, I’m too fragile and beautiful to do anything to him. So I’m asking you!” He smiled, like talking about torturing methods is a completely normal conversation topic.


“I’ll think about it.” Kyungsoo said. He won’t, really, because Kyungsoo barely knows the guy and he doesn’t want to ruin his friendship with him. Plus, he has an image to maintain!


“Perfect!” The boy clapped his hands excitedly, “I’m counting on you, Soo.”


“Oh, Baekhyun.”




Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around the older boy and currently had him in a headlock. The others were watching, but Kyungsoo didn’t care. “Don’t tell anyone about my secret, okay?” He said with a sly smile. Kyungsoo may be a bit sadistic since he enjoys to see others in pain, and for some reason, he enjoys to see Baekhyun in pain a lot more than others. Baekhyun nodded, hitting on the other’s arm because no oxygen was getting to his lungs. Minseok watched in amazement as Baekhyun was reduced to an oxygen deprived corpse. Kyungsoo released him, letting the boy gasp and cough up air.


“Wooah…” Minseok marveled at the small boy’s strength. “Yo, Kyungsoo! You have to teach me that!” He asked with a smile. Yixing hit Minseok on his shoulder.


“Hyung! You can’t just ask him that! And I feel that you’d use that on Luhan.” Minseok grinned, which told Yixing that he would definitely use that on his best friend.


“Um,” Chanyeol mumbled, “Is Baek okay or…?” Chanyeol looked at Kyungsoo with worried and concerned eyes.


“Oh yeah, totally. I just had to punish him because of… well, that’s a secret.”


“Oh, cool.” Chanyeol resumed eating his food, downing an entire can of soda next. Kyungsoo looked at Baekhyun, who has regained enough strength to stand up. Baekhyun’s eyes were filled with anger and frustration, but Kyungsoo somehow knew that he really isn’t angry at all.


“I hate you.”


“Love you too.”


“Woah there, Soo. I thought you had the hots for Jongin.”


“I hate you and Kim Jongin.”


“Yixing! That’s the first time someone said they hate me! Should I be proud?”


“I don’t think so, hyung.”

And Chanyeol just continued to eat his food, smiling like an idiot.



i think i may write a baekyeol side story that takes place during their freshman year instead of the sophomore

yeah i dont know


and idk if those accounts are actual names used by some fans but dont bother them pls because i just thought of it when writing the story ;-;

i dont want people to hate me pls i am very sensitive and love puppies and kitties



have a gif of sehun checking out this older dude 

(i cant stop laughing dear god help)

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Chapter 1: OMF G this is hilarious! Update pls ps pls <3
I love this story!!! Soooo funny!!!!!!
missminseokbiased #4
Chapter 1: OMG THAT GIF AT THE END HAHAHAHAHA, you write reeeally well author-nim I really love this story :)<3