Like Father, Like Son

Like Father, Like Son - Hoya

Tucker was all ready for bed in his purple pajamas as he snuggled under the covers as Hoya knelt next to his bed.

"Appa~" Tucker asked as Hoya held his hand. "Is this our first Christmas as a family?" Hoya looked up at you with sad eyes as you nodded slowly.

"Yeah, it is." Hoya said sadly as he gave a slight smile to Tucker.

"I am three, what happened the other two years?" Tucker asked as he tilted his head to one side.

"I had to work, I was gone for work those last two Christmases." Hoya said sadly as Tucker’s fingers wrapped around Hoya’s fingers.

"It’s ok, I understand. I bet you danced really well that day, since we both were routing for you." Tucker gave him a smile as you chuckled.

"Yes, my little man." Hoya reached up and his hair softly, "Merry Christmas, my Tucker." Kissing his head softly, Hoya stood up and wrapped his arm around your waist.

"Goodnight, Mommy and Daddy. I love you" Tucker said as he slowly started to fall asleep

The warm sunlight carefully moved through the blinds as it lit up your room gradually as you stirred in Hoya’s strong arms, his chin rested on your head as his arms wrapped firmly around you.

Little feet were heard running down the hall as your bedroom door was swung open as the little child climbed up onto the bed with the disheveled purple sheets that wrapped around the two of you. The little boy crawled onto the bed as Hoya moaned slightly as he opened his eyes to the little boy shaking his shoulder.

"What is it Tucker?" Hoya mumbled in a husky deep voice as he turned over facing his son, whilst not trying to wake you.

"It’s Christmas Morning!" Tucker threw his arms up in the air as he happily smiled.

"Ah I guess it is." Hoya smiled at his little boy.

"Are you coming, Appa?" Tucker’s eyes got wide hoping that they could join him.

"Yeah, I just have to wake up Mommy~" Hoya whispered as you were still sleeping in his arms.

"I can do that, Daddy~" Tucker crawled over Hoya carefully before he kissed your cheek. "Mommy wake up, it’s Christmas~"

With your eyes fluttering open, Hoya smiled at Tucker as you smiled at both of them.

"Come and see what Santa brought, Mommy!" Tucker called as he slid off the bed and jogged out the door as he went to the living room.

Slowly getting up, you rubbed your eyes as you and Hoya got up and walked hand in hand to the living room where presents were laid out on the floor, under the tree as you and Hoya sat on the couch together as Tucker looked at all of the presents as he bounced up and down.

"Here Mommy, and Daddy" Tucker handed you both a present as he got one for himself as he took off the bow and put it on your head as Hoya and you did the same.

"May I open my presents?" Tucker asked as he looked at the both of you as you nodded. He ripped the paper hastily as he saw the present that was inside. Looking at it for a few seconds he then moved to the next present, creating a nice little pile of unwrapped presents. He opened one present after another as he even opened some of yours, since he didn’t know how to read quiet yet. Hoya and you smiled and clapped as he showed you the new toys and explained how they worked in cute toddler language.

The mid day sun shined through the windows as you happily watched your little boy settle down into the wrapping paper as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Smiling to yourself, you felt something heavy on your shoulder as you carefully looked over your shoulder as Hoya’s hair tickled your neck. Your hands guided Hoya’s head to your lap as you ran your fingers through his hair.

"Like father, like son~"

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babyjongdae #1
Chapter 1: Hoya.......... im dying. Its too good.
Chapter 1: As expected from a great author ^^
Chapter 1: This is really cutee ^^