Wish It Was You

Wish It Was You


Gif not mine. Credits to owner.

"You mean, you saw him there?" She rested her head on her left hand as the right was holding onto the phone, "With her?" 

She looked out the window and gave out a huge sigh, "Yeah, thanks for letting me know. Okay, I'll call you later. Bye." 

As she hung up, she threw her phone on the bed and burried her face into the palm of her hands. 

She knew he was in love with someone else and they both knew this relationship wasn't going to end. She knew he didn't love her and that there was no chance that they would stay together, but she still hoped.

That maybe one day, he would be able to love her again, just like before.

Having thoughts in her head, she gently fell asleep on the floor, her head gently placed on the corner of her bed. 

Waking up to a sound downstairs, she walks by the steps to see him taking off his jacket.

A bright smile was placed on his lips as he untied his tie. As his smile grew wider, it suddenly froze when he saw her upstairs.

"You're awake?" 

She walked down the stairs gently and gave him a look, "I heard you were with her again."

Luhan rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Why, does that bother you?"

"Luhan, of course it bothers me." She said, "We're engaged to get married. How can you do this to your fiancee?" 

He tilted his head, "I told you, I'm doing everything I can to stop the wedding, so there is no use." He began to walk up the stairs when she stopped him.

"I don't think it's going to work," She gritted her teeth, "Your parents love me. They'll be angry if you decide to break apart this marriage. Your parents need me." 

He looked over his shoulders, "They'll get over it."

"Yeah, you think so? Do you think marriage is so simple? You can't just say things and think it'll go your way."

"That's what you're doing though." He said, facing her, "You think this marriage is simple. You want to get married with me and just act like nothing will happen, but it will." 

She gave him a look, "What does she have that I don't have?"

"Look at yourself and then come talk to me." He said, walking up the stairs.

She followed him, stomping, "What? Does she have money? Is she pretty to you? Does she have what your family wants? What does she have?"

"She understands me!" Luhan yelled.

She stopped, her eyes saddening, "Are you saying that I don't listen to you?"

He rolled his eyes, walking to the room, "You don't understand. Even now, you're misunderstanding."

"It's because you're making everything something to misunderstand about. What do you mean I don't listen to you? Should I tell you the times I've listened to you?" 

"I don't want to talk about this, can we go to sleep?" Luhan asked, finding something comfortable to wear.

"And when did you have listened to me?" 

He closed the door of the closet, "I said let's sleep."

"Do you remember when I told you that I aced my exam that I've been studying for for hours? Remember when I told you that?" She continued, "But do you know what you did?"

Luhan looked down, "Let's not talk about this."

"Your girlfriend's parents got in a fight and she needed you and you went to her." 

"You would've done the same for me, too." Luhan's eyes narrowed, "Don't you think?"

"I don't care if you went to her." She said, her eyes watering, "The fact that you didn't even take the chance to congratulate me. To say, 'Wow, you studied so hard. Your hard work paid off. Let's go celebrate soon. I know how this meant to you.' Couldn't you have said those words?" 

Luahn walked up to her, "You want me to baby you? Be like, 'Oh, you did so good. I'm proud of you,' Do you want that?" 

"It's bad to baby me, but it's okay to baby her? To buy her what she wants, to be there for her when she's sad? You baby her while you can't just say congratulations?" 

"You don't understand me." Luhan scoffed, brushing past her.

"Why can't you just do half the things you do to her to me?" She yelled, "Why can't you take interest in me once in a while too?"

"Because I don't love you." 

Luhan's eyes widened after he said those words. He looked at her for a moment, seeing her eyes drop to the floor. He knew his words were harsh and he didn't mean to say that.

"I mean I--"

"I already knew that. Way before." Her eyes were facing down as they didn't dare to look up.

"Listen, I--"

As he couldn't finish his sentence, she looked up to face him, her eyes full of saddness, disappointment, distress. 

"Was it that hard to at least like me?" 

Luhan couldn't seem to look away from her. Her eyes were filled with sorrow and he knew that he hurt her, badly.

"You should've at least showed some interest. Maybe ask how my day was, or say my cooking was delicious, or even simple saying, 'Have a nice day.' Was it that hard?" She questioned. 

Luhan his dry cracked lips, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said those words."

"No, it's fine. I already knew you didn't love me, anyways." She wiped her tears, "Ah, you hate babies, why am I crying like one?" 

As he took a step forward to wipe her tears, he dropped his arm lifelessly to the side of his body.

"Don't try to act like you care." She whispered, "It's not like you."

Luhan stared at her for a long time. Since when did everything he did was so mean towards her? Since when did he forget her? Treated her wrong? Since when did this happen?

"Do you remember the day I fainted at school cause I didn't eat for a few days because I was buy with studying?" She looked at him, "Do you remember when I was taken to the hospital on that day?" 

Luhan fiddled his fingers, looking away.

"I remembered that when I woke up from the hospital, I really wanted to see you. That when I opened my eyes, you would be the first one there, holding my hand, waiting for me to wake up because even though I knew you didn't love me, you would still be there for me, knowing that you still cared for me." She looked straight into his eyes, "But when I opened my eyes, you weren't there. In fact, no one was there." 

Luhan breathed heavily.

"Oh yeah, that was when my parents got the call but didn't come because they were at a business trip. They said they were busy and that you would comfort me." She scoffed, "Not like my parents cared anyways. All they cared about was money, nothing about me of course." She looked at him, "And you weren't there either. You were with her, again because that was the day of her birthday, and you made a huge event for her with roses and candles outside her house." 

"You know tha day was important to me." Luhan blurted out, when he stopped.

"Of course. I knew how long you waited for that day to come, to confess your love for her. Of course. I saw you in the room, making everything." She muttered, "But at least you should've came." 

She looked up, hiding her tears, "Do you love her that much? That much that you are disgusted to get married with me?"

"I'm not disgusted."

"But you don't want to marry me. You probably rather die than marry me, huh?" 

"Don't overexaggerate." Luhan eyed her, "It's not like that."

"Then why don't you want to marry me?" She whispered when she laughed to herself, "Of course, because you don't love me." She crossed her arms, "I bet you that if both me and her were drowning, you would save her, even though you know she can swim and I can't."

"Don't be like that." Luhan said, "Of course I'll--" He stopped and thought for a moment.

"You're hesitating." 

"Look, you know what, fine. You know I love her. You know that I would do anything for her. I don't care who is in the way, I'll do anything because she needs me. She completes me and she knows me well. We're opposite but she fits my flaws while I fit her, okay? She is someone I never thought I'd love, but I did. She's perfect for me. You know it too well, yet, you want to go on with this wedding? What do you want from me?" Luhan asked, his eyes huge with anger, "What do you want?" 

"I wanted you to love me." She whispered.

His shoulders deflated a bit, "What?" 

"You might have thought that I wanted to marry you because of the business right? Or you thought everything was a joke when I was interested in you? No, it's because I was and still am in love with you. Everything about you makes me smile and I just want to be in your life, but everytime I want you to see me, you look somewhere else. Now that our parents wants us married, I wanted us to be happy and that maybe you'd look at me, but you didn't. Instead, you go to her! Someone that I least expected. Someone that just came out of nowhere and you say you love her when you don't even know her. How long have you known me? Longer than her. You know more about me than her, so why do you go for her?"

"Because I want to get to know her." He sternly replied, "I want someone new in my life. I don't want you because I know you too well. I want to get to know her and from what I see, I'm in love with her because everything I do reminds me of her and I just want her right now."

She looked at him, shaking her head in anger, "Fine." 

Luhan stopped huffing, "What?" 

"Fine, go ahead, go to her. I don't care." She said.

"You must be insane, don't you know that the marriage--"

"No, it's off now." She scoffs, "My parents don't even care about me anyways. Who cares if I don't marry you? They won't care. They'll just shrug it off and go on with their lives with money and their happiness. Me? You know they could care less. They wouldn't even care if I married a beggar off the streets." She sighed, "I told them I couldn't marry you and they said okay. They could always find other business, and besides, I'm not really their daughter, I'm what you call an item for them. Something they could sell and get money with, you know the drill."

Luhan looked at her, "You're not an item." 

"Well you know, living with them and being rejected by you makes me seem like one. I think I've been one anyways." She sighed, "Now that my parents don't care, your parents will be depressed to hear that my parents don't want to collab with yours. But you already thought that through didn't you, since you tried to break it off in the first place."

Luhan stood there, unabled to speak. Is this really happening? 

"Since you got that planned out, why don't you give it a shot and tell them? I'll tell you this though, you'll surely win because I'm not marrying you. They can plead and beg us all they want, but you and I both know that my parents won't care and me?" She scoffed, "I don't want to marry you anymore."

Luhan took a step forward, "Hey."

"Ever since I was young, I wanted to live a life and get married with someone I truly loved and deeply cared about. I wanted a family different from mine, someone that wasn't crazed with money but really loved me for who I am. Going to the park with the kids during the weekends, eating home cooked meals and having fun." She looked at him, "But I guess it won't be like that."

"You can always find someone else." He whispered.

"Yeah? After loving you for over fifteen years, I don't know." She responded, "But we'll see."

Luhan's eyes saddened. He didn't know if this was for the best or if this was for the worst. Everything was going his way, but how come he felt empty?

She lend out her hand, "So, I guess this is goodbye?" 

He looked at her hand and then back at her face which was faking a smile.

As he grabbed her hand, she took it gently and shook it, "Bye, Luhan."

His face fell to the floor, "Bye." 

"Thank you for the memories, although most of them weren't good." She chuckled a little, "I wish you the best with her. Don't break up easily now because I'll be angry." She gave him a huge smile, "Although I wish it was me by your side and you by my side, I guess this is goodbye. Good for the both of us."

As she walked passed him, her tears fells as she tried to hold it in. Holding with her hand, she swore to never look back because she knew that if she did, she would regret everything.

Therefore, she walked out the door, gently leaving it open in hopes that maybe he'll run after her and he would tell her to stay.

But as she laughed, she knew that he would never come and that this was finally the time for her to let go of him and her memories. 

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fishy136 #1
Chapter 1: I demand a sequel please and thank you!!!!
Chapter 1: Please author please made a sequel pleaseeeee
Deshyuk #3
I already read all of your angst oneshoot but this ff uggghhh my heart cracking,I'm crying in the middle of night right now..I'm really weak with one-sided love story..poor this girl,how can luhan be so blind? This ff is my favorite...so can you please make a sequel?I'll be glad if you can,thanks for the awesome story :')
Chapter 1: sequel please.
Sunshinekiss88 #6
Chapter 1: Sequel plseeeeee!!!!
choumander #7
Chapter 1: This one shot was great :D
Grwlhan #8
Chapter 1: Sequel pleasee~