Maybe, Definitely?


Qiuyue looks down on at her favourite textbook. She seriously needs to re-evaluate giving it that status.


Qiuyue looks up to the man holding it out for her. She is momentarily blinded by the dimple smile. (Also by the mesmerising brown eyes she later comes to love the most about him. Oh and the way his hair frames his face. And how his adam apple bobs up and down nervously as he looks at her a little shyly. Has she mentioned the eyes? She loves that the most.)


Tiffany looks at her best friend. An evil grin forms on her face as Qiuyue finally remembers to bow and thank the boy for her book.


Qiuyue senses trouble. Tiffany will never let her live it down. But as their fingers accidentally touch when she takes her book back, she can't help but feel it might be worth it. Just a little bit maybe, but most definitely worth it.

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Chapter 20: This was so sweet. I loved it!
Chapter 20: I— Jie I'm legit crying and grinning at the same time T^T XD
Jongdae XD *squishes* and his "Romeo" XD Yixing ge is far from from Romeo XD he reminds me more of Orlando .////.
But awww the end :') so much cute there
This is just the pick me up I needed
*quick pecks for both gege and jiejie* .////.
*runs away*
Chapter 11: Before I start part two— this is so sweet!!! So freaking sweet that I want to cry now!!! T^T
Jongdae XD have I ever told you how much I love you man?
Serene #4
Chapter 20: Huh. Surprised I'm the first commenter but I like how the casual flow of the story paralleled the casual flow if their budding relationship. Basically, this story was cute lol