My Name is Maj (part 1)


"Really now?" The manager said, "but YOU'RE the trainee, right?" he eyed the I.D that was dangling around Eden's neck.

"Yes, but--" Eden pulled Maj close to her and put an arm around her, "My friend here is way better than me!" She added, "She speaks five languages fluently, too!"

Eden... Maj lowered her head. Her cheeks blushed as she bit her lower lip. She was more embarrassed now than she has ever been in her entire life. She hated being put on the spot.

"What's your name, young lady?" the manager asked.

"Maj, s-s-sir." Maj stammered.

"Your whole name?"

"Majal Lorraine Wang."

"Have you sung before?"

"Yes, but--"

"Are you good?"

"Well..." she whispered to Eden beside her, "Get me outta here."

"Yes she is!" Eden answered for her.

"Then, you'll have to do." the manager said with a contented tone, "Guys, come over here! There's someone I want you to meet!" He motioned the guys to come over and meet Maj.

"Guys, this is May." he introduced Maj.


"Whatever." the manager waved, "This is Uknow, Hero, Micky, Max and Xiah. I want you guys to work together, is that clear?"

"Yes!" the five guys said enthusiastically.

"Alright then! Let's get rolling!" the manager smiled.

"Maj, fighting!" Eden signalled to Maj.

Oh man... here I go. Maj said as she followed the guys to the couch.


The manager and the producer spoke to each other for a moment or so. While they were at it, Maj was seated on the couch, uncertain and nervous as hell.

"Are you okay?" Xiah, the guy beside her, checked up on her.

"I think I'll manage through this..." Maj gave a quivering smile.

"I think you delivered too much coffee that the caffeine sunk deep into your system." he joked.

"Yes. Maybe so." Maj laughed.

"Don't worry. I had my first time too and you'll get used to it, I promise." he assured her.

"Thanks." Maj smiled at him.

Xiah was looking at her with thoughts running through his mind. Her smile was warm but her eyes were cold. She had a certain shine but there was something uncertain when she spoke. She's ironic, he thought, but most puzzling was, he felt as if he saw her somewhere before.

"Maj, let's try a test recording with Xiah Junsu, shall we?" the producer called to her.

"Huh?" Maj stared at them.

"Do you know the song 'Timeless'?" he asked her, "Ri-in and Xiah sung it together."

"Of course." Maj nodded.

"Could we try recording it?"

They both nodded. Xiah felt confident and went into the recording booth, Maj just followed because she had no other choice.

She put on her headphones. She heaved a big sigh and gave the staff a thumbs up to say that she's ready.

"Loosen up. It's going to be okay." Xiah smiled at her.

"I trust you'll forgive me if I mess up." Maj laughed.

"I'll trust that you WON'T mess up." Xiah patted her on the shoulder.

Eden was smiling widely as she encouraged her friend with foolish gestures.

"Are you sure that she can pull this off?" the manager asked Eden, making sure that he made the right decision.

"I promise you, sir." Eden told him, firmly, "You'll be thanking her after she's done singing."

True enough.

After the intro and Xiah's turn ended, Maj opened to sing. She shocked everyone when her personality took a 360-degree turn around. Her voice presented so much charisma, so much flavor without losing its innocence. Unlike Jang Ri-in's powerful vocals, Maj had plain vocals that were soothing and rich. She made the manager buy her song with her emotions.

Her vocals were so good that she outshined Xiah Junsu and she left everyone in the room with their jaws dropped.

When the recording ended, the manager literally ran to her and hugged her.

"Thank you! Thank you!" he said, ecstatic.

"I'm glad to be of help." Maj smiled.

The producer approached her, "With a talent like that, you should've been very famous by now."

"See? I told you you'll be big." Eden said.

"Well... Thanks." Maj scratched her head.

"I'll inform the CEO of you and see what he'll do. I'll let him hear your recording and see what he thinks." the manager said.

After this, the producer and the manager went out of the room and Eden started to attack Maj with tickles.

"See! You did it! You took the chance!" Eden said proudly.

"It's not like I wanted to take it!" Maj said, "You pushed me into this in the first place!"

"Believe me, you wanted this so stop acting all humble and start taking credit for yourself!" Eden said then stuck her tongue out.

"Oh get outta here!" Maj pushed her playfully.

"You were amazing!" Hero approached her.

"Thanks..." Maj answered without really hearing what he said. When she realized that he praised her, her eyes widened, " Really?"

"Yes and you better start believing in it." Micky told her with a smile.

"You guys are really nice." Maj smiled.

"Yeah, maybe we should all hang out sometime?" Eden said.

"Totally!" Uknow said, "I hope coffee girl here won't mind."

"Of course I won't. I like you guys. At least, you're nicer than your manager." Maj giggled.

"Your name... It sounds foreign." Max, the youngest, said.

"I'm Filipino-Chinese." Maj explained briefly.

"Junsu hyung, you're not talking." Max said to Xiah.

"Oh." Xiah was jolted from his thoughts.

"Thanks by the way..." Maj smiled at him, "For taking care of me a while ago."

Right then and there, Xiah knew that something different was happening.

When he saw her smiling at him, his heart raced and his world stopped.

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