


Gif not mine. Credits to owner.


"Baekhyun-sshi, do you think Chanyeol would like this?"

Baekhyun looked at her face up and down, giving her a slight nod, "He'll love it."

"I know he likes hats, but I don't know if he wants a specific one." 

Baekhyun shook his head,. "No, that was is good. You know his taste well." 

"I try to do my best." She smiled, handing the hat over to the cashier.

Baekhyun tried to look away from her as he coughed, "Is that all you're going to buy?" 

She nodded,. "Yeah. But actually, I want to get you something, too."

"Me?" Baekhyun pointed at himself, "That's not neccesary."

"You have done so much for you. Especially after the accident." She whispered, taking the bag away from the cashier, "I want to thank you for everything you have done for me."

Baekhyun looked down, "No, don't buy me anything. I don't need it."

"Please. I want to show my grattitude. You have helped me when no one was there. I want to help you, too."

Baekhyun turned his head, "I'll just take you home."


Her hands gripped the tip of his coat jacket, when he stopped. He looked down at her small delicate fingers holding onto his coat when he sighed. He grabbed her hand and pulled it away from the coat, "It's okay."

As she looked at him, he just opened the passenger seat of his car, "Here, get in. Chanyeol will be worried if you don't go  home soon."

He closed the door after she went in. He looked at her as she was putting on her seat belt when he walked towards the driver's seat. 


"Merry Christmas!" 

Chanyeol gladly opened the bag to see the hat he wanted for a while.

"You bought this for me?" He questioned, putting it on his head, "How did you know I wanted this?"

"I asked someone." She smiled, looking over at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun looked down when Chanyeol coughed, "Thanks." 

"Yeah, don't mention it."

"Baekhyun-sshi, I got you something, too." 

Chanyeol looked at the present in her hand. It was small and delicate as she handed it to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun looked at her, "What? I told you not to get me anything."

"I told you, I want to thank you for everything you've done." 

Baekhyun cautiously looked up at Chanyeol.

"Open it." Chanyeol smiled, insisting Baekhyun to hold it.

As Baekhyun gently opened the small box, he became speechless.

"Do you like it?"

Baekhyun took out the bracelet that was inside the box as it was engraved the words, 'Hope'.

"Wow, it's nice! Where did you get that?" Chanyeol asked, hugging her by the side of her shoulders.

"I was outside of this store when I saw it on display. It looked like something Baekhyun-sshi would want, so I decided to get it. I hope you like it." 

Baekhyun wrapped it around his wrist and gave her a soft smile, "Thank you. I wanted a bracelet. How did you know?"

She blushed, "I'm glad you like it." 

As he looked at the word on the bracelet, he stood up, "I have to get going now."

"Leaving so soon?" She stood up, holding up a cup of hot chocolate, "You didn't even drink this."

"I'm sorry, I have to get going. Besides, I want you guys to spend Christmas alone." He smiled when he turned his heel to leave.

As he began to leave, the same grip was felt on the tip of his jacket.

Looking down, he sees the same fingers on it. When he looked up, he saw her face.

"You can stay more. Right, Chanyeol?" 

Chanyeol smiled, "Yeah, why don't you stay longer?"

Baekhyun swallowed his saliva, "No, it's okay." He muttered, holding onto her hand again and releasing it away from his jacket, "You guys have fun."

As he walked towards the door, he looked back to see her again, "Merry Christmas." He waved, as he opened the door and gently closed it behind him.

Leaning on the door, he sees snow falling when he looks down.

"Merry Christmas, love." He whispers.


Baekhyun lifelessly walks inside his room, closing the door.

He takes off his jacket and puts it neatly on the coat rack as he reaches for his table.

Reaching there, he pulls out a drawer and takes out the medicine capsule.

Opening it, he takes out two pills and puts in his mouth.

Untwisting the bottle of water next to his bed side, he drinks water and swallows down the pills.

He holds his head with his right hand and hisses in pain.

"Ah, it hurts a lot today." He says to himself, as he massages the temple of his forehead with his two index finger.

As he was rubbing his temple, he looks at the bracelet she gave him with the word 'Hope' written on it.

"Don't do this to me." He says, taking the bracelet off and gently putting it on the table, "Don't make me regret anything."

As he leaned his head on the wall, he unlocks his phone to look at his wallpaper.

On it, was a picture of him and her together. Smiling, posing, and being happy together.

He gently touches her face with his finger, "I hope you are doing okay."

As he smiled at her face, he drops the phone as his head started to hurt.

He kneels and hits his head harder, "Please stop hurting."

His breathing grows heavily as balls of sweat runs down from his forehead.

He pulls himself up with the corner of his table and reaches for the medicine capsule as it falls and makes a thud.

Looking down, he tries to pick it up when he stopps.

He grabs his head and cries in pain when he remembers the accident. 

"Where are we going?" 

"You'll see." Baekhyun smiled, holding her hand while driving.

He looked at her and she looked at him back as she turned her head towards the window to see the snow falling.

"Did you plan out an event for me?" She asked, giving him a teasing look when he shrugged.

"I don't know, maybe you'll have to wait and find out." He said. 

As they were both holding each other's hand and waiting for the light to turn green, a bright light was flashed before his eyes.

Before he could see anything clearer, a car skidded in a fast speed into their car.

"What happened?" Baekhyun asked, looking up from the bed. He opened his eyes and sat up. It was a different setting and he didn't know what was going on. 

"Are you feeling better?" 

Baekhyun turned his head to see his best friend, sitting by his bed, "Are you feeling better?" He repeated.

"Chanyeol," Baekhyun asked, hissing in pain that he felt in his head, "What happened?" 

"You got hit by a car in the snow." Chanyeol whispered, "~~~~~'s at the other room getting treatment."

"Is she okay?" Baekhyun aksed when Chanyeol put a hand on his lap, "She's doing fine." He continued, "But you're not."

"What do you mean?"

Chanyeol bowed his head, looking down and not daring making eye contact.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with me?" Baekhyun asked, holding onto Chanyeol's shoulder, making him face him.

"What's wrong with me?" He repeated.

"The car hit you hard." He whispered, "~~~~~~ has a small concussion that made her lose her memory."

"Does that mean, she won't remember me?" Baekhyun asked, feeling a sharp pain in both his chest and head, "Then how--"

"That's not the point right now!" Chanyeol yelled in frustration, "Who cares if she loses her memory or not, Baekhyun! In time, she will heal! You can't, Baekhyun. You're freaking dying." 

Baekhyun looked up, "Don't joke around." 

"Does it look like I'm joking?" Chanyeol asked, feeling his eyes burn,"I care about you, Baekhyun. I honestly don't care if she has memory loss or anything. She'll heal in time. You on the other hand," He continued, "Will die."

Baekhyun stood up, "This is ridiculous, I'm not dying--" Baekhyun held onto the tip of the bed as he began to get dizzy, "You're lying." He whispered out.

"You need to take mediciation, that's the only way you'll live." Chanyeol said, "Let's schedule for a surgery right now."

"Do you know if I'm going to live for sure if I get the surgery?" 

Chanyeol bit his lips, "5%, but that's not the point! You still have hope."

"Hope." Baekhyun bitterly whispered, "What's the point? My girlfriend doesn't remember me and when she does, I'll probably not be around to see her."

"Don't say that." Chanyeol hissed, "You're going to live and that's final."

Baekhyun sadly looked at his best friend, "Can you do me a favor?"

Chanyeol shook his head, "Don't say that. I know you're going to live." 

"I'm not." Baekhyun sadly responded, "And even if I do, I still want you to do me a favor." 

"What is it?" Chanyeol questioned as Baekhyun gave him a warm smile.


Baekhyun dropped the medicine capsule as he rested his forehead on the cold glass window.

As he looked at the snow dropping, he knew that he had to let her go sooner or later.

Although Chanyeol never liked ~~~~~ more than a friend, Baekhyun knew Chanyeol still was interested.

By doing both of them a favor, Baekhyun knew this would be the last present he would give them.

Even though he would leave without telling her the truth, he knew this would hurt less.

Knowing that if he did tell her, he wouldn't be with her when she recovered.

Looking back at the bracelet on the table, he whispered the word 'Hope' all over again.

He wondered that if he did get the surgery and was able to tell her, if he would live and love again just like before.

He shook his head in disbelief, "Hope? I don't have hope." 

As he took off his eyes away from the bracelet, a tear slowly fell down the tip of his eyes, "A Christmas Miracle."

With the thought of that, he closed his eyes and sighed, "Merry Christmas, love." 


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junmenpapi #1
Chapter 1: Gahd why is this one so sad

This mademecrylikeakid
Teenfinite896 #2
Chapter 1: author nim, why are most of your baekhyun stories have a sad ending at the end?! TT.TT make some happy ending one please~ :3
ezaaazahidi #3
Chapter 1: Omg im crying....
Kaismyseoulmate #4
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^