

baby  you're not going out like this yongguk said to his baby who was wearing just a balck jeans and  black waife beater and jacket 

but hyung ...

no but junhong it's freezing out thier come here yongguk said and held junhong is hand and lead him to their room


aigoo this is better yongguk said and put the beanie into junhong is head and the red scarf into junhong is neck  

okay let's go now yongguk said and held junhong is hand and made thire way into himchan is car 

ahhh i'm so hungry himchan said not leaving his eyes from the road 

manwhile .......

at the resturent 

hyung thank you the meal is so delichious junhong said to himchan 

you're welcome junhongie and  yongguk you're gonna buy me other time himchan said pouting

yongguk laughed at himchan who was now angry beacuze they bought the expensive meal 

after the dinner they get back home and himchan drove to his own home 

manwhile at the bedroom 

baby did you have fun today ? yongguk asked junhong who was rubbing his eyes sleepy 

mmmm yes thank you hyung junhong said and smiled with sleepy closed eyes 

  you're welcome baby  yongguk said and made his way to the bed with his baby 

hyung ? yes baby ? i love you junhong said like he was sleep talking

i love you to baby yongguk said and kissed junhong who was snoring softly now 

yongguk pulled junhong into his arm happy that the dream was just a dream it's not gonna be real he held junhong and kissed his forehead and drift to sleep  with smile on his face knowing his baby is not gonna leave him 

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