I'm Coming To You...

Painful Love -Sequel-


i just LOVE this pic..
"Still..if you had told me..Maybe..Just maybe..I could've kept him alive for just another day.." you said with a pained expression, as if this was all your fault
"Just another day with him..I'll be happy" you looked down and started crying
It was painful for your parents to see you in that state
"Sorry, I have to go" you ran out of the house
Hyeri looked at her lover with a sad expression and sighed
Why does things like this keep happening to me? It's hard enough you found out that Donghae was your step brother, but now he's dead?! What did I ever do to this world??!
Crying, you ran to where ever your feet would took you
After a couple of minutes, your tears dried up , you had no more tears to cry
You stopped running and started walking instead, gripping to your chest
You felt something dropped on your head so you stopped your tracks
You looked up at the sky and stared at the falling waters and your stare became blank again
Huh..Even the weather knows how I'm feeling right now..
You started walking again
You didn't look at where you were going, passing the people running to get away from the rain
You crossed the streets without looking. You could've been hit by a car but why did you have to care? This world was already killing you, so why did you have to live? If you were hit by a car, wouldn't it be better? You could end the misery of living in this cruel world
It was cold..You were shivering but that was only a tiny fragment of pain you were feeling right now..
Donghae..Can you hear me? I wanna go with you..I don't want to live here anymore. Junsu hasn't come back..He didn't make me happy..So come back and take me with you..
You kept walking until something suddenly brought you back to reality
You scanned the place
You found yourself in a dark alley
"How..did I get here..?" you asked yourself
"Hey pretty agassi" someone suddenly called
You looked for the person but you couldn't find him behind all the rain
"W-Who are you?! What do you want?!"  you looked around
"What I want? Sweetheart, you're in OUR territory. We should be asking you"
You started to panic "Show yourself!!!" you shouted
"Ooh..This one's a feisty one, hyung" another voice said, followed by a sinister laugh
"YAA!! Show yourself!!"
"We'll show ourselves, pretty..Don't worry" You could feel his breath on your neck, which sent shivers down your spine
Then you felt someone groping on your
You yeled and turned around
You slapped him across his face
His face grew red "Who the hell do you think you are?!!" he was about to slap you
"Whoa whoa whoa..hyung. Don't scare the pretty lady. We might need her for the night" the other guy said
His hands slowly grabbing your waist
You felt disgusted
You turned around and spit on his face " you" you cursed
"Now you've done it" the hyung said
The guy slapped you, so hard that you fell on the ground
"Take that !!"
You groaned in pain, holding to your now swollen cheek
The guy kicked you in the stomach
You coughed
The guy kept kicking you until you couldn't feel anything anymore
You weakly smiled and then you passed out
I'm coming to you..Donghae
*sigh* i think need to cut down the drama lol
i actually wrote this on my blackberry so i won't forget the story i've been working on in my mind lol
then re-wrote this on the laptop *sigh again*
i'm tired..
jaejoong : ya! don't be tired! you have to keep updating!
me : but i'm tired!! i wanna sleep *jumps on the bed*
jaejoong : donghae!!
donghae : *comes in* aish..this girl is hopeless.. *grabs my feet and pulls me off my bed*
me : ya!! i said i wanna sleep!! let go!!
donghae : keep writing!
me : are you taking out your revenge on me because i made you die on this fanfic??!!! *grabs the sheet of the bed*
donghae : yes!! just keep writing! or i'll write the chapters myself! *pulls me again* how does me coming back from the dead sound? *evil smirk*
me : nooo!! that doesn't make sense!!!!
junsu : * comes out of nowhere*  wait for my comeback!! *waves hapilly* 
jaejoong : go help donghae there su!!
junsu : *goes to me & donghae*  ya! keep writing! i wanna come back to this story!!
jaejoong : bye bye readers~! remember jaejoong will come back as a 17 year old guy again in the next fanfic!! *mumbles* not a 40 year old guy like in this one..but i'm still hot..*grins*
me : *bows* i'm sorry for the behavior of the hot boys *bows*
me & the boys : MERRY CHRISTMAS!! *waves*
comment please! and i'll see you in the next chapter!! ^^
comment replies :
aleli16 : yeah..lol
guiwang_4ever : hahaha noon? lol yeah she's in a huge pain right now TT. no! he wants to be at my house! you'll never find him!! *hides junsu in a closet* don't worry, he'll be in the next chapter! lol
Misha_ss5o1 : miss him? lol yeah he better or else..kick his duck-!
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Sounds awesome
Mizfit4life #2
Just finishe reading this fanfic...It's so romantic :) <3
@iammee : thank you :)<br />
Hope I see you in my other stories too..
Wow...... That was really cute, sweet and touching... ;__; both ur stories are AWESOME... keep writing!
@Mizfit4life: Wow I can't believe somebody's still reading this<br />
Hahaha<br />
It makes me feel happy.. :)<br />
I'm glad you like this!and if you like you can read my on-going story after finishing this one ^^
Mizfit4life #6
I subscribe to this and it's sooo damn cool
Mizfit4life #7
OMG its so awesome~I cant stop reading it!
aww<br />
i loved the prequel and its sequel XD<br />
its amazing!!<br />
lovely story!~ ^^<br />
*clicks link to next story*
It's the endinggggggggggg! AIGOO, NOOO!. ):<br />
Oh well.. This story is AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!<br />
Awee the ending <3 Thanks for writing an AMAZING story!<br />
Hey, it'd be cool if you were an FF about Jun and Junhye ^_^<br />
HAHA I'm just tryna suggest things ;)<br />
Overall, <3 Amazing seqeul.