Christmas Day

Christmas Day

Minseok’s POV


‘Ugh why is it so cold right now?’ I reach out for Luhan only feeling an empty, cold space next to me. A cold sweat runs through my body. ‘Where is Luhan we always wake up together?’ Tears start filling up my eyes thinking of all the worst possible outcomes.

“Luhan?” I cried out only to get no answer.

Getting out of bed I bolt towards our door swinging it open calling out Luhan’s name again

“Luhan, where are you this isn’t funny.”

‘Calm down Minseok you are going to give yourself a heart attack. Just stop and breathe for a second.’

I actually listened to my brain and slowed down. I walked through our apartment heading towards the kitchen.

‘There he is thank gosh! What in the world is he doing?’

In the kitchen was my boyfriend for the past 5 years standing our kitchen dancing to Hyuna’s “Bubble Pop” I die right then and there doubling over in laughter. Finally composing myself I walk behind Luhan snaking my arms around him. Feeling him jump from fear made me chuckle slightly.

“Yah! Why did you scare me like that Minseok?” Luhan asked pouting faintly from being scared so easily by me.

“Aw come on jagi don’t be mad at me, it is Christmas Day. This is the day of joy and giving. So put away that pout before I kiss it away.” I said without telling him about my big little panic attack earlier.

Luhan kept the pout on his face it even looked like he deepened it.

“You want me to kiss is away don’t you,” I asked.

With a faint blush dusting his cheeks Luhan nodded slightly. Snickering I leaned in pressing our lips together warmth spreading throughout my body.  Feeling satisfied I pulled away while dragging Luhan towards our little tree in our living room.  I push him down onto the couch sitting next to him.

“What present do you want to open up first Luhan?” I asked him glancing at him hoping he would pick mine first instead of picking others gifts for him. He got up assessing the gifts under the tree. Luhan was studying them I thought he was defusing a bomb I could of swore I saw some sweat drip down his forehead.

“Luhan you know I love you but this is not rocket science. It should take this long to pick a present you are going to open all of them in the end,” I said.

I swear if looks could kill I would be dead by now.

“Fine I will pick one happy,” Luhan huffed out while picking up my present reading out the tag. “To: my deer, from: your baozi.”

Luhan gingerly ripped off the wrapping paper. As each layer of paper went away my heartbeat quickened. When Luhan got to the small little box I felt like my heart was about to burst out of my chest. As he pulled the lid off the box revealing a ring I got down on one knee.

“Luhan we have been together for 5 long years. I believe that I have met my "soul mate" and that is you, and I believe that I too want to become your "soul mate" so we can spend the rest of our lives finding happiness by helping each other through many challenges. I know that there may be many difficult moments to face but I want to be by your side to guide the way for you. You’re just like Christmas Day. Will you marry me?”

I look up at the face I fell in love with years ago waiting for an answer.


Smiling I get up to face the crying man in front of me to slip on his ring. Gently pressing my lips against Luhan’s I feel tears of joy slipping down my face. Thinking of all the stuff to come.

You’re just like Christmas Day.

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Eleenluvu #1
Chapter 1: oh so cute its a cute story
Chibi_ #2
Chapter 1: awwwwwee rjdjdiekkksjs
this was so cute and fluffy ;A;