No More Miracle for their December


Two girls fighting for their men. One is married to her man while the other one is just in a relationship with her man. One gets to fix her relationship while the other gets her broken heart crushed into smaller pieces.


Two working fangirls, Jooyeong and Shinmi, are heartbroken after hearing the news that their men are taken. One is engaged while the other one has a girlfriend. The two came back to Seoul after a month long vacation in Manila. They had an unexpected encounter with the men they hated the most on the day they went back.


The older one was actually married to JooYeong but it was an arranged marriage. Jooyeong has mixed feelings with her husband so she didn't really know how to react over the news about her husband while her dongsaeng is really having a hard time accepting the truth about her boyfriend.


This is before Imbroglio.


"Han I think we need to talk."

"What are we going to talk about? We don't have anything to talk about. And I'm clearly busy can't you see that? Just be the understanding and good wife okay?"

"Ok sorry. I just need you to sign this. I'll just leave it he-"

"No need to leave it there. Hand it over. We don't want you waiting for me again right? And also, so you can also leave me alone." *Signs* "There done. Anything else?"

*Sigh, he didn't even read it. Well, it just shows he doesn't even like me or care just a bit for me then.* "No. Nothing else. Thanks."

"Then go. Leave my office at once."

"Yeah. Whatever."



"How could you?"

"I'm sorry. I don't love you anymore."

"After all we've been through. I thought our love was strong enough to keep us together."

"Shinmi, please."

"What more can we do? We're over ever since you decided to propose to another girl when we're still together."


"Save it, Yifan. I don't want to hear a single word coming from your mouth again."


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syoung210 #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^