
Christmas surprises

Joonmyun wasn’t the greatest husband that a woman dreams for. He wasn’t tall enough for a woman to feel safe while in his arms. His cooking wasn’t restaurant worthy. He definitely did not look attractive while crying, according to Chanyeol who reminds him of it every time he gets the chance to. He was confident on his looks, but he wasn’t confident on what people thought of them. It’s a silly thing; being confident in one thing and not the other, especially when both things coincide, but it couldn’t be help. He was also pretty wary of the women that flirted with him. It was no secret that he was a man of many riches; it was practically weekly gossip in his neighborhood.

But if there was one thing that he was sure of, it was the fact that Lee Soonkyu’s happiness, undoubtedly, was because of him.

“Babe, what do you think about taking a trip to somewhere warm and sunny for Christmas?”

Soonkyu looks up from the box of newly bought Christmas ornaments to give him a how-dare-you glare, “you know that we made plans to go to my parents for Christmas. How could you ask such a thing?”

“You’ve been sick lately, for one,” he answers while making his way to help put the ornaments onto their Christmas tree. He picks up a red, glitter coated bulb, and places it randomly on the tree. “I just thought that you’d like to be somewhere warm for a while; away from the bitter cold and snowfall.”

“Honey, I appreciate the thought, really, but I’m fine spending Christmas here. We don’t get to go down to see my parents that often anyway and I miss them.”

She did it, of all things. She used that cute little whiny voice that is used whenever she doesn’t get her way. The same voice that is used to guilt him into whatever it is she wants or would rather do. “You sly little…”

“What was that, honey?”

“I love you… I. Love. You.”

So his first attempt at figuring out what his wife wanted for Christmas, failed, but he was far from giving up yet. That evening, once they cleaned up after decorating the tree, he decided to take his wife out window shopping. Of course they went to dinner first, lord knows what would happen if they didn’t. Soonkyu was begging that they eat first, burgers and milkshake to be exact.

Now they were walking down the streets of Gangnam, holding hands and glancing at all the little shops that they passed by.

“Can we take a look in this cosmetic shop,” Soonkyu asks with a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. “Please? Just a little look?”

Joonmyun gives in almost instantly and guides her into said shop. Letting go of her hand, he watches as she makes her way around the store. She first stops at a stand that holds quite a selection of hand creams. She picks one up in her gloved hands and calls out to him to grab his attention. “Honey, look, it’s a panda. Isn’t it cute?”

Thinking that this is what she would want, he answers, “do you want me to buy it for you?”

She shakes her head and sets it back down. “We were just looking remember?”

His second attempt at figuring out what she wants has failed.

The next morning, the two of them are lying in bed. Both of them knew that they should pull themselves from it, but they were too cold to do so. With their arms wrapped around each other, and legs entangled, Joonmyun tried for a third attempt by outright asking her what she wanted. Since suggestions, and window shopping wasn’t working, he figured that it’s probably best to just come out with it. So he brings a hand up to brush away a few strands of hair from her forehead, he places his lips there, and applies pressure into the kiss that he was giving her.

“What do you want for Christmas, babe?”

His breath causing goose bumps to break out all over her skin, she shivers slightly, and answers, “I don’t really want anything. What more could I want that I don’t already have?”

“I don’t know,” he ponders on the question. “Do you want a car or maybe a new piece of jewelry? What about a new bag?”

“You lavish me with enough gifts, honey; there really isn’t anything else that I want. And you’ve already bought me all of that.”

“But it doesn’t hurt to have more…”

Chuckling at how cutely he said that, she finally manages to pull herself from his arms and out of bed, leaving him to have no choice but to follow. Groaning at the cold air passing under the blankets, he rolls out of bed, and stands straight on his feet. He catches a glimpse of his tousled hair in the mirror on his closet and grimaces. “I look like hell.”

“Come shower with me,” Soonkyu calls from the bathroom. “It’ll warm your bones~”

“That sounded a bit suggestive, Mrs. Kim Soonkyo.” He laughs as he make his way to the bathroom, tripping on the pile of clean towels, but managing to keep his balance. “What exactly is it that you are suggesting we do?”

“I’m suggesting that we take a shower and warm our bones before we have to go out into the cold again.”

His third attempt has been considered a failure, but at the very least, he figured out what to get her now without her actually telling him. Though, he was disappointed that he didn’t get what he thought she was suggesting.

Joonmyun crouches down in front of a mess of different breeds of puppies. Huskies, Poodles, Beagles, Shih Tzu’s, and even Yorkshire terrier’s barked at him as he ran his fingers over the windows. They all looked adorable beyond words, but none of them said Soonkyu.

“Can I help you, sir?”

Joonmyun looks up at the older woman and shakes his head, “I’m just having troubles deciding which to choose. They’re all so cute, but none of them really call out to me, you know?”

“Well,” she begins, crouching down beside him, “animals aren’t ones for being chosen. Instead of us humans doing the choosing, the animals like to be the ones that do the choosing. Basically, the chooser becomes the chosen.”

Joonmyun took notice in the fact that she was looking at the floor rather than at him, so he followed her in looking at the floor. He noticed an open cage and also a small Maltese circling his feet. His eyes turn into crescents and he scoops the puppy into his arms.

“Shall I start the paperwork, sir?” He nods and she smiles at him, “It’ll be but just a moment.”

Soonkyu was sure to love this puppy, he could almost feel it.

It was Christmas morning and Joonmyun was the first to step foot downstairs. Being that Soonkyu will follow shortly after him, he only had roughly ten minutes to bring Snow up from the basement. It was a cruel place to keep a puppy, but it was even worse to gift wrap her up in a box and leave her there over night. So he had to settle for leaving Snow in a portable crate down in the basement, a few feet away from the heater.

Bringing both the puppy and the crate up with him, he quickly makes his way to the living room to set the crate down beside the tree. “Now, listen, Snow. I’m going to need you to be quiet, okay? Mommy can’t hear you bark or you’ll ruin her Christmas present. So keep really quiet, understand?” Snow just wiggles her little tail and nuzzles against his chest. Petting her curly white fur, he puts her back into the crate quietly, and shuts the door. Hearing footsteps above his head, he quickly reaches for the throw blanket on the couch, and uses it to hide the crate. Hearing the footsteps reach the steps, he practically throws himself into a chair and takes his fresh cup of coffee into his hands, sipping at it carefully.

“You’re up already,” Soonkyu questions as she makes her way towards Joonmyun. She helps herself to his lap and wraps her arms around his torso. “What were you doing that would have you up this early?”

“Just couldn’t wait for you to see what I got for you,” he answers, and sets his coffee back on the side table. “Do you want to see it?”

She nods with much excitement and gets up from his lap, “Is it this one?”

He nods at the crate in which she is pointing at, feeling his excitement build with hers. He stands behind her as she removes the blanket and he grins from ear to ear when a scream flies from .

“You got me a puppy!”

“I see that you like it?”

“Like it- no, honey. I love it.” She turns back around and grabs at his face to kiss him. “Thank you so much, Joonmyun.”

“You’re welcome,” he smiles boyishly while poking at his sides. “Her name is Snow.”

“She looks as white as snow too,” she giggles, and reaches for an envelope on the tree. “It’s your turn.”

He raises an eyebrow at her and takes the envelope, opening afterwards. Once it’s open, he takes the contents out, coming face-to-face with ultrasound pictures. “What is this?” She places her hands on her stomach and then it dawns on him just what exactly he is looking at. “No…”


“Are you being serious right now, Kim Soonkyu?”

“I’m being very serious, Kim Joonmyun, for about a month now.”

“A month,” he breathes, the realization hitting him even harder. “You’ve been pregnant for a month now.”

“According to the ultrasound,” she nods, laughing at his reaction. “You are going to be a father, Joonmyun.”

He takes her head in between his hands and kisses her with so much affection, and gratitude, that she has to pull away from him before she runs out of air. He pecks her lips this time, and again, and again. “This was the greatest gift that I have ever received. Thank you, my beautiful wife.”

“Merry Christmas, Joonmyun.”

“Merry Christmas, Soonkyu.”


Author's note:

There you have it guys, my Christmas present to you all.

Have a very merry Christmas/happy holidays and stay warm~

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omg this is soooo sweet
Chapter 1: Omgawwwwd! *cries. This is just so cute! So sweet! So... whatever. I love this story. *hugs.
HanselMaknae #3
Chapter 1: did you make a sequel for this?
Chapter 1: Cuteness overloaaaaddd! Hahaha and great christmast gift ever! ^^
Chapter 1: this is so cuteeeeeee! love your story author-nim. :D spread the love, HONNY~ <3
Chapter 1: sweet!! How i wish they have this life in real life.
DivineShawol #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^