Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?

This is the tale of two young boys, both wanting something they couldn’t have. It all begins on a cold, snowy night in Seoul, South Korea. A young boy being abandoned by his mother because she couldn’t take care of him anymore. She left him in the freezing cold, on a porch step of a strangers house, only bothering to knock twice before running, far away, forever.

A porch light flickers on and suddenly the door opens. Two parents of one huge mansion find the young boy sitting on their porch. They immediately took him inside. The next few days they spent trying to figure out who’s child it was, but they couldn’t. There was no evidence as to who the young boys parents were, the only thing they figured out was that his last name was Lee, but that’s such a common name, they’d probably never find his parents, but they wouldn’t stop searching. Until then, they took the young boy in and treated him as if he was their own. They called him, Sungmin.

Of course they already had another son, their actual son, brought to life by them. He went by the name of Cho Kyuhyun. Both the boys had grown up together. They felt like they were actual brothers. They would always play together and fight just like brothers do. They would build snowmen out in the yard when there was snow.

Sungmin loved the winter time and Kyuhyun did too. Kyuhyun had really grown a liking for his brother and before he knew it, he started to love his brother. You know, the cute little kid kind of love. But he knew it was weird to be in love with your own brother, so he never told Sungmin. Instead, Kyuhyun promised to always stay by his side and protect him, but it wasn’t until he overheard his parents talking, that all that changed…

“Ugh I’ve done so much research. I just can’t find them.” Kyuhyun’s mother had said.

“It’s okay, we’ll find them.” Kyuhyun’s father replied.

“When? We can’t just keep this a secret from Sungmin forever. He needs to know who his real parents are and why they gave him to us.” Kyuhyun’s mother replied.

Kyuhyun who was hiding behind the wall covered his mouth. The realization of Sungmin being adopted hit him. So being in love with Sungmin wasn’t a bad thing? To Kyuhyun it was. Sungmin still thinks they’re brothers, so Kyuhyun could never tell Sungmin what he feels or else Sungmin would think he’s crazy and never speak to him again!

That day, Kyuhyun locked himself in his room and promised to never come out again. Sungmin always wondered what happened to Kyuhyun, why he wouldn’t come and play anymore. Why he left Sungmin alone. He missed Kyuhyun.




When Sungmin was six years old, he decided to finally knock on Kyuhyun’s bedroom door.


Kyuhyun? (Knock, Knock, Knock) Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let’s go and play! I never see you anymore, come out the door, it’s like you’ve gone away. We used to be best buddies! And now we’re not. I wish you would tell me why~ Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn’t have to be a snowman~

Go away Sungmin.

Okay bye…


Sungmin sighed as he walked away from Kyuhyun’s door. Kyuhyun felt terrible for telling Sungmin to go away. But if he wanted to keep his secret, this was the only way.


Of course I wanna build a snowman. I want to come out and confess. But I need to stay locked up inside, although I hate to hide, I know it’s for the best. You know you’re still my best friend and so much more, I want to be by your side~ Of course I wanna build a snowman, Oh how I’d love to build a snowman… No, I can’t. I’ll stay inside….




A few years had passed after that and Kyuhyun still hadn’t come out of his room. Sungmin was really quite bored and wished Kyuhyun would come out to play again, just like old times! So when he turned eleven, he decided to try again.


(Knock, Knock, Knock) Do you wanna build a snowman? Or ride our bike around the halls? I think some company is overdue, I’ve started talking to the pictures on the walls!

Hang in there Joan(;

It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms, just watching the hours tick by~ (Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock)


Kyuhyun knew how bored Sungmin was, because Kyuhyun was dying of boredom in his own room. He wished he knew what to do, but he didn’t. Sungmin still had no idea that he was adopted and Kyuhyun wasn’t going to be the one to tell him, which also meant, he couldn’t tell Sungmin he loved him.


Of course I wanna build a snowman. And run around and dance and play! I’m really lonely stuck inside my room, my life’s all gloom and doom but I have got to stay~ I know you’re feeling lonely, I know I am too, but my love I won’t be able to hide~ This longing in my heart for you, if only you knew, the way that I feel inside~ Of course I wanna build a snowman, with you~




Many years had passed and Sungmin was already eighteen! Kyuhyun had not come out of his room at all, but Sungmin was used to it. Of course he still missed Kyuhyun. But now that he was older, he already knew that he was adopted. Kyuhyun’s parents had told him and now that they were old enough to stay home alone, Kyuhyun’s parents decided that they had enough research to go out and try to find Sungmin’s real parents.

Kyuhyun wished both of them luck while Sungmin hugged them both goodbye. But their luck changed when a huge storm came through, knocking over the ship that Kyuhyun’s parents were on, killing them. Kyuhyun cried silently and alone in his room while Sungmin cried also. Sungmin headed toward Kyuhyun’s door and hesitated before knocking silently.


(Knock, Knock, Knock) Kyuhyun…? Please, I know you’re in there. People are asking where you’ve been. They say have courage, and I’m trying to, I’m right out here for you, just let me in~ We only have each other, it’s just you and me, what are we gonna do?


Do you wanna build a snowman?


Kyuhyun heard Sungmin sitting outside his door crying silently. A small tear rolled down his face before he finally replied to Sungmin,


Yes, I know you’re out there. That must’ve been rough on your own… But now my feelings have grown much too strong, I feared this all along, it’s all my fault. You deserve much better, than what I can be, there’s nothing that I can do~


Of course I wanna build a snowman…


Sungmin hugged his knees close to his chest and silently continued crying. It’s been a long time since he heard Kyuhyun’s voice. He wished to see him. Kyuhyun wanted to see him just as much.

“Why have you been hiding from me for so long?” Sungmin asked quietly.

“I… Can’t tell you.” Kyuhyun replied, “You’ll laugh…”

“I promise I won’t… Please,” Sungmin let a few tears fall, “I miss you…”

“Do you… Really want to know…?” Kyuhyun asked quietly through the closed door.

“Yes…” Came Sungmin’s faint whisper.

Kyuhyun hesitated before doing the craziest thing he thought he’d ever do.


He opened the door.


Sungmin turned around slowly and looked up at Kyuhyun. It had been twelve years since they had seen each other. They were now so grown up. Kyuhyun took a good look at Sungmin before sighing and finally saying,

“I love you.”

Sungmin blinked a few times before standing up, “W-What?”

“Look, I know you’re not my real brother. We’re not related. I’m sorry that I have to be the one to tell you…” Kyuhyun looked toward the ground.

“You’re not. I’ve known for a long time.” Sungmin replied, “But if you know that… Why are you telling me you love me?”

“It’s not brotherly love. Ever since we met, there was always something about you that I loved and for awhile I thought it was brotherly love, but when I found out we weren’t related, I knew I had actually fallen in love with you. I couldn’t tell you that though because you still thought we were brothers! You’d think I was weird… Even now, you probably think I’m weird…” Kyuhyun tried to close the door again on Sungmin, “I’m sorry, I’ll just-”

“No.” Sungmin stopped the door with his foot, “If you're crazy, then I am too.”

Kyuhyun slowly peaked around the door and looked at Sungmin a bit confused.

“I love you too.” Sungmin said.

That was enough to make Kyuhyun smile. The first time he’s smiled in years.

Sungmin held out his hand, “Do you wanna build a snowman?

Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin’s hand, then slowly placed his hand in the others, “Of course I wanna build a snowman.



With you.

With you.



A/N: Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you enjoyed this short fic! Thanks for reading!(:


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Chapter 1: OMG why so hurt :3
Angelaa_0919 #2
Chapter 1: OMG im.drying of sugar with a six.years old cuty and sweetes Sungmin kyaaaaaa I love it...this.shot make my heart beat and scream for.cuteness sooooo freaking cute and adorable Shot can get enough of this one can I traduce it in Spanish and publish it in other page? my fiart language is spanish ^^ and 31 day of December.can I?
aahhhhhh thats was the song that to my mind when I read.the tittle hahaba loveeeeee that part of the beautiful movie ^^
RayhanAdni #5
Chapter 1: Gah! It so sweet <333
Chapter 1: coming from frozen?
this is a greet turnout..
sooo cute!
thankyu author-nim!
Jin_Riri #7
Chapter 1: sad for kyu's parents but... i was just wondering, how could kyu survive in his room alone for years? i know i should have common sense that it juts means that he isn 't going wth sungmin but.. XD nvm :3

i love the ending^^
hehcrazyelf #8
Chapter 1: Aw that's so touching T_T