
oneshot collection



The Irony of Life

A one-shot inspired by Alanis Morriset's Ironic




Mia was seated at a bench by the bus station. She was waiting for her bus that would take her home. Mia sighed sadly and looked down the pavement as she tried to still her tears. For the nth time she was rejected.

Mia sighed once again as she studied the pavement, her vision getting blurred by the unshed tears. Out of the blue, a single yellow flower was being presented to her. She looked up and through her teary eyes she made out a handsome man with a gentle smile on his face.

“Hi. You look so down. It’s a beautiful day, the sun is up the sky is blue.” The man said as he continued to hold the flower for her.


“You’re crying.” He said.


She hadn’t noticed that the tears had started falling.


The man moved to pulled out a hankie from his pocket only to realize that he was still holding the flower. He held the flower to her again, waiting for her to take it. He smiled widely at her and she hesitantly took the flower. “You’re crying.” He said once again and pulled out his hankie. He held it out to her and when she wouldn’t take he gently dabbed her cheeks with it.


“Why are you crying? Why are you so down?” The man asked as he sat besides her.


Mia wasn’t sure what was going on and although she had met the man just a few moments ago she just spilled out her life story. Mia told him about her dream of becoming an actress; about how today she went to another audition only to be once again turned down. No matter how much she practiced or how much passion she put into her art, people never seemed to notice.


“I hate it. I hate getting turned down everytime.” Mia said as she looked at the flower she was playing with. “They make me feels so worthless. I just want to show people what I can do and make them realize that I do have a potential. Do you know what I feel Mr. – Uhmm.” Hana looked at the man questioningly.

A brief look of confusion passed through the man’s handsome features before he supplied her with the answer she was looking for. “Junsu. My name is Junsu.”

“Yes, Junsu.” Hana shook her head and laughed embarrassedly. “I’m sorry. I kept rambling about my worthless life and endless problems.” Mia apologized.

“It’s no problem. If talking to me will lessen your stress, that’s ok.” Junsu said and smiled making Mia think if she was getting blinded by the strong rays of the sun or if it was his charisma.

“You know, I too took a long time before I could reach my dream. I took a lot of NO’s and I had to go through a lot but finally doing what I love makes me happy.” The man smiled encouragingly at him. “So don’t give up.”

Mia smiled and nodded getting strength from Junsu and then blushed when she noticed the beautiful yellow flower in her hands. “Oh! This flower. Uhmmmm…” Mia looked at the flower and then at Junsu unsure whether to give it back or not.

“Keep the flower.” Junsu said understanding her intentions. “My mother told me that flowers makes women happier. A street vendor was passing by so I got one.” Junsu said. “I’m not sure how flowers could make a woman happy," Junsu tilted his head in confusion and the shrugged "but, still, I hope it does.”

Mia blushed as the man beside her. So far he was everything a girl would like for. Kind - check; considerate - check; Good looking, definitely check.

For the next twenty minutes they talked about everything and anything. They talked about their love for animals, their love for sweets. They shared funny stories and the not so funny jokes they could come up with, the two completely at ease with each other. ‘It’s like meeting the man of my dreams…’ she thought as Junsu told her about a funny incident during her elementary days.

Mia looked at the horizon and noticed the bus she was waiting for approaching. She knew her time with Junsu was getting closer to an end. She did not want this to be the last she would see of him. However, letting her feelings or emotions be known to someone of the opposite be known first was something foreign to her. So she waited for him to ask her for her contact number.


She waited and waited and waited.


The bus was getting closer and closer and still no sign of Junsu asking her out or anything. She wished she could stay but she couldn't since she promised to babysit her niece. She suddenly stood up from the bench and goes to the curb as she looked out for the bus. She turned around to face Junsu and say goodbye when she realized that she couldn’t do it. She just couldn’t let it go. So she took a deep breath and gathered all her courage.


"Junsu, can I have - " Mia started to say only for her to be interrupted by a someone running from the side.


"Oppa! Sorry I'm late! Please forgive me." the woman sidesteps Mia to go to Junsu and smile at him.


"I bet you couldn't decide what to wear and how to style your hair." Junsu teased as he smiled broadly at the newly arrived woman. "You wanted to look perfect for me so that's ok."


The woman embarrassedly hit the laughing Junsu.


Mia was floored by what she saw.


The woman noticing that they had an audienced turned to face Mia. "Hi."


"Hi." Mia smiled back looking embarrassed.


"Babe, this is Mia. Mia this is Hye-jin, my wife." Junsu said proudly as he looked at his wife's eyes tenderly.


"Stop it." Hye-jin giggled as she pulled away from Junsu's attempt of kissing her. "Nice to meet you Mia." Hye-jin said.


"Nice to meet you too." Mia replied. "You have a wonderful husband."


"Really? Usually he's just a pain." Hye-jin's eyes twinkled with mischief.


"That's not true." Junsu whined.


"I just came from a audition and he cheered me up. I appreciate your company and time Junsu." Mia thanked the man.


"No problem. I'm glad I could help." Junsu replied.


Mia saw the bus pull over from the corner of her eye.


"Ah Mia! You wanted to ask me something?" Junsu remebered, oblivious to Mia's disappointment.


She heard the swooshing sound of the doors opened and soon people were coming out.


"I...I...I wanted to ask you if you knew what the name of this flower is.” Mia said. “It’s beautiful. I bet my mom would love it. I wanted to know so that I could ask a florist for a bouquet of these.”


“Hmmm..I’m not sure. But they are pretty, aren’t they?” Junsu turned to his wife. “Do you know what they’re called?”


“Oppa, the only flowers I know are the roses. That’s the only kind of flower you ever gave me.” Hye-jin laughed and winked at Mia as if conspiring with the other woman. “I kind of feel jealous. You gave Mia a beautiful…whatever that is, and I don’t?” Hye-jin said dramatically. “We’ve been married for two weeks and you’re already looking for someone else? I knew it. My mother was right. I shouldn’t have married you.” Hye-jin said “Oh Mia. Please take care of my Junsu.” Hye-jin faked crying for a bit. “I knew it. My mother was right. I shouldn’t have married you.”


“That’s not true. Your mother loves me!” Junsu declared making Hye-jin laugh at Junsu’s scandalized look.


"Miss are you getting in?" The bus driver calls out to Mia getting her attention.


Mia nodded and turned to face the couple.


"Junsu,” Hana called gaining the couple’s attention. “Thank you for your time and the wonderful flower. I better go now." Mia said, “You have a great man Ms. Hye-jin. I wish you and your husband best of luck.” she gave a small wave to the couple and turned to enter the bus.


She sat at a vacant seat by the window and witnessed Junsu lean in to kiss Chae. The woman pulled away and laughed as she lightly hit him on the arm. They looked in the bus and found Mia looking at them they both waved at her and as the bus pulled away, they turned and walked to their destination hand in hand.


Mia smiled bitterly as she made herself as comfortable as possible on the hard seat. ‘Isn't it ironic?’  she thought ‘You meet the man of your dreams…and then meet his beautiful wife.’



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Bluecassy7 #1
tragic stories.....hikz...*wiping my tears
That's a tragic drabble. *.* - c3
black_jazz #3
ow man, I wish Nari would do something like Kill Bill or so, with her wedding gown, gripping a samurai and blood of his and her all over her gown.<br />
<br />
That'd be so cool, dudette. >3<
safecracker #4
I hope nari swore to dug out their eyes out and rip their heart apart with her bare hands.. lol, that would be a nice sequel