Day 4

santa baby 2013
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19th Thursday December 2013


But since that happened it was a long time ago,now they're just

normal kids without saying anything to each other as if they

have'nt been best friends but now sunny has another best friend who

was santa crazy like her.Dad and Mum like her so thats why they

Have'nt stopped sunny being friends with her,her name was jie and

she was just about the same age as sunny.Today when we went to

school sunny saw a fake santa and saw jie next to him hugging him

and taking pictures with him and sunny did the same to!Theres proof

why they're santa crazy!I mean i can't wait till sunny's 16 once

she know the secrect she won't be that crazy.I hope but she did

ask mom if why santa is in school and that early and why not on the

25th December.Mum said santa want to pay an early vissit.WHAT a big

lie but sunny did belive it.sunny will belive in anything as long 

as it is about santa.After a while when the bell rang everyone went

in sunny and jie went in a few minuites later cause they were with

the ''fake dressed'' up santa.Also the head master should be ashamed

of paying a fake santa.That morning mum said was driving her crazy

beacause of the ''fake'' santa.This afternoon I wnet to pick

sunny up She was driving me crazy!About:SANTA SANTA WHERE IS HE?

I just told her to go home and ask mom how d

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