
one month

   Jonghyun grimaces and turns his attention back to the body. "It's honestly a bit gross," he admits, and for once actually means it. "I mean, part of his head actually caved in when he removed the shoe. His family can't even have an open casket service..." There's a bit of hesitation before he opens the drawer and pulls out the body. It's covered in the usual blue paper, and when Jonghyun pulls the paper down past his face, Chanhee almost gags.

   The body, now pale (besides the lower side of his body, which was a dark red) and a bit on the waxy side, had the same peaceful expression on its face from when it laid in a trunk. 

   "He was a lot cuter before he was dead," Byunghun says.

    "What— How do you even know that?" Chanhee asks.

    "Spirits take the form of themselves in one of their most favorite memories," Byunghun says with a shrug, as if this entire conversation was a casual, day-to-day type. "His happened to be from the night of his high school's fundraiser. He helped run a kissing booth and got a kiss from his crush."

   Jonghyun's eyes widen in total amazement, while Chanhee's narrow in disgust.


   Before the investigation had officially started, Byunghun's apartment was spotless with not even a scrap of paper in sight. But over the course of the first week, it had become something close to a pigsty. Countless newspapers, magazines, and photos were strewn all about the apartment; the television in the living room had been pushed to the side to make room for the mural of leads on the wall. A large map of South Korea had been pinned upon it, and lying on the floor below it were stacks of papers from the office. There was also a large can of white paint, and an assortment of black sharpies.

   Byunghun lay on the floor, his legs criss-crossed in a yoga fashion and up in the air. His newly dyed blonde hair fell into his eyes as he stared up at the blank ceiling.

   Ever since he had made contact with Daniel, his mind had been reeling non-stop with memories that weren't his, feelings that weren't his, and two voices that certainly weren't his. How Changhyun had managed to wriggle his way into Byunghun's mind, he'd never figure out.

   "Come in!" Byunghun suddenly shouted. 

   The door to his apartment slowly opened. Footsteps, light and unsure like a deer, seemed to echo in Byunghun's mind.

   "How'd you know I was about to knock?"

   "I heard you mumbling to yourself outside."

   Chanhee stopped walking as he caught sight of the set-up of the wall. He reached out for a picture and carefully took the pin out of it. "She looks familiar," he murmured, staring down at the big, brown, doe-like eyes of the girl who stared right back up at him. "A singer? Actress?"


   "The words are in English." Chanhee turned the picture over. There were more words, and the set-up of it looked like an interview of some sort. "Is she mixed or something?"

   "Full Korean. Her name is Seo Joohyun. She speaks five languages fluently, plays a mean piano, and was Ahn Daniel's crush in high school."

   "Crush? You mean...the one he kissed?"

    Byunghun smirked, finally sitting up. "You remembered," he said as he stretched out his legs. Before Chanhee could stammer out a reply, Byunghun said, "Yes, the one he kissed. Who else? There have been rumors she's an avid illbe user, as well as a bit of a drug addict. Apparently, according to old high school acquaintances, she was involved in some sort of school gang. But then she was scouted and her agency cleared her record."

   "Seo Joohyun doesn't sound familiar, though. That name doesn't fit her face..." Chanhee pinned the photo back into its place on the map. "She must have some sort of stage name. Do you know what it is?"

   "No, not yet. I will eventually." The psychic stood up, letting out a soft groan as he did so. He stared hard at the picture of Joohyun, his eyes narrowed in thought.

   At this point, Chanhee had learned that asking about Byunghun's vague answers would end up with him going into a long-winded explanation about said answer. So, he decided it'd be best to avoid that, for the sake of his own sanity. "How long had you been sitting the way you were?" he instead asked. "Let's take a walk. The fresh air will do us both good."

   There was a brief flicker of surprise on Byunghun's face. Without saying anything, he headed towards the door. Chanhee followed after him, and the two headed out into the hallway. Chanhee stopped at the elevator, but Byunghun kept walking. Standing dumbfounded for a moment, Chanhee quickly realized the other wanted to use the stairs, so he hurried to catch up with him.

   Minutes later they emerged out into the streets. The air was crisp and cool, the sun was beginning to set, and the streets were filled with commuting workers. They walked in silence, dodging past tired looking workers, and ducked into an alleyway. It was empty besides the two of them, and they continued down the way comfortably.

   "Why did you suggest a walk?" Byunghun suddenly asked. 

    Chanhee shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. Byunghun watched his face carefully; he noticed the slight crease of his brows and the way his eyes drifted off to the lower right, and the way his fingers moved in his pockets. "If you aren't focused," he said after a long pause, "then we might not finish before the month is up. I need the pay."

    "I see." The psychic simply smiled. "Don't worry, I won't pry any more."

    As usual, Chanhee had no time to respond. Byunghun had already turned and began walking back the other way, back towards the busy sidewalk.


   "Her name is Seohyun."

   "Seohyun?" Chanhee repeated. He poked his head out of the small kitchen, a freshly brewed mug of coffee clutched in his hands. "Yeah, that...that sounds familiar. How'd you figure it out?"

   Byunghun looked over his shoulder at the other. "Google."

   Chanhee rolled his eyes, emerging fully from the kitchen and plopping himself down on the couch next to Byunghun. "I thought you were supposed to be a psychic," he said, watching as Byunghun began typing frantically into the search bar.

   "Not even a psychic knows everything," Byunghun responded, his voice sounding far-off, like he wasn't paying any attention to the conversation. Knowing him, he wasn't.

   The daily process of working with Byunghun was, quite simply, boring. It took multiple cups of coffee for Chanhee to keep himself awake, but even then it was still a struggle. His eyes began to droop as he watched the psychic type and scroll and delete and search, and he tried his best to stay awake, but it seemed tonight luck wasn't in his favor. Chanhee's head fell forward, chin resting against his chest as he fell into a slumber.

   What felt like only minutes later, Chanhee awoke to the sound of running. In his still sleepy mind, he figured it was just Byunghun doing another one of his ridiculous mind exercises. 

   It was the sound of shouting and a door slamming shut that told his brain that whatever was going on, it most certainly was not a ridiculous mind exercise.

   Chanhee shot up from his seat on the couch, his cup of coffee shattering and spilling onto the floor. The noise elicted another shout, and Chanhee took off running to follow the noises. He stopped in front of a door and tried to open it, but it was locked. "Byunghun?" Chanhee called out, knocking on the door. "What the hell is going on in there?"

   "Get away from the door!" came the reply, sounding frightened beyond belief. Chanhee stood outside the door, debating with himself on what to do. He tried the door again to no success.

   "Byunghun, you need to calm down," Chanhee said slowly as he pressed his ear up against the door, trying to hear what was happening inside better. "Let me in. Whatever is happening, I'll help you, okay?"

   The only response he got was a distressed cry and what sounded like a chair being shoved in front of the door. 

   Chanhee grimaced. "Fine. You want a broken door? You'll get a broken door," he muttered to himself. He backed up a bit, took in a deep breath, and then slammed the heel of his foot directly underneath the doorknob. There was another cry from the other side of the room, followed by something that sounded somewhat like "I give up!", and then Chanhee heard the chair being dragged away and the door being unlocked.

   Chanhee rushed inside the room, only to see Byunghun huddled up in a corner with his arms wrapped around himself protectively.

   "What are you doing?" Chanhee hissed, taking a few steps forward. The psychic whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut tight and mumbling incoherent words. 

   Why didn't Minsoo warn him about this? Byunghun wasn't psychic, he was psycho. Not even having minored in psychology could have prepared him for this; the psychic was normally so calm and collected that seeing him like this terrified Chanhee.


   Chanhee's eyes widened.

   Terror, he realized. He's having a night terror!

   Immediately he tried to recall everything he'd learned about the nightmare disorder. Half the time people wouldn't even remember they had them; it occurred more in children and toddlers than in young adults; they were in a living nightmare and they didn't realize they were still asleep. Most likely, telling Byunghun he was only dreaming would cause him to react negatively, but it was worth a try; the other methods he'd learned were ones Chanhee would prefer to not use if possible.

  "Byunghun," Chanhee said softly, kneeling down on the floor a few feet away from the other. "Byunghun, this isn't real. You're having a nightmare and you need to try to calm down, okay?"

   The psychic did the exact opposite of calming down. He began to hyperventilate, arms flinging out straight in front of him as if he was trying to push someone away. "I already know I'm asleep!" he exclaimed, sounding out of breath.

   "You-- You what?" As far as Chanhee knew, nobody having a night terror fully realized they were asleep until they had woken up. Was this all some sort of sick joke? Chanhee crawled a bit closer to Byunghun, testing his luck. When the other didn't even react, he crawled even closer.

   "I already know I'm--" Suddenly, Byunghun kicked his legs out and began to flail. "No!" he shouted, falling to the floor almost as if he was shoved down. "Stop it! No! Joohyun!" 

   And that was the final straw for Chanhee. If Byunghun kept acting like this he'd hurt himself. So, Chanhee put his hands underneath Byunghun's arms and hoisted him up and into his lap. Chanhee wrapped his own arms around Byunghun's struggling ones and held him tightly. "Stop struggling," he whispered. "Just calm down...and wake up."

   Byunghun cried out for the nth time, but slowly, his breathing began to calm and his struggling did as well. The twinge of pride and success Chanhee felt didn't last for very long, as, instead of simply calming down, Byunghun's breathing and moving stopped entirely.

   " ," the investigator said, hurrying to lie Byunghun down flat on his back. He began to do chest compressions, counting each one in his head and silently praying that CPR would work. Just as he leaned down to do mouth-to-mouth, Byunghun's eyes suddenly popped open and he took in a large breath of air. "!" Chanhee gasped, scrambling away. "Are you-- What the just--"

   "I'm okay. Not dead, which is good. I did not have a night terror, but thanks to your interference I can't remember what the dream was about, so really, thanks a lot for that!" Byunghun sprung up, already beginning to pace around the room. He seemed angry and exhilarated at the same time, and Chanhee couldn't deny feeling the same way himself. "We need to find out if the narcotics testing results came in yet. We need to find out where Seohyun was on the night of the murder; friends, family, managers, anyone we can ask. We need to..." Byunghun trailed off. Still pacing around and around, he looked at Chanhee, raising an eyebrow. "Did you seriously do CPR on me?"

   "I thought you were dead!" Chanhee said defensively. "What was I supposed to do-- let you die?"

   "Yes, that is exactly what you were supposed to do!" Byunghun snapped. He watched as Chanhee stood up, stomped over to him, and promptly punched him in the jaw. 

   "I'll go call Jonghyun and see if they got the results," Chanhee then muttered.

   The psychic watched him storm out of the room, absentmindedly rubbing his swelling jaw as a grin formed on his lips. Lee Chanhee was definitely an interesting partner.

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Marionetti #2
Chapter 3: I just realized that I read this, but didn't comment a while ago and got horrified by my own behavior. My most sincere apologies *deep bow*
The idea behind this fic is soooo great, I really love Chanhee as a jaded detective and Byunghun as a cool psychic, there's something very enticing about it that gets all my creative juices flowing and imagination go wild. There's something quite dark about the story, mysterious and intriguing, and I can't wait to read more. I salute your creativity. Please, keep up the good work and thank you for sharing this! ^^
Chapter 3: I'm loving this.
It's taken me time but know I know how Changhyun fits into this (I think).
Byungchan_angel #4
Chapter 3: Love it <3 hehehe
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Chapter 2: LMAO Channie getting all confused with ByungHun LMAO
Chapter 2: Lol Ljoe!! Too funny chunji freaked!
--chunsa #7
Chapter 2: oh my god Byunghun is crazy i can't deal hahaha
really loving this story so far ^3^
Chapter 2: Hmmm... Was that Niel or Ricky?
I'm loving L.Joe as a psychic somehow it just works.
Hoping for another update soon.
Chapter 1: Okay is it bad that I didn't stop laughing through the whole chapter? Nothing overly hilarious just bits and pieces.
This really has promise. I like the characters to far.
Off to chapter 2.
Chapter 2: Oooh L.Joe is crazy, or possessed XD This is getting interesting! Too bad for the missed chance of skinshpi through the mouth-to-mouth ;)