First Encounter

Eyes Like

                It was the eve of the Festival of Blazes when I first  saw him. I can clearly remember the details of our encounter like the back of my hand. It wasn’t a typical encounter moreover it was never planned, it was destiny.

The Festival of Blazes many, many summers ago.

                I was walking through the crowded streets filled with so many people clothe in red. I had escaped the palace that night in hopes of seeing the fire display just like the common people. To be honest I hated being a royal. I hated all the rules and all the formality that people showed towards me. I … wanted to be normal. I had purposely disobeyed my father’s word and snuck out into the night dressed like a simple commoner. I s my way through the streets apologizing to whomever I accidentally pushed of bumped into. Older people were angry at me of course and some of them would shout curses at me but since my Magi raised me to be a good boy I apologized and took their insults without answering back. All the buildings around me glowed blood red, while the air around me was so thick similar to smog. It wasn’t a surprise since our capital was surrounded by rivers of fire. It was so loud because of the numerous fireworks being ignited around the capital. When I finally reached the center of the park I was amazed by the incredible display of lights. Fire erupted from the craters on the giant fountains located at the center. Hot molten lava shot up from the gaping crevice and into the air. It was beautiful and deadly and I loved it. I was like a firefly being attracted to the candle flame and I unconsciously took ginger steps towards the fire at the center. I yelped in pain as a pair of hands pulled me back and I found myself staring face to face with a child about the same age as me.

                “Are you insane or just plain dumb? Didn’t your magi ever tell you to stay away from the fountain especially when it is spewing out magma?” the boy scolded me angrily and for some reason I couldn’t look away. The boy’s eyes were like the blaze of a sacred fire entrancing me into a state of shock and wonder.

                “What are you looking?” the boy asked. I stupidly answered your eyes.

                “What about my eyes?” the boy asked apparently insulted by what I had said earlier.

                “We’ll they are beautiful!” I exclaimed I was an honest boy. The boy just looked at me as if I was a weird specimen that came straight from LIAM. I felt really awkward and ashamed. I damned my honest self.

                “Whatever.” The boy said coldly then walked away. I snapped out of my self incineration and abruptly realized that I do not know the boy’s name. I raced after him.

                “Hey wait can you tell me your name?” I asked but the boy merely snickered and disappeared into the sea of people. I stood there like a fool staring at the spot where the boy disappeared. I walked away downhearted and disappointed. I sat at a stone bench away from the huge crowd gathered around the giant fountain. In my mind I replayed the whole scene in my head over and over again. Had I been dressed like a royal would he still be as cold to me?  In my heart I prayed for the day we would meet again…

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nihonmorgan14 #1
Chapter 1: Just read this now, but I enjoyed it~ Since I really love Kingdom Eras, this focus I like too ^^ Not only do I like it focused on Masuda and Tegoshi, but I love how you described the festival of blazes and the scenery!! I too was fascinated by it reading it. I hope you will update this. :) I love all of your Kingdom Era things.
Chapter 1: Uwaaaaaaah!! ♥ ♥ ♥

My heart!! ♥♥ Can you please update it!! >.<

Tegoshi and Masuda looks so CUTE!! >.<