'Holding On' Series Book 2: When the music plays.


Title: When The Music Plays (A part of the 'Holding On' Series)
Genre: AU! Angst, Drama, Friendship, Romance
Rating: R
Pairing: Eunhyuk / Donghae
Summary: They have been told that a 'dance' is an extension of what you feel, something that would reveal the deepest secrets your heart keep.

It's been 8 years since they last saw each other,  8 years of hatred, 8 years of pain, rendering  Hyukjae unable to believe in love. He would swear he will never be tricked by love. But what if Donghae return, secrets that he kept hidden, secrets that made him regret every single day of that 8 years, would he let Hyukjae know about the facts that he kept hidden or would he let the man he had always love hate him forever?

Donghae didn't come back for explanation or to clear his name, or to make Hyukjae forgive him.
He came back to ask for a small little thing, it is to dance, the last dance they didn't get to perform.




He doesn’t understand how can love form and destroy lives. He had lost the chance to feel how wonderful love is and it was tainted with the feelings of being betrayed right before his eyes. He discarded it when that person become selfish enough to leave him behind, when that person leave him sprawled on the floor catching his breath due to too much crying, when that person killed his dreams, his life and his hope for love.

He wanted to forget but when he remembers that innocent, childish smile his heart cracked. It resounded through his consciousness, his brain. But as usual he will be alright, as long as he dont come back. For him, he was dead, along with his memories.

The more you love the person, all the more reason you have to hate him when he betrays that love.

He had hoped that they won't see each other in that lifetime.

“Hyukjae? Is that you?”

And just like that, when Lee Hyukjae stared on that widened beautiful, innocent eyes he had not seen for 8 years, standing as tall as him when he remembered the other was smaller, dark brown locks swaying through the wind as the cracks in his heart started to trace open the pain one by one.


The voice scared him. If possible he didn’t even want to hear it anymore. He hated it, despise it, and curse it. Maybe it was immature to hold grudges after 8 years but he was young back then, and the only love he knew turn on him and threw him to a dump of misery, self-pity, and hopelessness.

As if the seal he made through the cracks all over his heart begun to retrace its way, opening up wounds that were forced to close.

He closed his eyes to the image of the boy who made him give up everything in a blink of an eye but it was a bad choice, he remembered the image of begging, the image of pathetic attempts, the images of turning backs and betrayal.


“Shut Up.” Hyukjae’s harsh reply, gathering his courage to look at the brunette who made him regret ever loving someone.

Brows were as thick as he remembered, eyes that hid the childishness and sweetness, lips that glistened under the light, face that describe manliness at the same time it revealed his vulnerability.

“Don’t come near me.”

“Hyukjae… it’s been 8 years at least…” the man pursed his lips in hesitation.

“Why did you come back?!” was the words of pure loathing Hyukjae bellowed without a care to the bystanders that is starting to recognize him as a famous actor.

The man who’s clutching his bags lowered his gaze, obviously hurt by the words  he had just received.

Hyukjae’s anger came pouring and he stride heavily towards the flinching man, grabbing his arm harshly and hoisting it up painfully.

“Listen to me.” The actor whispered through gritted teeth. “I don’t care what the s are you doing here or what the hell is your drama, but I warn you… leave me the alone! I don’t even want to see your shadow what more your face. Do your purpose here and return to the hell where you came from.”

At those words he angrily shoved the man’s hand and let it go, making the cringing man remained frozen.

With a huff of his breath Hyukjae gave him a disgusted look before he walked hurriedly away.

“Donghae Oppa. What’s wrong?”  a young woman tapped the man’s shoulder  but it was no use because the brunette were delved deep into heaps of tears.



A/N: If you noticed, it was the continuation of Hyukjae meeting someone at the airport on the first part of 'When The Film Reeled.' Welcome everyone to the Book 2 of 'Holding On' Series.^^


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ilabya9 #1
brattygurl #2
Chapter 3: I can't believe that Hyuk really stopped dancing after Hae left. Dancing was his most favorite thing to do too. I guess there's just too much connection between Hae and dancing that Hyuk can't dance without thinking of Hae and that's just too sad for him. I wonder why Hae came back to Korea though. Seems like Hae continued to dance so he didn't have a problem with dancing after he left Hyuk.

Even if Hae had a good reason to leave Hyuk, I wonder why he couldn't wait one more day until after their performance. Why did Hae have to leave before they could dance together. I'm so curious what was so urgent for Hae to run away like that.

Hyuk is a little ridiculous thinking that Hae was looking for him at the cafe. Hyuk even said that Hae went there for his favorite milk tea so why would it be a surprise to see him there. Hyuk is so angry that he just wants to pick fights with Hae to show him that Hyuk doesn't care about him anymore.
brattygurl #3
Chapter 2: I hope Mi Young is right that Hae is hiding something from Hyuk and that's why he left Hyuk. I think there must be more to it since it seemed that Hae really loved Hyuk so why would he suddenly leave unless there's a really good reason. But whatever that reason is, it's something Hae couldn't tell Hyuk about. I wonder if Hae is sick and had to leave for treatment. Not sure what else it could be. But if Hae is sick, does that mean he's still sick otherwise why wouldn't he contact Hyuk once he got better.

and Hyuk still loves Hae otherwise why would he be so upset after all of these years. I hope Mi Young helps Hyuk through all of this. Hyuk is just too hurt to see past his anger to find out what really happened all of those years ago. Is it just a coincidence that Mi Young and Hae are in Korea at the same time or is there something to it.
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 2: Thx for updating, so while minnie was helaing himself, hyukjae is facing his own nightmare where hae is rejecting him, right? And now they meet again, both are angry, sad, and confused...wow, so much emotions going on, right?
brattygurl #5
Chapter 1: I'm so curious what happened all those years ago that had Hae leaving before the dance. Hyuk has a girlfriend in this chapter but from the prologue and Hyuk's part of this chapter it seems that Hyuk and Hae fell in love, or at least Hyuk fell in love with Hae so I wonder if it was one-sided, but I don't think so. And if Hae was the one to leave, why is he looking for Hyuk to finish the dance they never had. I think it was part of the other story that had a glimpse of Hyuk's story that mentioned that Hae wasn't looking for forgiveness but only to finish the dance they never had which is very mysterious and makes me wonder what's happening in his life that makes Hae want to search for Hyuk. Is he possibly sick or some other life changing event that makes Hae go back to Korea.
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 1: I love this :) kekeke...its good to know that hae is actually aware of hyuk's feelings but hyuk doesn't know hae's reason for leaving him 8 years ago, right? So this time hae will try to make hyukjae to listen to him and makes things okay again and maybe better as they will be close again?
kyuririn #7
Chapter 1: Yes, i like this. They missunderstood each other right. 8 year past and they still need time?
Chapter 1: yes..i like this! now, it will make sense to Hyukjae's broken heart..
i can't wait to know what has actually happened..
and 8 years to never dance again, it must be really hard for hyukkie..
fighting2X chinguu!!
ichathoriqlover #9
Wow, so now we will know hyukjae's side of story...nice...
my second bias! eunhae! so mystery!