thanks for everything ★

merry merry christmas

“Merry Christmas!”

                It’s Christmas, but Myungsoo isn’t so sure if it’s merry. He’s standing alone in a snowing park, surrounded by families spending the earliest hours of December 25th in the snow. So technically he’s not alone – he just feels that way

                He slowly nods at the couple that had wished him a happy Christmas, opting not to walk over and greet them but to instead stand where he’d been, hands in his jacket pockets, scarf four inches from suffocating him, and so close to being blinded by the falling snow due to the fact that he was facing the sky head up.

                It’s nice, he thinks as white flies all over him. He vaguely hears children from all different genders and families mixing together as they enjoy the snow and staying up late. He likes to think that he was once that way (he was, and to be honest he’s still a child at heart).

                Myungsoo sighs, then puts his head back down. His family’s all in Hawaii vacationing, sending over postcards covered with “Melekilikimaka” (it’s his brother’s favorite Christmas carol of all time) and the only reason he decided not to join them was because of Sungyeol. Except Sungyeol opted out and was at home spending time with his own family.

                He didn’t blame Sungyeol, of course, and besides, maybe he needed this little time alone. For the first time in twenty one years, he was spending Christmas alone. This was a learning experience.

                He’s about to turn around and go back home into the company of hot chocolate and Christmas carols on the radio when he feels something pat his leg. Myungsoo looks down and sees a little boy, probably the age of three or four, clad up in snow gear and a fluffy hat.

                “Ahjussi!” he grins gleefully. “Play with us! My team needs more people.”

                The child’s wording is slow and carefully chosen, but he gets his meaning across and Myungsoo can’t help but pat the kid’s head.

                “Sure,” Myungsoo agrees because why the actual heck not. “Who are we trying to beat?”

                The little boy pats Myungsoo’s leg again, then motions for him to bend down. The 21 year old squats so that his ear is next to the child’s mouth.

                “The big kids.”

                The kid had said it with such an over exaggerated fright that Myungsoo can’t help but think of Sungyeol when the older talked about going outside.

                “Well now you’ve got a really big kid on your team,” Myungsoo whispers back, eyes shining. “Let’s do this, okay?”


“OPPA! Braid my hair next!!”

                Sungyeol laughs at Ara, who’s tugging at his hair, and nods. He’s still putting Suji’s hair into a nice and neat ponytail but he pats the seat next to him and motions for his other little cousin to sit down.

                “But you promised to build legos with me,” six year old Hoya pouts from across Sungyeol.

                “Well,” the oldest says, “I have to take care of their hair first – they can’t go the night without it. Then we can spend the rest of the time building your legos, okay?”

                Hoya nods furiously, hugging the lego set that Sungyeol had given him for Christmas.

                “So, how’s school going for you?”

                Sungyeol looks up to find Sungjong, his 15 year old cousin, coming into the living room with two cups of steaming cocoa in his hands.

                “,” Sungyeol shrugs, running the comb through Suji’s hair one last time. “I miss high school so much.”

                “Yeah, you wouldn’t be saying that if you were me,” Sungjong laughs, handing Suji one of the cups to hold for Sungyeol. The little girl freaks out a bit because of the hot mug, but eventually clutches onto it for its warmth.

                “Aw, what’s so bad about it?”

                “So much freaking drama,” Sungjong rolls his eyes. “There’s a reason they all tell girls to make friends with guys – guys don’t create drama. But no, nobody warns the dudes about being friends with girls. They literally at each other for everything.”

                “So it’s not really the school, is it?”

                “Pft, please, you know me. School’s a piece of cake. The people aren’t.”

                “Which is why I don’t favor going outside,” Sungyeol says, taking the cocoa from Suji and ushering her to stand up so Ara can get in.

                “Speaking of people though,” Sungjong grins, sitting down beside his cousin, “how’s your cutie going?”

                “My cutie?” Sungyeol’s eyes widen as he hands Ara the cup to hold.


                “Ohhhh.” Sungyeol goes back to combing hair. “I ditched him for you guys, be grateful.”

                “You should’ve invited him over,” Sungjong pouts.

                “Why? So you can hit on him?”

                Sungjong laughs, setting his cup down. “Like that would phase him. Anything I say to him, he just connects to you. He’d probably just tell me that my flirting reminds him of yours and that’d be the end of it.”

                “I love him,” Sungyeol shakes his head, smiling. His smile begins to fade when he realizes that Ara’s hair is a lot more tangled than she’d let it on to be. And then he remembered that he didn’t know how to braid hair.

                Four minutes later, Sungjong asks, “You do know that you’ve been staring at my sister’s hair for the past decade, right? Are you not gonna do anything?”

                “I’m getting pretty bored,” Ara confesses.

                “Hey Sungjong, your best friends are girls, right? You should know how to braid hair.”

                “And I’m Ara’s older brother, please bro, my mom makes me braid her hair every other day.” Sungjong makes Sungyeol scoot over a bit, then grabs the hair from Sungyeol.

                “So you split it into three strands –“

                “Why three? Isn’t a braid just a twisty thingy?”

                “Uh, yeah. Of three sections.”

                “But it looks like it’s only two.”

                “That’s the illusion of it. Now shut up. Basically, when you have three, you have to take the right –“

                “Your right or my right?”

                “We’re sitting on the same side, you dingus. We have the same right.”

                “Oh. Just making sure.”

                “Can I just ask Mom to braid my hair?”

                “No, Ara, Oppa’s gonna teach Sungyeol how to properly do a girl’s hair.”

                “This is why I’m dating Myungsoo, then I don’t have to do his hair.”


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

so hows ur Christmas


myungsoo ♥ ; just received

aren’t you supposed to be spending time with your family


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

yh but sungjong kicked me out cos i was messing up aras braid


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

do you know how freaking hard it is to braid hair


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

really ing hard


myungsoo ♥ ; just received

you’re such a loser oh my gosh


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

shut up, im suffering. so hows ur night going


myungsoo ♥ ; just received

i’m spending it with the cutest boy ever


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

what the hell


myungsoo ♥ ; just received

he’s four, dearie. chill. we just beat the big kids at a snowball fight.


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

arent u the big kid


myungsoo ♥ ; just received

who cares we beat them and then went out to buy hot chocolate from starbucks


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

where the heck are his parents


myungsoo ♥ ; just received

with us and their other six kids


myungsoo ♥ ; just received

i’m considering asking them if we can adopt him


myungsoo ♥ ; just received

we could have a kid


myungsoo ♥ ; just received

we would be fantastical parents


myungsoo ♥ ; just received

well i would be you would probably


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

shut up as long as its not a girl im fine


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

i cant braid hair for


myungsoo ♥ ; just received

gasp are you really considering having kids with me


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

shut up myungsoo u arent funny.


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

merry Christmas btw


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

thanks for everything


sungyeol ♥ ; just received

love u


myungsoo ♥ ; just received

HAHA merry Christmas baby. you’re welcome. love you too. ♥♥






merry christmas you guise! thanks so much for everything ♥ i recently hit over 800 total subs and whoa like that's big for me ok like really big and just THANKS GUYS I LOVE YOU

on another note, myungyeol !!!! and christmas is coming ♥ just remember you guys, whether or not you're spending christmas with people, there's someone who's always wishing you a happy christmas and thanking you for everything and if you think you have no one, check again cos ahem i'm here ☼

and even if you're not in the christmas spirit just smile and think of it as a happy time because it's the one time of the year where people try really hard to be nice because a it's christmas or b santa

ps if you're subbed to any of my other stories i actually have started writing like stuff for all of them (i swear i can have people vouch for me) but they're on my other account which is messed up and i'm not sure i wanna rewrite it or wait until my other account chills down a bit

thanks for everything y'alls be great people i hope you liked the oneshot drabble mesh i had microwaved tacos as a christmas eve dinner and that's not really what people have in mind and i'm really hungry so yeah life

♥ ily


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Chapter 1: lol im super late but its super cute and idc. okay. gosh. u should tell me when u come out with one shots and stuff! gosh. I feel so left out.
Chapter 1: It's 7am and I have jet lag but that's okay because I'm reading this so who cares about sleeping. Like seriously. I cry. I is crying. Cus this is beautiful. I just got back from two weeks in Israel and I find out you wrote this and updated your oneshot collection and now I'm rolling around in feels that I have dreadfully missed without a phone.
This made me a very happy camper.
Excuse me while I contemplate whether or not to watch the first sunset of the year dramatically posing by the window.
Chapter 1: super adorable Christmas fic! :D hope you're Christmas was wonderful!
Nayama #4
Chapter 1: ups i mean yeoljong
Nayama #5
Chapter 1: i love myungyeol textng <3 and myungjong interaction >.<