


Gif not mine. Credits to owner.


"I'm sorry," 

She put the letter down from the table as she didn't know what to do.

Leaning on the table, she puts a hand on her head, feeling dizzy.

This was so sudden. She didn't know why he did this and he didn't even respond why.

Although the letter was short, she was scared to read on.

Reaching for the letter, she crumbled it up in pieces and threw it across the floor, few feet away from the couch.

Kneeling down, she messes up her hair in frustration and cries.

Feeling the warm salty tears flowing down her cheek, she brushes them away with her fingers.

Her aching heart cries in pain as she sat there.

All their memories flew by in her head as it ripped up into millions of pieces.

Lying there for a few hours, she gets the power to stand up as she holds on the corner of the table to keep her balance.

Looking back at the crumbled up paper, she ignores it, passing it by.

Looking at herself in the mirror as she walks inside the bathroom.

Fixing her hair gently, she washes her face with cold water, to wake herself up.

Slapping her face gently, she forces a smile, knowing that he would never come and that she shouldn't waste her time like this.

Walking back to her room, she puts on a pretty dress and looks at herself..

Feeling happy and pretty, she skips towards the kitchen and makes herself her favorite food.

Making chicken, she ties her hair up prettily and looks at the recipe. As she follows it careful, she brings the plate on the table where they used to sit.

Lighting up a candle and getting out a glass for a wine, she pops it open and pours it in the glass.

Sipping it, she smiles and takes a bite of the chicken.

Eating it deliciously, she stares at the crumbled up note that she didn't read.

As she ignores it again, her eyes kept wondering towards it.

Dropping the fork and knife on the table, she gently walks over to it.

Reopening it, she begans to scan the letter.

Looking all the way down, she runs out of her house, holding onto the crumbled paper in the hand.

Looking around, her breath was seen as she breathed heavily in the cold.

Trying to see if he left any hints to where he went off, she ran towards the fence and looked around.

Finding nothing in sight, she feels a cold air brush past her, making her nose cold.

Shivering, she covers herself wth her hands as she remembered she wore a dress.

Looking around one more time, she kneels down on the soft cold snow.

"Let me go."

She muffled her cries with her hands as the letter crumbled up more.

Tightning her grip on it, she opens her eyes.

"Please, leave me."

She shakes her head, trying to erase his voice from her memories.

"Leave me and be happy."

She knew what he was trying to say, she knew what he wanted from her.

"Be happy. Leave me, forget me, and find someone new that will be with you forever." 

As she cried harder, his voice became clearer.

"Leave me and you'll be happy. I can't promise you that you'll be happy with me. I'm just someone with nothing. You need someone that will help you financially and love you. I can only love you."

"I don't care. All I need you." She yelled out to nothing and no one.

As she drops the letter, she feels her nose becoming numb.

As much as she tried to follow him, she knew that he will never come back.

Always being stubborn, she knew he did what he thought was the best.

As she cried out, she knew he would never come back and that she should let him go.

As she got the courage to stand up, she picked up the letter and walked back to her house, closing the door.

She knew he would never come, and she knew that it was just a waste of time to wait for him.


Yixing stared from the corner, seeing her run out of the house after him.

He held onto his mouth, trying to stop himself from crying and running up to her.

As he held himself back, he sees her crying and shouting, wanting him back.

Taking a step forward, he stops when he turns around.

A tear slips down from his eyes as he walks away, not looking back.

Taking a glance after stopping, he gives her a warm smile.

"I love you," He whispers, "Please forget me."


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Willidingding #1
Great fic update soon
Kaismyseoulmate #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^