Extra Chapter-White Day Event

Sickly sweet

Hakyeon's view point


I'm getting these for Ravi. Hakyeon reminded himself for the thousandth time as he scanned the rows of sweet jars at the White Day corner Honeydukes specially set up. Hogsmeade was filled with couples using this special event for the guys to return the favor for the Valentine chocolate by getting flowers, jewelry and in this case, sweets from Honeydukes.


With a clear plastic bag clutched in one hand and tongs in the other, Hakyeon was having the hardest time focusing on the task at hand. After a few minute or so, he would realize that his bag was filled with fizzing whizzbees, peppermint toads and pepper imps, treats he loved, not Ravi. His boyfriend preferred sticking to the mainstream selection of chocolates and liquorice stuff instead. “You eating all those exotic flavored sweets is enough for the both of us.” Ravi once reasoned while patting the shorter male's cheek, affectionately, when Hakyeon offered him a blood flavored lollipop.


Hakyeon looked at the silent imposing Slytherin Captain squatting next to him, picking golden brown toffees and tossing them into his own clear plastic bag. Yesterday, the Gryffindor managed to convince Leo after Quidditch practice to accompany him gift shopping. The both of them quickly warmed up to each or so Hakyeon liked to think since Leo spent the majority of the journey to the village listening and nodding enthusiastically to his unending chatter. It was when Leo smirked as he walked off after purposely closing the liquorice jar that Hakyeon was going to pick from that he knew this was a start of a unique friendship.



Leo's view point


He'll like toffees right?. Leo bit his lower lip as he tossed toffees into a clear plastic bag. Speaking of Ken, he was suppose to meet up with the prefect for their date. “You have no plans on the 15th of March right? I have planned out the whole day for us to enjoy, you are going to love it.” Ken told Leo last week when they were walking out of potions class. “You don't have to get me anything, its my turn to give back after that lovely Valentine's gift.” Ken wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Just remembering that look was enough to make Leo squat down and bury himself in his feels.


“You okay?” Leo lifted his head to look at Hakyeon, Ken's hyper friend who was standing next to him with his bag that was threatening to burst at the seams with peppermint toads, pepper imps and fizzing whizbees. A lone chocolate frog was squashed at the bottom of the bag. The Gryffindor had cornered him yesterday after Quidditch practice, telling him to meet at the Entrance Hall after breakfast for White's day shopping in front of all his teammates. “Let's keep this secret away from Ken and Ravi. ” Haykeon had whispered although it sounded more like a shout to Leo since he could see Nakhun bending over and snickering from the corner of his eye. Too preoccupied with plotting his friend's demise, Leo did not realize he had agreed to this little outing, thus here he was now, Leo the fearsome captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team picking out golden brown blocks of sticky goodness surrounded by giggly couples and Hakyeon.


Leo had heard loads of stories about Hakyeon and Ravi from Ken, but never officially meeting them in person. He quickly found out that Ken was not exaggerating when he said the dark haired boy was a chatterbox, switching between re-telling his discovery that 500 rounds around the Grand Hall can only burn off the calories of 1 marshmallow and excitedly showing off his candy, grabbing Leo's hand and dropping a mixture of Bertie Bott's beans, jelly slugs and a blood-flavored lollipop for him to keep. (It's only because you're Ken's boyfriend that's why I'm sharing them with you.) Not wanting to stop Hakyeon's enthusiastic monologue, Leo decided listening and nodding at appropriate timings was the best thing to do.


“Yeah, I'm alright.” Leo straightened up while smoothing his jeans. He was about to return the tongs when Hakyeon reached out and stopped him causing Leo to raise his eyebrows.


“That's all you're getting?!” Hakyeon asked incredulously.


“Er yes? It's already filled.”


“Oh my gosh, you poor soul. Is this your first time buying sweets? This bag,” Hakyeon brandished his plastic bag in front of Leo's face. “is called filled. Your's not definitely not. Look! There's so much empty spaces! You got to stuff it for all its worth. In fact, you should try stretching it before you starting picking the sweets. Put that bag away and watch how the professional does it.” Rolling his eyes, Leo saw Hakyeon snatching up an empty bag with a swift flick of his wrist and began tugging the 2 ends of the opening. “See? There's so much more space. Now, you can begin filling it. Like so,” Hakyeon turned towards the toffee jar and started placing the toffees into the bag, lining them up neatly in a row. “The trick is to make sure the arrangement of the sweets is neat, therefore you get more space for other stuff. Remember the more space there is, the better.” Hakyeon poked Leo for emphasis. People had begun to look at them, amused at the sight of a shorter tanned-skinned boy poking a metal tong at the scary athletic boy while nagging at him like a mother. Leo could feel his cheeks flushing at the unwanted attention, but Hakyeon of course continued on, oblivious to the stares that they were attracting. “The offer for today is 10 sickles per bag, so stuff as as much as you can. No need to be shy about it! Ken likes treacle fudge too so we have to get him that. Oh! And those Pink Coconut Ice, he loves those.” As Leo stood there watching Hakyeon move like the 'professional' he is, picking the pieces of candy Ken likes, he couldn't help but think that it would be interesting to have a friend like Hakyeon.



Hakyeon's view point


“There! All done. See how the bag is stuffed? I'm telling you Leo, this will save you from going bankrupt.” Hakyeon smiled, satisfied with his work. “Leo?”


The Captain stared silently at him for a full second before snapping out from his thoughts and taking the bag from Hakyeon's hand, along with a soft thanks. It made him feel a bit unnerved by the intensity of the stare. The rumors about Leo's stare was true, it does paralyze you.


Clearing his throat, Hakyeon said with a firm voice, “Erm, I'll have you know, I am happily attached with my best friend Ravi and I don't think I'm ever breaking up with him and-and I'll have no qualms in telling Ken that his boyfriend is checking me out.”


“WHAT?” Hakyeon swore he never heard the Captain spoke so loudly before. “I wasn't checking you out! What the....what makes you think that?”


“You were staring at me with those bed room eyes!”


“Shhh! People are already staring at us weirdly enough. Bed room -? Urgh, I can't even.....” Dragging his palm over his face, before glaring at Hakyeon. This time Hakyeon was sure Leo was not ogling at him. “Let's go somewhere else to talk.” Suddenly, Hakyeon realized he was being pulled out of Honeydukes by his hoodie. Throwing his sickles on the counter after Leo, he let himself be dragged to the Three Broomsticks.


And he didn't want to cause a scene. Hakyeon scoffed.


When they got to the inn, Hakyeon was lowered into a seat by the window while Leo took the seat opposite him, with his arms fold across his chest.

“I swear by merlin's beard that I wasn't looking at you inappropriately. I was thinking howinterestingitwouldbetohaveyouasafriend.”


“Sorry, I couldn't catch the last part.” If looks could kill, Hakyeon would have been dead with how hard Leo was glaring at him.


“I said I was thinking how interesting it would be to have you as a friend. I didn't mean to stare so intensely.”


“Oh.....You should have said so earlier!” Hakyeon chuckled nervously, trying to rid both of himself from the awkward situation.


“I di-”


“2 butterbeers please!” Hakyeon yelled over the crowd to the bartender. “You said something?”




Was that a pout? Hakyeon grinned, he was starting to like Leo even more. In a platonic friendship kind of way of course. He had Ravi.


“What are you grinning at? Should I feel violated?” The sarcasm clear in Leo's tone.


“Noooo, I was thinking like how sometimes, you meet a person for the first time and you just know that you'll end up friends? That's how I feel right now.” Hakyeon clanked his mug of frothy butter beer against Leo's.


“How wonderful.” The Slytherin captain deadpanned. However, Hakyeon could see the corners of Leo's mouth quirked up in amusement as he sipped his drink.



Ken's view point


“What do you mean he's not here?”


“It means Lover boy, Captain is gone. He's not in the dorm room or the common room.”


Ken had woken up early, making sure to pick out the black pants and red and white striped shirt Leo liked, styling his hair neatly and even spritzing some cologne on for the date. He had been planning for this whole date for weeks, spending some quality time with Leo. Ken grinned brightly as he remembered that special smile only reserved for him. Nothing is going to ruin this date, nothing. Was what Ken told himself as he skipped towards the Slytherin dormitories in the dungeon, only to find out his Leo was missing and from Nakhun of all people.


“But that can't be, I told him, I was coming to pick him up here after breakfast. Leo never forgets our dates.”


“He never lets me forget them too.” Nakhun muttered under his breath.


“What was that?” Ken snapped.


“Nothing, nothing. Sorry, Ken. I have no idea where Leo is.”


“Ken!” A deep voice boomed.


Turning around, Ken could see Ravi walking towards him, a box of fizzing whizzbees tucked under his arm.


“Have you seen Hakyeon?”


“Nope.” Ken shook his head.


“Aw...How am I suppose to pass him this now?” Ravi's shoulders slumped.


That's odd, Ravi usually knows where Hakyeon is, its like he placed a tracking spell on that sugar addict. Now both him and Leo are missing? I'm getting a bad feeling about this.


“Ah!” Nakhun suddenly snapped his fingers. “Hakyeon came running to find Leo after Quidditch practice yesterday. Seems like he wanted to ask Leo out on a shopping date. Something to do with White's Day.”


I knew it.


“Thanks Nakhun.” Ken nodded at the disgruntled boy before hooking his arm over Ravi. “Come on, lets go get them. Knowing, Hakyeon, he'll have dragged Leo to Honeydukes.”



Except they were not at the said Sweet shop.


“How could they not be here? Its the only place Hakyeon bothers to enter!”


“Calm down Ken, I'm sure they must be somewhere near.” Ravi tugged Ken out of the shop, before he scared anyone else with his outbursts.


“Urgh, this date was supposed to be perfect.”


“Yeah, so was my surprise for Hakyeonie.” Ravi jiggled the box of magical sherbets sadly.


“Hakyeonie? Really? What does he call you, Raviie?” Ken asked incredulously.


“He calls me Sunshine sometimes. Since Ravi means sun in sanskrit.” The smugness in Ravi's voice was enough to make Ken puke. He was still not used to seeing his friends act so endearingly around him, usually it was only one sided.


“Don't you and Leo have nicknames for each other?” Ravi continued.


“Of course not. It's so.....so cheesy.”


Calling each other terms of endearment was not the only way to show affection. Ken assured himself.


“Whatever you say.” Ken could see that Ravi was clearly not believing his answer.


Just as Ken was about to reply, he noticed 2 very familiar faces sitting at the window seat inside the Three Broomsticks. It seems like Ravi had spotted them too judging by the frown on his face.


Leo and Hakyeon were talking and enjoying the warmth, cheery atmosphere of the inn. Ken could see Hakyeon laughing at something Leo said, his knees knocking against Leo's under the tiny table in the process. That was probably that reason Ravi looked like he wanted to tackle Leo to the ground.


Not that he would be able to, Leo's built like a brick wall.


The two of them were now getting up and walking out of the Three Broomsticks. Hakyeon had whispered something into Leo's ear causing the other boy to roll his eyes and pat Hakyeon's cheeks with a bag of candy. An action that was too touchy-feely for Ken's liking. He hated to admit but he was starting to feel a tad jealous of his friend and Leo's sudden close relationship.


“Did you forget something?” Ken called out, once he was closer, with a grumpy Ravi following closely behind.


“Ravi! I was going to find you. You're in for a treat.” Ken shifted to the side for Hakyeon to run up to his boyfriend, not leaving his eyes off Leo. He could practically see the cogs working in his head, trying to process the question. Leo's brows knitted together before smoothing out, his mouth forming an 'O', realization dawning on him.


He looks so cute with that expression. Ken cooed in his mind. His jealousy dissipating.


“I-I can't believe I forgot. I'm really sorry....I was accompanying Hakyeon to buy White Day for you, I know you said not to get any but I still wanted to......There's still time left, we can still go on the date.” Leo handed the bag he had in his hand to Ken.


“Wow! Toffee! My favorite. Thanks, but I have a condition before we start.”


“What is it?”


“You have to call me darling.” Ken teased. The flush on Leo's face glaringly obvious.


“I'll have to decline.”


“Why not?”


“Because......because....I don't think my heart will be able to take it if I call you that.” Came Leo's soft reply. Now it was Ken's turn to blush, he was not expecting this kind of response from Leo. It made him feel giddy with happiness that this shy adorable boy was his.


“Let's go to Madam's Puddifoot's Tea shop. I want to spend as much of the day left sitting across you and enjoying your presence.”


“Me too.” Leo's special smile playing on his lips. Ken interlaced his fingers with Leo's as they walked off.



Ravi's view point


“Ravi! I was going to find you. You're in for a treat.” Ravi was still giving the Slytherin Captain the stink eye when his lover came bouncing up to him. There was something about Leo that irked Ravi.


Maybe it was the way Hakyeon and Leo matched each other better than me. They look so much like a couple....


“Earth to Ravi. Hey~”


“Huh?” Ravi snapped out of his thoughts.


“I got you White Day sweets.” Hakyeon jiggled the over-stuffed bag in front of Ravi's face. “Its my turn to return the favors since you've always been the one putting in the extra effort to spoil me. Do you like it?”


“Yeah, I love it. Thank you.” Ravi wanted to smack himself for being an jealous brat. Why did he have to doubt himself when Hakyeon clearly has only Ravi in his eyes.


“Is that a box of fizzing Whizzbees?”


“Uh-huh, I ordered it a few days ago. It's for you.”


“Hehe, it reminds me of that time you pretended to be my secret admirer. With these sherbet balls being the first thing you sent me. What was it? Your existence is the fizz in my life-”


“Nothing is ever boring with you around.” Ravi finished. “I cant believe you even remembered the notes.”


“Why wouldn't I? I've got them memorized. They're special to me just like how you're special to me. No one else can ever replace you.” And Ravi knew Hakyeon meant every single word he said with his eyes shining with adoration.


His eyes flickered over to where the other couple was standing. Leo was flushing like a teenage girl from Ken's words, a similar look reflected in his own eyes.


Heh, there really was no need to be jealous.


Pressing a chaste kiss on his boyfriend's forehead, he said. “How bout we leave those 2 in their own world and go somewhere private.”














“I'm surprised. I thought for sure, you'll be jealous of Leo, but you didn't tear his throat out. I'm glad.” Hakyeon squeezed Ravi's hand as they walked.


If only you knew Hakyeonnie, if only you knew. A faint mental image of himself tackling Leo at full speed formed in Ravi's mind as he smiled back at his innocent lover.






A/N: Hey guys :) This is a short extra chapter I did. It's loosely inspired by this video. LOL. I couldn't resist it.

This chapter mainly consist of random bantering and cheesy friendship and jealousy. It's my first time trying to write a chapter with so many different viewpoints. I hope I don't confuse anyone. (>-<)


And just to give a clearer picture of what Hakyeon was trying to explain with the plastic bag thing. Here's the link: 1 and 2



I hope you enjoyed it!


Thank you for reading this!


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chika1611 #1
Chapter 2: omg, leo really killed me with his cuteness. I can't fight this feeling XD
demianite #2
Lilt_10 #3
Chapter 1: It's really cute ;w; I really needed to read something like this TwT Thank you~
congrats on the feature!
This was awesome! The idea of Ravi creating all of this mess just to get Hakyeon's attention is endearing. Poor him he couldn't confess directly, but luckily Hakyeon is sly (and painfully oblivious) and took the matter into his own hands. I liked this a lot, good job! :)