My Cousin.

Jongdae's Mission

Chapter 1: My Cousin.


Word Count 1,920





Only thoughts of the cold are running through Jongdae's head as he walks around the Forest of Lost treasure.  How can it be this cold when it is only bare past mid-day?

Earlier in the day his grandmother had mention the forest while she spoke to his favorite cousin, Kyuhyun, who always found a way to pull pranks on everyone he meets.

Kyuhyun rarely goes to visit him and his grandmother because they live closer to the mountains and he lives far away in the Big City.  But today his cousin brought with him gifts for the two of them. 

Eight year old Jongdae laugh remembering the way his grandmother had smacked Kyuhyun in the head for bringing Jongdae a book of pranks.

Kyuhyun is his favorite cousin; he always brought Jongdae the best gifts imaginable.  This one time Kyuhyun had sneaked inside his bedroom late at night and given him a strange book. Three days later on his fifth birthday, his grandmother had told him of the legends. 

How Jongdae is one of them; that he has powers. How he is special.

Jongdae was confused because he was only five years old at the time but he understood that there were 12 legends. However Jongdae never understood when his powers would appear.

He once became suspicious of Kyuhyun when he stayed over for more than three weeks. Kyuhyun would only ever stay over for no more than two days. He found out the last night that Kyuhyun was trying to convince his grandmother to move out of the mountains and into the city. 

Kyuhyun believed that he be able to help Jongdae powers as well as be there for their grandmother.

His thoughts are broken when the breeze hits his skin. Now Jongdae wished he brought a thicker sweater as he felt the wind blow through the fabric.  His goal is to find the end of the forest. Where the wishing tree was rumored be at.

Well according to the conversation he overheard between his grandmother and cousin. A really loud conversation to even have inside the small cottage him and his grandmother live in.

Lonely, Jongdae tries to talk to Liangguang (A/N Bright Light in Chinese, I used Google translate) in order to distract himself from the long walk he had to do.

“It’s getting late, how long should I keep going?”


“I’ll just turn back”

‘The desire to find ‘it’ will increase your chances’

“B-but it is getting dark and grandmother might worry!”

‘Kyuhyun is with her, do not worry so much. You came out today because you finally realize where you can find your powers Jongdae, do not give up now’

More like he read it from the book Kyuhyun gave to him on his fifth birthday. That strange book has been teaching him about his powers. Well as far as one can learn without any powers.

“For all we know, the book could be wrong?” Who was he to trust something some crazy person wrote.

‘I’m positive it isn’t. I wrote the whole thing remembers?’

Now Jongdae was grumpy. “Mmm-ou cou-mmm-old me”. He really hadn’t known.

Loud laughter ran through Jongdae’s head as he continues down a path of dirt.

‘I see you didn’t read the introduction to the book’

“It’s not my fault, it is too boring, and it was too hard to understand”.

‘Did you even see who the authors’ are?’

“Authors? You mean another person helped you write the book?”

‘Kyuhyun never told you huh?’

“My cousin Kyuhyun?! Wouldn’t that make him a thousand of years old? Wait wouldn’t that also mean that Kyuhyun is special too?”

‘It’s funny that you said that. This Kyuhyun is a lot more playful than the one from the past. You see Jongdae the Kyuhyun I worked with was all serious and grumpy; he would never smile, at all. Not like he is now of course. I wouldn’t compare Kyuhyun to your special’

“Wow, I think I like my current Kyuhyun too, but what do you mean?”

‘Kyuhyun, he has the abilities of a seer. No his soul is one of a seer. No matter how many times he reincarnates Kyuhyun will always be a seer.’

“Doesn’t that mean that he keeps all memories? Even from his past life?”

“Yes, but it is strange.”

“What’s strange?”

“Back then Kyuhyun name was Kuixian and he was of Chinese decent. I remember clearly that he changed after years of being serious all the time. He disappeared actually, for the longest time possible. He came to me one day and told me that he had fallen in love. That he had foreseen their near deaths.’

His footsteps slowing down as he realizes what he meant, “He went to you to say goodbye…”

‘Yes, it seemed so. This reincarnation is different you see’

Jongdae was now in puzzlement. He didn’t understand what Liangguang was trying to say. Or Think. Since it is just a voice Jongdae is hearing

Picking up his pace again, Jongdae let out a sigh.

‘This Kyuhyun incarnation is of Korean decent, the others have all been purely Chinese decent.’

“What do you think could have caused this? Do you think it has something to do with the Legends? He was the one who gave me the book.”

‘It was love. Kuixian lover at the time was of Korean decent it seems. He chose to follow her even if she wouldn’t have loved him back.’

“I’ve read in the book that the legends before me fell for each other.”

‘Ah, yes. You already know this story it has been told to you before. Ah! It seems that you have arrived….’

Jongdae lifts his head to see that he did arrive. There is a cobble stone path circling the Wishing Tree. Impatiently he follows it to find somebody already there, their backside facing Jongdae.

Too short to see the persons face. Jongdae tried to sneak around and see who the person standing in front of him is.

Accidentally stepping on a loose stone, Jongdae freaks out.

“Jongdae calm down, I already knew you were there”. A calm voice spoke.

“K-Ky-Kyuhyun” Jongdae stutters out.

The person turns around towards Jongdae with a soft smile.

“Hi.” Spoke Jongdae as he was shocked to see the very person he was gossiping about with Liangguang.

Kyuhyun walks up towards Jongdae taking his left hand into his, dragging him towards the tree more. “You found it at last; you should ask it a wish or question now. I’m sure you had time to think”

“Actually I had a really thought breaking conversion,’ Jongdae start as he leans closer to Kyuhyun.

“I see he told you huh?” Kyuhyun’s lips release a chuckle when he saw Jongdae’s eyes double in size. “You aren’t surprise that I’m here.”

Jongdae shakes his head.

“He likes to talk a lot about me, huh? I am his favorite and only pupil”. Kyuhyun laughs as he drags Jongdae to sit next to the tree.

“When did you two meet? Liangguang didn’t tell me the exact date.”

“Hmm, I believe it was during the fourth Dark Cycle, after the first Apocalypse. That reincarnation was the first to speak to him you see. My past lives have all seen and heard strange things; it wasn’t until three rebirths later that I, my past, decided to apprentice under him you see.“

At the mention of his past lives, a blush covers Jongdaes’ face. It wasn’t his business to know. Like what grandmother says, it is another person business, unless they want to tell you do not ask. His grandmother was his family so she told him; Kyuhyun was family so he should know right?  

“Kyuhyun, are we still family?” Jongdae question with uncertainly. He wraps his small arms around Kyuhyuns waist.

“Of course we are. We, Jongdae, will always be family. I promise.” Kyuhyun gets up and turns to face the tree. “Maybe you should make that wish of yours before grandmother starts coming after us for being late for supper, I did promise her I bring you back in one piece.”

The statement causes a laugh to escape Jongdae’s lips. His grandmother was always worrying about him. It makes him happy and feels loved.

Jongdae laugh surrounded the tree, causing the branches to sway in a rhythm as wind blew the leaves around. Surprise Jongdae turn to face the tree. Just in time to see it glow.

“Waaaah~, it’s so pretty. Kyuhyun! Look, look!” Jongdae turns around

“Kyuhyun? Kyuhyun where are you?!

“He is still there young one; you are just in the other side of the dimension.”

“What do you mean?” Jongdae asks as he looks around for the voice.

“Let me first introduce myself, I am called by the name Yuwang (A/N desire in Chinese). I grant children their wishes, only children. You may ask me questions as well, I will have an answer to any questions. Only the purity of children, young ones may ask, and I shall grant them.”

“So Kyuhyun can’t see you, nor can he wish for something? Jongdae asks attentively as he tries to focus on the tree.

“Kyuhyun can in fact see me. He can speak to me as well. He cannot ask for any wishes at the moment, he is an adult at this moment. I do not allow adults to wish for things.”

“My wish can you grant it?” Jongdae ask politely as he stares at the core of the tree.

“Yes, I can. As well as much more, if you so desired.”

“My wish, my question, is when will my powers come to me?

“You have already found it young one. Your power was born within you. You have to concentrate, imagine yourself using the power of electricity, you can control it. “

Closing his eyes Jongdae concentrates. Breathe. He thought.


As air is brought inside of Jongdae’s lungs his surroundings change back to normal.


It took a few seconds until Jongdae felt a ticklish sensation in his palms.

It tickles. Opening his eyes, Jongdae is amazed at the currents of electricity running through his fingers. The visible static running through Jongdae palm as they fades through his skin.

“That was amazing Jongdae.” Kyuhyun said as he sees what his younger cousin can do now.

The walk back to the cottage didn’t take as much time as the way there. It seems that Kyuhyun knew of a short cut that only took them seven minutes.

“I cannot believe you! You knew of a shortcut but you didn’t tell me?!”  Jongdae whines as he walks next to the seer who is his relative cousin. “I was so cold, my arms were going to fall off if the walk had taken a longer time” His lips forming a pout.

“It is not my fault you forgotten to take a thicker jacket, and what’s whit this pout on your face? It doesn’t suit you. Not cute at all!” Kyuhyun feigns annoyance as he stares at his adorable little cousin.

Thoughts of, “Jongdae, you are too cute for your own good!” ran through Kyuhyun’s head.

As they reach the end of the path, they saw an old cottage that was small. Standing in front of the door was both Kyuhyun and Jongdaes’ grandmother. Her face was worn but signs of a healthy 78 year old.

Grandmothers’ facial features were molded into a scowl, as she watches the two walk closer to her.

 “You two are in big trouble!”


A/N: Happy New Years! Everyone! I had cake earlier and it was yummy! How is the new year coming along?

Do you like the chapter? Is It too slow? Comments are welcome!

Next Update is going to be when I get enough comments to satisfy my greed :)

By the way it's not going to be Kyuhyun center, he isnt really a main character. 

Any mistakes are my fault, if you spot them tell me!

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Para-sungmin #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^