Can't Believe It

Can't Believe It


Gif not mine. Credits to owner.

"How does tomorrow night sound?" 

Chanyeol tried to look around the girl that was in front of her when her face was right in his face.

"Hello, Chanyeol, are you listeing to me?"

"Huh?" He asked, looking at her, "What did you say?"

"I asked if you wanted to go on the date tomorrow night." The girl said. She had light brown hair curled down to her chest. She was wearing a light pink cardigan with long blue skinny jeans with four inch black heels. 

"Sorry, I'm busy tomorrow night." 

"What about Saturday?" The girl asked, biting her lips.

"Sorry, I have things to do this weekend, I'll let you know." He said, shooing her away from his face as she huffed and walked off.

"Woo," The boys whistled behind Chanyeol's back, "Feisty, aren't you?" 

Chanyeol glared, "What?" 

"You just let Chaegyoung slip like that? Dude, she's the hot one." Baekhyun wiggled his eyebrows.


Baekhyun looked over at Suho with a confused look then back at Chanyeol, "I don't know if you heard me correctly, I said, she's the hot one."

"I heard you the first time." Chanyeol said, flipping through his textbook.

"Woah, woah." Kris said, walking over to them and taking the textbook out of Chanyeol's hands, "You rejected a girl and is reading a textbook?" He looked down, "Who are you?"

"Guys, stop, okay? I wasn't interested in her." Chanyeol said, taking the textbook back from Kris' hands.

"Who is this guy?" Luhan laughed, "You? You not interested? You're always interested in girl." 

"Well, maybe, I want something else for a change." Chanyeol said, glancing up at the boys.

"Is the world going mad? Are you okay?" Kai questioned, putting the palm of his hand lightly on Chanyeol's forehead, "You feel fine."

"I'm not sick, I'm perfectly fine." Chanyeol grunted, pulling Kai's hand away from his forehead.

"Maybe Chanyeol's not into girls anymore." Xiumin pointed out.

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol, "You're good looking man, but I think we're just friends." 

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, "No, I am not into boys." He looked at Baekhyun, "And you are definitely not my type. I'd rather go with Kai than you."

Kai smirked, "You always had some taste." 

Chanyeol shook his head, "Anyways, I'm fine. I just don't want to date random girls anymore, okay?"

"Guess our Chanyeol is in love." Lay gooed, "Right?"

Chanyeol swallowed hard, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, please." Lay rolled his eyes, "If a player like you is saying you don't want to date random girls anymore, it means two things. One, you like boys. Two, you're interested in someone else. You already clarified that you don't like boys, so that leaves to number two." 

"Who is this lucky girl?" D.O nudged Chanyeol.

"It's no one, you don't know her." Chanyeol whispered when he shut his mouth, "I mean, I have to study for math." 

Chanyeol hurridly stood up when Suho grabbed his arm and pulled him back down, "You're already getting good grades in math, you don't need to study. That's the only thing you're good at." He pointed out. "So, who's the girl? We can always get to know her." 

"You guys need to stop. It's just a girl I think is pretty, okay? It's nothing big, I don't know her, I don't need to talk to her." Chanyeol crossed his arms.

"Oh, come on, tell us." Baekhyun gooed, "You know you want to."

"No, as a matter a fact, I don't so if you excuse me--"

Chanyeol couldn't finish his sentence when he saw her. She was sitting by the benches hanging out with some of her friends. 

Chanyeol smiled whenever she laughed and he didn't notice he was staring at her for too long. After he stopped, he turned back to see all his friends staring at him.


"Chanyeol's in love!" Xiumin exclaimed as Chanyeol shushed him with his hand.

"Don't be too loud." Chanyeol hissed, glancing over to see if she noticed and to his astonishment, she did.

She looked over, furrowing her eyebrows as he looked away.

"Be quiet, okay?" Chanyeol whispered.

"Why? We obviously don't know who this is." Baekhyun chuckled, "So who cares if we say that you're in love?" 

Chanyeol pouted, "I'll tell you guys if you shut up, okay?" 

The boys all crowded around Chanyeol, as they smiled at him.


"Lame." Kris yawned.

Chanyeol glared over, "It's hard to flirt with someone you're interested in." 

"I feel like flirting with my dog would be better than you." Kyungsoo chuckled.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, "If you guys aren't going to help then I'm going to go."

Chen grabbed him, "Don't be so sad. We'll tell you some tips on getting girls like that." 

"Yeah, because you're dating one like her." Luhan pointed out as Chen just smiled.

"Here, this is what girls like her like." Chen started off, "She likes to be complimented. But not like you're suave way, just something nice. Like, 'I like your shirt.'" 

Kai yawned, "Why don't you just hold her hands, look deep in her eyes, and say, 'I love you' why you're at it." He said.

Chanyeol grabbed Kai's hand and stared into his eyes, "I love you."

"Yeah, that's creepy, never mind." He said, pushing Chanyeol's face away.

"I'm just saying, girls like that. They are the type that knows what the flirting method are. Especially you since you've dated almost every girl on campus." Chen added, "She wants you to be different for her. Not completley, but just show her that you're no longer the player, but the boy of her dreams." 

Baekhyun gawked, "That works?" 

Sehun wrapped his arms around his shoulders, "That's why Chen has a girlfriend and you don't."

Baekhyun sulked in his seat, "Thank you Captain Obvious for the report." 

Tao looked at Chanyeol, "What are you going to do then?"

Chanyeol groaned, leaning on the table, "I don't know. I've never talked to her." 

"Then how did you get interested in her?" Tao questioned.

"I dropped my pencil during class. When I was going to get it, she picked it up. When I looked at her, oh God." He said, feeling a smile place on his lips, "She was so beautiful. Her eyes were sparkling and her smile was just so perfect. I thought I saw an angel for a second."

Baekhyun held his chest, "I feel like I'm going to hurl."

Sehun chuckled, "Let me remind you: this is why you don't have a girlfriend."

Chanyeol glanced back at her who was picking up her backpack and standing up.

"She's leaving!" Chanyeol said, hypervenalating, "What do I do?"

"Do you not see her after this?" Lay questioned.

"No, she's in my class after! I'm going to see her, what if she heard what we said? What if she confronts me and what if she rejects me? What if she--"

"Stop." Kris demanded, putting a finger to Chanyeol's lips, "You make my head hurt." 

"Don't worry, Chanyeol." Suho patted his arm, "She didn't hear and besides, if she did, let her. She'll just be a step ahead of you. Besides, it's better to know she hates you now than later, right?"

"She's going to hate me?" Chanyeol asked, sulking down in his side.

"Way to go Mr. I know everything." D.O replied.

"You know that's not what he meant." Luhan assured, "But don't worry, Chanyeol, just go up to her and compliment her, just like Chen told you."

"Exactly, I am an expert in these things." Chen chuckled, "First, you compliment her. Then after she says thank you, do small talk. For example, ask if she ate lunch, what she ate, any plans for the weekend. Something simple. But don't ask a lot in a small amount of time, that'll just throw her off." 

"Okay, I'll start off just like Chen told me too." Chanyeol nodded his head, "Then after that, maybe I'll slowly ask her if she wants to hang out over the weekend."

"Yeah!" Tao exclaimed, "And then she can hang out with us!" 

Lay shook his head, "Its supposed to be a date, not a hang out, Tao."  

Chanyeol smiled, "Okay, I'm going to talk to her, now." 

As he said goodbye to his friends, he let out a huge deep breath. After that, he walked into the classroom to see her alone and reading a book.

Walking in, he stopped and then straightened his uniform, "No one is here today?"

She looked up, "Yeah, I think you're really early. You still have a few minutes till everyone comes." 

He nodded, walking closer to his seat as he put his stuff down. This was the time to do small talk. He cleared his throat, "What are you doing here so early?"

She looked at him, "I'm always here early just in case. Besides, I like to read my book in quiet."

Chanyeol swallowed hard. Was that an indirect way to tell him to shut up and leave? 

"But don't worry, you're not bothering me, if that's what you're wondering." She smiled, "I like a little company."

Chanyeol smiled to himself as he took a seat near her, "Is that an interesting book?"

"Yeah, it's very good. A little slow, but I'll like it eventually." 

Chanyeol nodded, fiddling his fingers. It was quiet for a while when he didn't know what to say. Before he could say anything, he remembered what Chen advised.

"I like your shirt." 

She looked up from her book as she furrowed her eyebrows. She looked down at what she was wearing and Chanyeol did the same. His eyes widened when he found out that she was wearing a uniform as well. Chanyeol smacked himslef in the head mentally, knowing that he forgot they went to a uniform wearing school.

"Thanks, my mom bought it for me." She said, "I like yours too." 

Chanyeol mentally slapped himself, "Thanks." 

"You doing anything over the weekend?" 

Chanyeol thought for a moment, thinking he had said that when he turned his head. She put the book down and closed it, looking at him.


"No, I think I was talking to the white board in front of me." She giggled, "Yes, you." 

Chanyeol was taken aback, did she just talk to him? 

"No, I don't really have plans over the weekend. Maybe hang out with some friends, but nothing particular." He said, "Do you?"

"I don't either. I probably have to finish my homework. I don't really like going out. I'm an indoor kind of gal." 

"Me too!" Chanyeol abruptly said as she looked at him.


"Yeah! I hate going out, it's such a bore." He nervously laughed, "We're very similar."

She gave out a laugh, "Yeah, I guess we are." 

When Chanyeol noticed that she wasn't reading her book, he pointed at it, "Are you not going to read?"

"Oh, I thought it was rude for me to read when you're talking to me. Do you want me to read?" She asked.

"No!" Chanyeol yelled, "I mean, no, you don't have to. I like talking to you." 

She smiled, "You know, you're very shy." She said, "People tell me you go around a lot, so I thought you'd be a little more active and hyper and try to seduce me, but you're very different from what people say you are."

Chanyeol didn't know if he should be happy or not. He was happy that she knew he wasn't sucha  player, but he was sad that she accused him of seducing her. It was true he was trying to, but still, it just didn't sound so right.


"Hey, listen." She said, curling her hair behind her ear.

Chanyeol's ears perked up, "Yeah?" 

"I heard you're really good at math." She said as she bit her lips, "Would it be okay if you tutored me a bit? I'm kind of struggling." 

Chanyeol nodded, "Of course! I'll help you. It's very easy once you get the hang of it. When do you want to start?" 

"I was thinking this weekend." She said, "Or are you busy?"

"Nope, I said it before that I'm not busy." He said.

"What about your friends?" She questioned.

"Friends?" For a second, he felt like he totally forgot his loud obnoxious friends.

She then laughed, "Okay, well, just let me know if you're busy beforehand, but other than that, I guess we can meet tomorrow after school at the library?" 

"Yeah. I'll pick you up after class." He said as the bell rang. 

Students were running and laughing outside as she nodded, "Sure." 

As students were coming through the class, he looked at her, "Then maybe after, we can go eat dinner or get ice cream." He said, trying hard to have a date with her.

"It's a date." She replied as her friends walked over to her.

Chanyeol stood up and held onto his chest. He knew that although it didn't really go as planned, he got the date with her.

Chanyeol couldn't believe it, yet he smiled.

He has succeeded. 

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Theskyisfalling #1
Chapter 1: Pfssh. So cute <3 <3
Chapter 1: I love this story omg cx i cannot with chanyeol and kai odg chankai puhahahaha and maybe you can make a sequel or make this as a story cause i really love it
dwylwyd #3
Chapter 1: when chanyeol started describing how he liked her it reminded me of.. me. LOL WHEN I SAW CHANYEOL I LITERALLY GASPED HE'S SO CUTE???
yeolosh #4
Chapter 1: oh my god! this sucha fluffy;3 you should make a sequel>u<)/ i love this story so much!♥
ghostsarehere #5
Chapter 1: You can't end this xD please I want to know what happened!
EXOleen #6
Chapter 1: Can you please make this as a story T^T. It's so niceeee!
Btw, I really like this one shot. (;
chaniepoo #8