The beginning~

Is it my heart or...?

  It was a normal day. I was walking down the street with my 2 good friends Eunhyuk and Henry. Yes, you read right. Eunhyuk from Super Junior and Henry from Super Junior M. Oh, I didn't introduced myself! :3 My name is Raluca, but everyone is calling me Ralu. <3 I was friends with them since my first concert of Super Junior.




  "I know, right?! This concert was AMAZING! ASDFGHJKL" I yelled in the middle of the lonely street.

  "Gaaah, I wish we could stay all night there! The atmosphere was just perfect and the boys made a very good job!" my friend screamed with me, while we were heading to Starbucks to eat and drink something warm. It was autumn and the wind started to blow, making all the leaves fall and hit our faces. >M<

  "Can we walk faster?" I suggested after I saw two men behind us. It was scary because they had masks and black long coats.

  "Why?" my friend, Maria, asked me, obviously worried.

  "I…uhh…" I stuttered and looked behind again with the corner of my eyes "…am very cold and hungry! Brr~" I faked a tremble.

  "Oh, sweetie, alright, let's go!" she put her arm around me and tried to make me warmer by caressing my sides and back.

  We finally made it to Starbacks and I sighed in relieve when no one was entering after us. But I spoke too early, the 2 men opened the door and went straight to the tables in the back, still having view to us. Aish, I have to tell Maria about this.

  "Maria!" I half yelled, half whispered. 

  "Yes?…" she looked at me confused.

  "See the guys in that corner?" I said and pointed to them. Her eyes travelled upon them, quickly looked back at me and nodded. "I told you earlier to walk faster because I thought they were chasing after us, and they did!"

  "Ugh, you're being paranoid!" she made herself comfortable in her chair and continued to read the menu. I did the same thing, but took some glances at the two. They were both with their faces in our direction, I mean mine, because Maria was with her back at them. They began to undress. First the black coats, then the beanies and then the masks…..HOLY SHISUS! THEY ARE!

 "OH MY GOD!" I fangirled loudly. As soon as I did that, I was so embarrassed I hided myself with the menu, pretending nothing happened.

  "What….?" Maria asked and giggled at me.


  "The men?"


  "What about them?" she turned around and rapidly turned back to me and blushed. Awwww, she was so cute! <3 "Omo, it's Hyukie….and that is Henry?!"

  I just nodded. "Oh, so, I really was paranoid. They were just trying to hide from fangirls with that clothes." I stated.

  "Mhm…let's not bother them."

  "I agree~…..Awww, poor guys! I am so sorry for them. Always having to stay hidden and watch everything around them for they own safety." I made a puppy face and tried not to stare at them, but urgh, that was really hard. I mean, our idols were there…in front of US, come on! Hah, they were lucky we aren't the type to spy on them and think just about our needs and annoy them with our stupid fangirls things.

  "Who's gonna buy?" Maria phrased.

  "Not me!" I exclaimed.

  "Not me either!…Alright, let's do 'Rock, papper, scissors'!" she suggested because obviously, we were not just give in so fast. -_-

  We prepared our hands and started to play. "Nooo, why me?" I cried cutely.

  "Aish, stop being so cute and get me a cappuccino!"

  "With cream or not?" 

  "With cream, of course!" she shot me a little glare and smiled innocently. 

  I made a 'tsk' and got up with my wallet. Walking to the desk to command what we wanted, I noticed a guy was commanding too. He was a little taller than me, his hair was orangeish and his clothes were really clean and stylish. Just like Hyukie…wait…JUST LIKE HYUKIE. ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKL 

  "Alright, calm down, Raluca." I said to myself in a low voice. I let my gaze down and stare at his shoes, observing them moving in my direction. I let my gaze up and met with two beautiful black-brownish eyes, staring at me in confusion. I blushed and kept on staring without realising it. 

  "Did you, by chance, talk to me?" his voice was music to my ears. So soft, but with a touch of rap in it~ xD

  "Uhh…I…." no words were escaping my lips. I was in a shock! "…n-no…" I wanted to facepalm myself so much for saying no! I mean, that was a chance to get his autograph.

  "Oh, so bad, I wanted to make a photo with you because they say beautiful memories are made by beautiful people." he smiled, showing his gums. 

  "I…" again, no words…did he just use a pick-up line on me? But why wasn't I angry with him? :O

  "Alright, sorry, I didn't mean to bother you." and he attempted to walk away.

  "N-NO!" I stopped him. "…."

  He waited for my response, his smile turning somehow in a cute little smirk. "Yes?"

  "A-are you…Eunhyuk? From Super Junior…." 



A/N: This is just the beginning, guys~ The story will have some chapters, not too long ^^ I don't want it to be long because it will take me FOREVER to update (my subscribers can relate, my other story here...and ignore my little mistakes, I work on them :P :

Hope you have a Happy Christmas and may all your wishes come true! Stay healthy and always smile! <3 

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