chapter4 part2


You: Are you mad?

kai: of what?

you: hurmmmm, aniya.


kai: i taught that she is going to ask if i'm mad when she says that sehun is nice.


sehun: hyung! dont get jealous over me

nayoung: kai is nice! kai is nice! i can say it thousan time!

misun: you want to be minee-shi? hahahahaha.


you still looking at kai's polaroid photo.

kai: i want to see at your photo.

you: aahhh, i dont have much. only this one

kai: waaaahh. you look cute.

you: urmm, you can keep it.

kai: waaah.jinjjayo? both?

you: yupp, that was my picture when i celebrate my first birthday with the members

kai: ooohhhh, arraso. i will keep it. then, you have to keep mine too. aahhh, here. this one.

you: why did you choose this one?

kai: because when you miss me. you can see my heart. hehehe.

you: aaahhh. arraso. i will keep it.

kai: urmmm, minhee-shi


misun: kai-shi is calling minhee instead of minee. yaaahh~ talk comfortably. bbali!


you: de?

kai: urmmm, i watch other couple on wgm before. they discuss about the nicknames. should we do it too?

you: urmmm,de. what you gonna call me?

kai: urmmm. i dont know. should we think about it slowly?

you: de, arraso.


kai: i... really.. dont have idea what to call her.

you: i want to call cute kai. hehehehe. aniya. i dont know.


you:yeaaayy! finnaly we are arrived.

kai: de.urmmm. where should we go? -looking around- hurmmmm....

you: is this the right place?

kai: de. but i dont know the way. i know the place but not the way.

you: try to call the workers.

kai: de. jageuman. yoboseyo. kai imnida. de. 


crew: what were you feel at that time?

you: i....... feel lost. haahhha, it because. we are at the countryside then. he doesnt know where to go. so, i got the lost feeling

kai: i feel scared if Minhee-shi is angry at me.


you: dumdumdum...

kai: de, kamsahamnida. okay. Minhee-shi.

you: de?

kai: you have to choose. you want to walk or piggyback.

you: thats all the choice is?

kai: de, if we want to find a taxi it will be hard because we are at the country side.

you: arraso. lets walk. kaja.

kai: is there any other place that you wanna go?

you: me? hurmmm. it so many. i will make a list later and give it to you. arraso?

kai: arraso. ohhh, here we are! tadaa~

you: waaah! its really pretty!

kai: lets go. Ahhh. Annyeonghaseyo.

you: annyeonghaseyo.

ahjumma: welcome. Kaja, i show your room first. Here. 


crew: what were your thaught about the place?

you: its really pretty. Jinjja. Our room is just side by side actually.

kai: its me. Who choose the place that we have to stay. At first, i want to choose the modern style but then i try to search on the internet about her personality. Minhee-shi like adventurous things. So, i taught that.....she would like this place.


misun: its the best place to relax our mind.


kai has done change his shirts and decide to go to your room.

kai: minhee-shi! minhee-shi~

you: chamkaman.

kai: arraso.

suddenly you open the door and peek out side and saw kai.

you: waee?

kai: lets go somewhere.

you: aniyaa. i'm tired. i want to sleep. annyeong! -you want to close the dorr but kai is faster he open the door-

kai: aniyaa. kaja. -try to pull your hand-

you: arraso, wait. i want to get something.

you went in and get your things. you and kai go to sit.

ahjumma: ohhh, annyeong. here are some fruits.

you: kamsahamnida

kai: kamsahamnida! so, you wanna go after this?

you: is there any river near here? lets play water since its hot.

kai: i dont know. wait. urmm, ahjumma. is there any river thet near here?

ahjumma: de. you only need to walk from here.

you: ohhhh, jinjja? lets go!

kai: arraso. kamsahamnida. annnyeong.

you : kamsahamnida. annyeong!

walks with awkward moment.

you: aaahh, its very hot.

kai: urmmm. -he gives his sunglasses to you- here.

you: then, you will be hot.

kai: its okay. -he put it on for you- waah! you looks really cute.

you: aniya. aahh! here! it so pretty!


kai: its happy when i saw her like that. he looks really happy and cute. of course.

you: the place was really pretty and refreshing. i love it so much. gomawoyo kai-shi. *bows*


hyojin: she very like place that relaxing. like that.

dasom: yuppp.


you: i..... dont.... know.....

kai: you dont know how to cook. am i right?

you: yuuuppp. ottokhe?

kai: gwenchana. lets cook together. it will be great.

you: then, how about the taste?

kai: put that aside first. hehehhhee.

you: arrasso.

after you done cooking. you eat together with kai. you feed him some of the food.

you: so, how was the taste?

kai: hurrmmmmm. it taste.... really good! jinjja!

you: jinjjayo? 

kai: here. aaahhh.

you: hurrmmm. its really good.

kai: yeaayyy! we're suceed at cooking. 

you: yeeaaayyy!

kai: lets go back. its getting darker.

you: lets go.



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Chapter 7: chamkaman? do you mean 'wait'? or something like that? I believe it's jageuman (read as jakeuman). :)
trinityexolusukaibae #2
Chapter 5: omo so... cute <3
Chapter 4: Hehe~ You're welcome. <3 Kai and Taemin are definitely my top biases </3
PattyPatata #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^