goodbye , i love you .

Leaving You [ONESHOT]

"Taemin , i'm ...leaving ."

"...what ?" 

"I'm leaving you , taemin . I'm leaving you . And Seoul . And South Korea . And Asia ."

"No ." 

you forced a laugh . 

"I didnt give you a choice ..." 

"...then i'm going too ." 

"NO . No Lee Taemin ! Dont you get it ?! YOURE THE REASON I'M LEAVING ." 

"But why ? I thought we were living on top of the world with my bright future ahead . I can now buy you flowers , and chocolates , and go on dates ! Why are you leaving me now ? Youre my source of life . Without you , i'd die . Why are you leaving me now ?" 

"Thats the very reason why , taem . Dont you see ? Yes , you can now buy me flowers and chocolates and bring me out on dates , ...but how often does all that happen ? I recieve flowers and chocolates thats sent by errand runners of yours . and dates ? do you even remember when was the last 'date' ? Last three months , taemin . I'm tired . I'm tired of bring together , yet alone ." 

"I was busy . Why wont you understand ?" 

"why wont I understand ? I'm trying to understand now . I dont want you to worry about me when youre half way across the world , going to meet your fans . I dont have the time , the money , the advantage , to go and follow you on your world tours ."

"I'm not worrying ."

"...thats the problem too . Who am i to you ? I feel like just one of your fans thats trying to catch you somewhere but never get the chance to ." 

"...youre not like my fans . I love you ."

"If you love me , then let me go ." 

"If thats what you want , ...then i'll let you go . But just remember that i'm Home , alright ? You can come back when ever you want to . Come back to Asia . Come back to South Korea . Come back to Seoul , ...come back to me . araso ?" 

"Mian , i cant promise that ." 

"_______ , dont say that ." 

"Mian , Taem . My flight to UK is tomorrow , i wanna have a good night sleep ." 

and you left him sitting alone in that cafe . 

 - - - - - - - - 

your POV 

I dont know why , but i feel like i should tell him that .

That i'm off to UK , because of my heart . 

I dont like it that  i'm always alone in Seoul City . 

Always keeping the secret that SHINEs's maknae , Lee Taemin , is mine . 

Boys asks me out in school . 

even tho i feel tempted to say 'Yes please .' , i didnt . 

because I'm already Lee Taemin's . 

as i thought of my uncertain future , fat droplets rolled down my tear-stained cheeks . 

"Lee Taemin , ...mianh . I love you and i'll never stop loving you ."

the fact that you'll never meet him face to face ever again , ....made great the downpour . 

- - - -

...why is ______ leaving me ? 

now what will i look forward to when i come back from overseas trips ? 

but , ...i must be undersatnding . 

Shes all alone in seoul .

three months ? our date was three months ago ? 

no wonder i missed her so , so much . 

aish , how could i be such a pabo . 

"but its okay , ...cause i know i love you forever . Come back to me soon , yeobo ."

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Chapter 1: pls update!
keke , kamsahamnida <3 i will , soon . after exams ! ^^
I like it ! Update soon ! :)