The Doll's

Author POV

“ What taking Oppa So Long!”  Eunmi whine, she had been waiting in the park for her weekend date with her boyfriend N who is apparently 20 min late

“oppa is never late for our dates..” she muttered getting worried something might have happen to him, she was about to call him when,

“EUNMI!” She look to see the person she love running towards her, panting and sweaty

“Sooo Sorry, traffic was no joke “ N explained Eunmi who was suppose to angry couldn’t stay angry 

“it ok oppa let get our date going ne?” she chaimed, N smiled and nodded Eunmi cling her arm around his Arm walked away.

They went to shops and café then ended up in an new bar which happily tried out they enjoyed drinks and Dance around.


“Eunmi, can I ask you something“ N ask to tipsy Eunmi

“What is it oppa?” she respond taking a long sip form her drink.

“don’t you feel sorry about Min Young sshi?” he ask looking at his tipsy Girlfriend

“Heh, why should I that girl deserve it” she said

“but still wasn’t to harsh to call her mother like” N inisisted

“Tch, NO! Dirty People like her deserve to be punish” Eunmi say then she turn around and look at her boyfriend who started to laugh, a dark laugh that is

“what’s funny honey?” she ask N look at her

“oh nothing, your Right Dirty people Deserve to be punish”  he said rather darkly, but Eunmi thought he was agreeing with her “I know right” she muttered as she lean her head on his shoulders

Slowly her eyes to begin to shut, as drowsiness took over  but before she fell unconscious she felt Hand on her shoulder whispering something couldn’t distinguish what the words were.



I woke from the sound of water drops, and when I did I only wished I was back asleep again.

I found myself in a dark room begin shackled up, when I tried to stand up I felt the most painful sting on legs and when I went check on why, I was in shock I couldn’t even scream.

My legs were full of broken glass shards and it was clear that someone had to put into my flesh

“Aaah!” I hissed, the pain was unbearable “.. what happen” I muttered

Then I heard other moans and groan in the background “whose there!” I demanded then on cue the ligts went on, I had to squint my eye until they adjust to the light.

“MIKU! HANA!” I screamed in horror

just like me they were in cell but  seperate once but they were much worst condition then I was, I could see blood flowing down their arms I can see cuts all over their torso

“Eunmi?” I faintly heard Miku say

  “MIKU!” I shouted I saw her move a bit but when she raised her head what i saw made me scram in terror 

“MIKU!!!!” I cried

It was horrible her eyes were sewed shut and look at it, it was still fresh not only her eyes but her mid corners of her lips were sewed giving little movement for lips to speak.

“Help …me” she croak “Hmmm, hm” I heard moans I turn over to Hana

I only wished I didn’t look over, Hana face covered with blood but that wasn’t the terrifying part it was what was pierce through , that scared me the thing that was pierce into was a giant nail color black. Hana had streams of tears flowing down her eyes

“h..help” she croaked


Making me scream, I was scared as hell now

“HELP! PLEASE ANYONE!” I shouted I kept shouting until I heard foot steps

“Who’s there?!  Please! Help ME!” I shouted

“Will you shut up! You’ll wake up my beloveds Sleep!” snarled a voice, shutting me up

Slowly out shadows enter an young man he wore black tear up shirt and shredded jeans

“who are you?” I ask, he smirk and scoffed “the name is Huyk” he said


“Hyuk..ok… hyuk what am I doing here” I cautiously ask

I heard Hana moan louder like she warning me something

“that easy..” Hyuk sneered “ you here to be punish” he started to chuckle darkly sending shivers down my spine

“P-punish! For what!” I yelled

for making our beloved cry” 

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nice story^^
Is one of the chapters supposed to be repeated? Because chapter 2 is repeated in chapter 3....
oh gosh...I.L.O.V.E.I.T....LOL...
awesome story i love the story and the ending its very interesting. :)
siljael #5
Please make a sequel!!
Chapter 6: OMGGGGGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!IS SOOOOO GOODDDD
starlightbabyz #7
Chapter 6: OHMYGOD!! This is soooo goooodd!!! You should make a sequel ;))
starlightbabyz #8
Chapter 6: OHMYGOD!! This is soooo goooodd!!! You should make a sequel ;))