pipe dreamer (final)

pipe dreamer

"Taemin, very good."

"Thank you, sir."

"For a 10 year old boy, you are graceful."

"Thank you, sir."


Taemin was known for his passion for dancing. Everyone especially those of his age envied him for his talent and so they hated him. He was envied of and sometimes loved because of his passion but he didn't mind. He loved dancing and would pursue it even if he couldn't.

His family loved him. He was the pride of the family and was the prized trophy for their legendary generation. All of them were dancers and performers so it was only right for Taemin to have a talent. If he did not, he would be ruined. There was also competition among the families. With that, he would also be ruined if someone does better than him.

Kim Jongin was the cousin who does worse than anyone. He couldn't find his talent. He couldn't even sing or act.

And Taemin was relieved.

But when Jongin followed Taemin to ballet practices, he found out that he could dance.


And Taemin falters.




"Taemin, good."

"Thank you, sir."

"For a 12 year old boy, you are charming."

"Thank you, sir."

"But Jongin is getting better, so you should hurry up and let your wings fly."

"I'm trying, sir."

Taemin was known for being strange. After his cousin was slowly replacing him, he has been acting differently with everyone. Sometimes, his family sees him talking to himself or laughing to himself. When they ask him who he was talking to, he says he sees this guy in his dream and was hoping he was real and that he could hear him. His parents could only shake their heads and feel embarassed about it.

His family loved him. He was the pride of the family and was the prized trophy for their legendary generation. Although that was changing now because Jongin was reaching the top. People love Jongin more. And Jongin was said to be so much better than Taemin which angered him the most. He, was definitely better than his cousin. But his cousin was more confident.

Maybe that was why.



"Taemin, I'm sorry."

"What is it, sir?"

"For a 15 year old boy, you're not doing any better."

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Jongin has replaced you already. The Lee's must feel terrible right now."

"Yes. Yes they are... Sir."

Taemin dreams about a mysterious person every time he sleeps or naps. The guy was older than him by a few years and he grows with Taemin. To Taemin, that mysterious guy was his pillow or a shoulder to cry on. His friend. He talks to him in his dreams, though the mysterious guy would only smile, nod and do anything friendly as long as he doesn't talk.

His family was fed up with him. Jongin has conquered his rightful place and Taemin was forced to look for something better to do. He couldn't. He was like a resident of the household instead of a son or a brother, and it bothered him so much that he acted as if he doesn't care about the world.

His dreams were beginning to change as he turns 18.

He dreams of an hourglass and then he dreams of cigarettes.

But he dreams of the same guy. Who looks as if he's the age of 20 or older.




Taemin was fed up with his problems. He quits dancing for awhile to get some fresh air. With that, he walks out of his house and goes out to the dark and chilly city of Seoul. He was having the time of his life and he was glad he did. He needed something else to soothe him and not just some guy he barely and actually never knew to make him feel relieved. He was just lonely.

He reaches a bar and he's delighted that he just turned 18.

Inside, it was chilly and it smelled like men's fragrance or perfume and it was loud. Really loud.

The music was blasting but Taemin didn't really mind. He just wanted to find his own peace. He sits on an empty chair and sees a guy partying really hard. It reminded him of Jongin and he was annoyed. He had the urge to push him over the stage but he decided not to because that wasn't his cousin. He then glances at the DJ playing. He had really short hair and was handsome. He had a somewhat dark colored skintone and a smirk on his face. He was looking at Taemin. And Taemin was looking at him.

Wait a minute.

He looks really familiar.

Taemin watches.

He watches.

Soon, another DJ arrives and the guy gives the other a pat on the back before leaving the headphones and heading out the exit.

Taemin follows.



There was a convenience store near the bar Taemin has gone too. Taemin enters the entrance after the DJ went inside. When he did go inside, he couldn't find the guy. The store was small, how could he have gone?

"Hello, how may I help you?" The voice was deep and it shocked Taemin, but he tried his best to keep his composure. The other guy tried his best not to laugh since he came out under the counter after wearing an apron which also surprised the younger boy.

"Um... I would like to..." He sees a cigarette box. "Buy that cigarette box."

The DJ--salesman took the box and pressed in some buttons on the cash register. "20 won please." He gave out his hand and Taemin notices a small hourglass bracelet on his wrist. He looks up at the guy only to see him smiling and waiting for the bill to be placed on his hand.

Taemin gives the money and takes the box unsurely.

And then the guy laughs. He puts on his nameplate and gives out his hand again to Taemin.

"Hi, my name is Minho." Taemin gives a nervous look but shakes his hand anyway.

"Taemin." He replies.

"Why are you so nervous?" Minho chuckles.

"I'm not... I'm just nervous."

"Hahaha What?"

"I mean, I've seen you before."

"Yeah, I work at the bar you just came from. I hope you're not a stalker. But I think you are." The glint in Minho's eyes changed. It bothered Taemin but he pretended not to notice.

"No! No I'm not."

Minho nods and chuckles a little bit. He wrote something on a piece of paper and gives it to Taemin.

"I think it would be great if we become friends." Taemin looks at the paper to see that it was the guy's number. "Hahaha, stalker."

Taemin was about to protest but decided not to.

"It's getting late, shouldn't you be going home?" Minho says while arranging some bills from the cash box.

"Uh-- Y-yeah."

"Okay, well, good night!"

"Good night."


"Taemin, sleep well."




Taemin dreams again.

In the dream he sees dancing ladies, a party and then he sees an hourglass and cigarettes.

And then he sees the same guy.


It was Minho.


And then he wakes up.


Everything was white. The whole room was white and completely dull. Taemin sits up to see that he was in a room he couldn't recognize. It was familiar though, but he couldn't quite place it in his noggin. His head hurts and he moans while his hand hovered over his head.

The door opens and a man comes in.

"How are you feeling Taemin?"

"I'm fine."

He's heard of that voice before, but he couldn't seem to look up.

"Here take these medicines."

He took them.

He looked up.

It was Minho.


"You're almost healed. Soon, you can come back to your family."

"What? But I don't have a family."

"Yes you don't Taemin. They have abandoned you into this hospital. I'm just making sure you remember."

"But... I'm not crazy."

"Yes. You are not Taemin. But what you did was crazy."



"You pushed your cousin Jongin on stage. His stage. Good grief, the DJ was playing well and you ruined the whole show! I heard you bought cigarettes, gave your number to a guy you never knew and even stole his hourglass bracelet. You lit up the place with the cigarette and you had some gasoline placed in the hourglass bracelet which you used to burn it down."

"Then, why are you still alive, Minho. Doctor?"

"I'm not."


Taemin looks around. No one was there and the nurse has just closed the door. He begins to become drowzy and a voice echoes the whole room.


"Taemin, sleep well."


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Chapter 2: ASDFGHJKL