Another werewolf?

I'm Not Who You Think I Am

God how much I hate mornings but I've always enjoy my walk to school. It reminds me of the forest where my dad is and where my family are. "Family" that word saddens me everytime. As soon as I reached the front door, a female human approached me and she wasn't looking happy at all.


"Song Rae Yoo" the girl called my name.

All I did was stare at her blankly.

"I heard you're Tao's partner" she snorted, giving me her disgusted face.

That girl was Krystal, Tao's crush. Oh how did I know? His heartbeat was unusually fast whenever he meet her and his loud friend, Chanyeol told the whole class but obviously I don't have the right to be jealous. She's not in the same class as us she's more to the queenka kinda style; lazing, flirting, being rich and pretty yep that's her majors.

I totally ignored her and walked away but she blocked my way. Damn this, I should have teleported myself to class.

"YAH! Are you dumb?

"I'll only answer to yes or no questions" I said trying to get rid of her.

"Oh so you wanna play huh? Well guess what touch him and you'll regret" she walked away after threatening me.

It's not like I'm scared or anything coz after all I'm a werewolf.


School was a total butthole today. A teacher of mine was absent and I really needed her advice since finals were over and I need to know how can I increase my credits. But the thought of seeing Tao later makes me happy even when I don't show it through my face.

I went to the library and waited. I don't have patience, which predator does. Just when I was about to leave, he came.

"ah I'm sorry Rae Yoon, I lost track of time " he smiled sheepishly

I just nodded and we both went in and find a table. We wanted to sit at a table at the corner but I felt like someone was watching us but I can't sense it, the aroma was unusual like mine. I pulled Tao by his hand to another seat. I didn't even know why I pulled him it just happened.

"ooooohh skinship me likey" Tao said smiling

*god stop it* I thought while trying to keep calm.

"You know guys dislike quiet girls" Tao said teasingly.

"That's why I hate guys" I replied with a smirk.

"WHAT?" He cleared his throat. "So you're interested in girls?" He asked again.

I gave him an are you serious stare.

"I just wanna know" Tao pouted but started to ask me questions right after.

I shushed him hinting that we need to finish this project, the sooner the better. I can't  don't want to spend another second with the human who I'm interested. It was 6 already but Tao was fast asleep. The way he sleeps was adorable but I really needed a way to send him home without waking him up. Oh right, my powers but I really don't want anyone to notice. Hence I decided to wake him up by throwing papers at him and wth he didn't move an inch so I decided to wait a little longer. I got bored so for the first and last time I decided to go to a section of the library, Wild Animals. I never believed the facts in the books. I flipped through a book that caught my eye. Wolves are wild animals that attack humans for their flesh causing death.

*bulls humans are idiots why would anyone jump to conclusions about animals*

"Maybe that's why wolves weren't suppose to go near humans" a deep voice snapped me out from my thoughts. It was a senior, Kris Wu. 

I decided to act calm but his gaze send shivers down my spine like the one I felt earlier.

"Don't you feel something? Something dangerous, unusual and furious? Song Rae Yoo or should I say The Heir of Novations?" Kris smirked while moving closer to me.

His eyes turned blue, but not any ordinary blue eyes. Those are blue eyes of an Anasians, another tribe of wolves, enemy of my tribe, Novations to be exact.

"You're an Anasian" I said coldly to him but I'm not gonna deny I wasn't scared.

"Smart girl" he smirked again.

"What do you want?" I asked with his back facing me.

"You" he said.

My eyes widened but he continued.

"I want you to approach Tao and kill him" he said now facing me.

"You seriously think I'll do so?" I smirked.

"You must do it or else should I inform the leader of Novations that his daughter is falling for a human"

"How dare you threatened me with my father?" I lifted out a chair and was about to hit his face with a snap of my fingers but instead he caught it with his own bare hands while staring into my eyes.

He pinned me to the shelf "I see you have master your telekinesis and teleportation powers" he smirked again.

I gulped coz I never know that there will actually be another wolf in this school; right before my eyes.

He smirked "I'll wait for the day the day you lose your human friend" and he snapped his fingers causing fire that sends the alarm ringing before walking away.

That sleepy head was finally awake. "FIRE FIRE FIRE!!!" He ran around acting like he was gonna die. I snap my fingers again to freeze the alarm sensor and that calmed Tao down a little bit.

"Yah Rae Yoo! Let's get out of here!" He pulled me out of the school running down the stairs but million thoughts were in my mind. What if my dad finds out? What if I'll lose Tao? His hand which is now placed against mine, will it be gone?












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MinRandom #1
Chapter 10: Oh my heaven! Can you update soon? I would like to know what will happen^^
AnImEx0LoVeR #2
Chapter 10: Is this story still goin'???
Pls more chaptr.
Huixin123 #3
Hey em are u still writing tis?
Chapter 10: Yay omg,can't wait for more *-*
21GerBear #5
Chapter 9: Oop sounds interesting can't wait for the coming up chapters :-)
Chapter 9: Oh my upload soon this is the most perfect thing I have ever. *-*
;-; whooa! I really didn't see that coming! that's so so cool
Azura3 #8
Chapter 7: update soon please! ~^o^~
21GerBear #9
Chapter 6: Woah that was so cool I did not expect that to happen!