luhan doesn't like the other side

Hello, Ghost Boy

Luhan was mad. Sehun felt the hairs on his arms stand as Luhan stared at him with an icy glare. He didn’t know the ghost boy could look so intimidating as he did at the moment.

“Luhan…” Sehun began, taking a step forward.

Luhan took a step back, his glare still in place.

“I’m sorry.” Sehun tried again. He could feel the beads of sweat trickling down the side of his face.

“You have no right to ask about my past.” Luhan whispered in a deadly tone.

“You’re right, I don’t. I wasn’t thinking. I was just curious and I-” Sehun words were cut short.

“Aren’t you all?” Luhan laughed menacingly. “I’m not dumb, Oh Sehun. I know how this works. I’ve seen it done to so many beings of my kind, and I don’t plan for it to happen to me anytime soon.”

“What are you talking about?” Sehun’s brows knitted in curiosity.

“Stop pretending that you don’t know what I’m talking about!” Luhan snapped. His hands were shaking at his sides. “You ask me about my past, then you use my history against me to send me back to wherever the heck people like you send spirits like me!”

“I’m not-”

“Contrary to what you think, I am quite happy with where I am right now. I know it’s hard to believe, and even harder to understand, but I… I don’t want to go yet. I’m not ready.”

Sehun remained silent, looking intently at the shaking ghost boy in front of him.

So this is what you’re scared of? Going to the spirit world?

It was only now that Sehun understood why Luhan chose to stay so long. Something in his past made him scared to go into the light. Luhan was terrified of what awaits him on the other side. He was afraid of being judged for whatever he did when he was alive.

“Luhan,” Sehun began in a stern voice, forcing the other male to look at him. “I am not asking about your past so I can send you away.”

Luhan tilted his head in curiosity.

Sehun took this as a sign to continue. “I was just-”


Sehun froze in his spot as he heard his father call out for him. Luhan was also glued to his spot.

The door to Sehun’s room swung open, revealing his anxious looking father. Mr. Oh stepped foot inside the room and walked towards his son, going through Luhan as he did so. Luhan’s form became misty before he completely disappeared. Sehun tried his best to mask his annoyance when he turned to look at his father.


Mr. Oh furrowed his brows. “I just wanted to check up on you.”


“Well I…” Mr. Oh closed his mouth, seemingly contemplating his next words. “Is anyone here with us?”

Sehun tried his best not to roll his eyes at his father’s nervous expression. He didn’t want him to know about Luhan because his parents might opt to move houses again if they find out. Sehun finally started to admit to himself that he was actually enjoying Luhan’s presence.

“No dad, there isn’t.” What he said was partly true.

“Good.” Mr. Oh breathed out a sigh of relief.

“Is there anything else you want to talk about?” Sehun’s patience was wearing thin.

“No, no. Good night, son.”


Sehun flopped down on his bed as soon as his father left the room. He patiently waited for Luhan to reappear, but he didn’t.

Sehun fell asleep that night with a heavy heart. He doesn’t know much about Luhan, but he was certain about one thing: he hated Luhan being mad at him.

“Luhan, we’re leaving now, okay?” Sehun called out into the empty room.

Sehun waited for a few seconds before concluding that Luhan wasn’t going to materialize before him. It had been exactly two weeks since their little disagreement, and Sehun found himself worried for the ghost boy. He knew Luhan couldn’t have gone far, since Sehun always carried the ring with him. Luhan was there with him alright. He just refused to show himself. Still, Sehun couldn’t help but feel anxious.

The dark haired male clasped the ring in his hand and slowly slipped it on his finger. Hopefully Luhan would reappear soon, and Sehun didn’t want to miss the chance to catch him, so he always wore Luhan’s ring.

“I don’t know how you feel about school, but hopefully it’ll keep you somewhat entertained.” Sehun muttered. “I know you’d rather come to school with me than stay here at home.”

Sehun sighed before grabbing his backpack that was lying on the floor and slinging it over his shoulder. He took one last look around his room before closing the door.

4-4-5-6… Or was that 4-5-5-6? Darn it!

Sehun angrily pounded on his locker before pressing his forehead against it. His first day in school didn’t go as well as he expected it to.

A soft click caught Sehun’s attention and he lifted his head up. His brows furrowed when he noticed that his locker had been opened mysteriously. He smiled softly, his earlier anger dissipating.

“Thank you, Luhan.” Sehun whispered.

As he was shoving his books inside his locker, he felt someone crash into him. Sehun was able to regain his balance, but the same cannot be said for the person who crashed into him.

“Are you alright?” Sehun extended a hand to help the person stand. A look of realization appeared on his features when he noticed that the boy was the same person he bumped into in front of the grocery store a few weeks ago. “Hey, it’s you again.”

“Oh.” Kyungsoo’s eyes widened. He took Sehun’s hand. “Once again, I am so sorry!”

Sehun grinned. “We really have to stop meeting like this.”

“U-uh yeah…” Kyungsoo rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I was in a hurry.”

“I can tell.” Sehun chuckled and stretched out his hand. “I’m Sehun, by the way.”

“Kyungsoo.” Kyungsoo replied with a sheepish smile. He shook Sehun’s hand. “So, you’re the new student everyone’s been talking about.”

Sehun’s eyes widened, a light shade of pink gracing his cheeks. “People are talking about me?”

Kyungsoo shrugged. “Well, yeah. This is a small town, Sehun. People talk.”

“Right, right. I guess I’m just not used to it.”

“Oh, you’ll get used to it soon enough.” Kyungsoo said. “Hey listen, why don’t I show you around school? Just think of it as a way of me saying sorry for always bumping in to you.”

“I would like that, thanks.” Sehun chuckled.

Kyungsoo was right. He could understand why people knew about him the moment he walked through the gates. The school was small, with only less than a thousand students. Most of the kids were reserved, opting to keep to themselves. They stole shy glances at Sehun, but none of them made a move to talk to him. None of them except Kyungsoo, of course.

Sehun glanced to his side, where Kyungsoo was currently seated. Kyungsoo, feeling someone staring at him, glanced back. He smiled upon meeting Sehun’s gaze.

“Does the teacher always talk this slow?” Sehun asked.

Kyungsoo leaned closer. “Yes, but his sense of hearing is impeccable, so you better watch out for those insults you throw at him.”

Sehun gulped and nodded, bringing his gaze back to his teacher.

Not even half an hour since class started, the door to the classroom suddenly burst open, startling almost half of the students in the classroom – Sehun included. A dark haired male with tan skin made an appearance, casually strolling inside the classroom like he owned the place.

The student threw the teacher a charming smile and said, “Sorry I’m late, teach. Just had to take care of some… business.”

The teacher pursed his lips. “I do hope you don’t think I’ll treat you kindly just because you’re one of the top students, Kim Jongin. Detention with me after class for a week.”

The kid named Jongin frowned. “Yeah, whatever.” And he made his way to his seat, a few rows in front of Sehun.

“That’s Kim Jongin,” Kyungsoo whispered. “He’s notorious, but he’s got the brains to make up for it. I bet you my month’s worth of allowance he was making out with a girl before first period – that’s why he’s late.”

Sehun shook his head incredulously, his gaze travelling towards Jongin’s direction.

“If you want to graduate on time, make sure you never get acquainted with him.” Kyungsoo continued.

Sehun nodded. He turned his attention back to his teacher and began to diligently take down notes. He was so concentrated on writing on his notebook that he almost didn’t feel the shiver that ran down his spine. He perked up, thinking that Luhan would finally make an appearance – maybe to comment about how irritating Jongin looked, sleeping with his mouth wide open during class.

Sehun twisted his head to the side, but instead of meeting Luhan’s gaze, he looked directly into someone – or rather, something – he had hoped he’d never see. Dark eyes glared at him, and Sehun was certain he’d never met a presence he was so scared of – except her. He his dry lips, attempting to communicate with the ghost with his eyes, but he was taken aback when Luhan suddenly appeared. For a moment, Sehun felt his heart flutter. He never realized just how much he missed seeing Luhan. It was strange for him, given that they just met less than a month ago. But here he was, missing someone he thought he’d never miss. Maybe it’s because Sehun never felt attached to a ghost before – not before he met Luhan. And Sehun barely had any friends as it is. It was definitely weird, but it was the good kind.

Luhan leaned in to whisper to the female ghost, and she scowled at him. She shot another glare towards Sehun’s direction before vanishing. Sehun hoped that Luhan would look at him, but he never did. He disappeared soon after the female ghost did.

“I’m tired of playing around, Luhan.” Sehun yelled at the empty room.

He wasn’t scared  of his parent’s finding out, since they weren’t home yet. Sehun thought this was the perfect moment he could talk to Luhan man to man – or rather, man to ghost.

“You don’t have to yell.” Luhan scowled, finally materializing in front of Sehun. “Just because I don’t show myself doesn’t mean I’m not close by. You have the ring with you, after all.”

Sehun blushed lightly. “Sorry, I thought you couldn’t hear me from… where you were.”

“I was right in front of you.”

“I didn’t know that.”

Luhan stared at him pointedly. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?”

Sehun fiddled with the hem of his shirt, thinking over what he was going to say. “I wanted to ask you about that female ghost.”

“What about her?”

“Who is she?”

“How should I know?” Luhan tilted his head. “I just met her the same time you did – yesterday.”

“Yeah, but I saw you talking to her in school.”

“Well congratulations then, you’re eyesight’s perfect.”

“Luhan,” Sehun sighed exasperatedly. “Will you stop being… you for a while and answer me properly?”

Luhan wrinkled his nose. “Why should I?”

“Fine.” Sehun said through gritted teeth. “Since you’re being so difficult, I’ll make a deal with you.”

Luhan crossed his arms. “I’m listening.”

“I’ll promise to always wear the ring if you tell me more about that ghost.”

“Hmm,” Luhan pondered, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “You drive a hard bargain, Oh Sehun. Alright, fine. I’ll tell you about her, but you must heed my warning.”

“I’m listening.”

“This girl is dangerous. She’s a vengeful spirit, as you might call her. She came back to your world for one purpose and one purpose only: to torment the person who is responsible for her death.” Luhan pursed his lips. “I think I’ve said too much already.”

“Who exactly is responsible for her death?”

“You’re not going to like the answer, so why bother asking?” Luhan sighed.

“I’d still like to know.” Sehun said.

He was adamant about getting some answers. He had a strange feeling she was related to Kyungsoo somehow, but if he wanted to help his friend, he had to know more.

“Kyungsoo,” Luhan replied, his voice just above a whisper. “Kyungsoo is responsible for her death.”

Author's Note

heeey, how goes it? hehehe. i missed writing this fic! i got caught up with writing my other fic that i never got the time to re-visit this one... which is why i wrote an especially long chapter for ya'll (well it's long in my case) hehe :)) and oh look! jongin has finally made an appearance. i've got lots of things planned out for this story so make sure to stay tuned! 

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Chapter 5: WHAT

YOU CAN'T LEAVE US HANGING AUTHORNIM. Please. This story is so interesting, I'd line to know what'll happen next.
Chapter 5: Oh I love this story! <3 its so cute! Wait, I thought Kyungsoo is good? O.O And the creepy female ghost is just...creepy. Omg please update soon when you have time author-nim! :)
Aryetty #3
Hello there! I'm a new reader. I really like your writing style and plots. I can't wait to read more of your stories! This one really caught my attention so I hope you'll update soon.
shineetracy #4
Chapter 5: OMO!! Love this story! ♥️♥️
Can't wait for the next chapter! Thank you Author-nim :)
new reader and new subscriber here ^^
annyeong... i love luhans silent treatment and sehun being worried and missing him ^^
Chapter 5: Update soon ~~~
Chapter 4: :o That's it? Omg.. I need more.. please continue :( I love your story alot
Chapter 4: Update Soon ♥♥♥♡♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♡♥♥♥♥♥♡
Chapter 4: waiting for the next..