Monster Eater

Painful Love -Sequel-

sungkyunkwan scandal!! lol


I'm really really relieved that next week, Junsu will finally come back!!
I hope he didn't change a lot..

-Lunch time-

Your POV

"Donghae-ya" I nudged Donghae who's sleeping
"Huh?What?" he looked up with his eyes still drowsy
"Wake up!It's lunch time"
"Oh..already? okay.." he got up of his seat

Donghae's POV

"So..Junsu's coming back next week, huh?" I asked while we were walking to the cafetaria
"Uh-huh" she nodded with a smile on her face
"Oh.."  I sounded not excited
"What's wrong Donghae-ya?" she asked
"Nothing..Just..geez..he's already coming back?!!"
"Come on Donghae-ya..It's already been 2 years..You two have grown up.It's not like you're gonna start fighting again.."
"I still won't like him!"
'Because he's gonna steal you away from me again..'
"Just because I don't like him!" I replied
"Come on~~I want you two to be bestfriends.."
"What will you give me if I TRY to be bestfriends with him?" I asked
"Ermm..." she thought for a while "Nothing" she replied
"Ehh..Then I won't" I grabbed a tray
"You're such a meanie Donghae..Why won't you even try?" she grabbed a tray as well
I chose my food
"Because I don't like that duck " I answered simply
"Then that's fine with me" she answered angrily then she headed to a table,leaving me behind
'Crap I made her mad..'
I followed her

She put her tray on the table angrily and sat down
I sat down next to her
"Don't be mad,Hyena.." I said
She ignored me and ate her sandwich
"Hyena-yaaa~~" I shook her body playfully
No response
Tired of the games, I took drastic measures
I took her milk and drank it
"YA!!" she got up of her seat and yelled
Yes..She is..Putting the fact that she has an awesome body..a monster eater
Just take a look back at the big cookie 'incident'
She got so mad just because I stole her big cookie..And this didn't happen only a couple of times..

Exhibit A


-At lunch time-
Hyena dragged me to a table, and I saw Junho and Taeyeon sitting there
Taeyeon gave me a scary glare but I ignored it and I sat down
"Hyena-ya, what's HE doing here?" Taeyeon points at me
"He's eating with us" she sat down
"Why?" she asked again
"Because....Just because I want him to" she replied simply while starting to eat her burger
Taeyeon shot another glare at me "What did he give you??" she asked in suspicion
"What?Nothing" she said while munching her burger
"How did you two?How-When-?-" Taeyeon asked too many questions she couldn't even finish
"The main point is..he's changed, that's why I want him to sit with us" she said while putting her last bite of her burger in
"Be back in a minute" Hyena got up and grabbed her tray

"What did you do to her??" Taeyeon asked me
"Nothing, obviously" I answered while eating my spaghetti
"There's no way Hyena would ask you to eat with us if you didn't give her anything" she said in suspicion
"I swear I didn't..Maybe my charms has got to her" I said with a grin on my fae
"Whatever.." she ate her food
Then Hyena came back with her tray full of food..
She sat down
"You...really love to eat,huh..?" I asked
She nodded happily while looking at her food
There was a sandwich,pudding,sushi,milk...and what is that?Mac and cheese??
I didn't know she loves to eat this much..
Never thought that a girl this pretty can be eater

*end of flashback*

Exhibit B


School had just already ended,and I was getting up of my seat and grabbed my bag
"Donghae-ya!" she called me
"What?" I asked
"I'm hungry.Let's go to a cafe"
"A cafe?What cafe?" I asked again
"I don't know..Up to you.I just want to eat" she said

So I agreed with her.We rode in our car went to a cafe.
She ordered almost everthing in the menu

"Your orders will be coming right up" the waitress said as she picked up the menus

"Yo, Hyena..What's wrong with you??" I asked
"What do you mean?" she asked back with a confused look
"I mean, how can a girl eat so much?!"
"Dunno..Maybe it's because Junsu-oppa always eats a lot and I'm always with him, so maybe that's why I eat so much" she answered
"Oh.." I replied

Our orders, well her orders came. And she began eating it
We chat, and laughed until finally she finished eating
The bill came
"Oh,Donghae-ya..You said you'll be the one paying,right?" she asked
"Ehh?? When did I ever say that?!"
"Oh,you didn't?" she asked
"Well of course I didn't.." I answered
"Then you shouldn't have brought me here" she said
"You were the one who asked me to!" I protested
"Well, since you agreed, I thought you'll be paying!" she protested back
"Aish, jinjja.." I hissed
I have no other choice than to pay for it
I grabbed my wallet and took out my credit card
She's a really good talker..

*end of flashack*

Anyways..back to where we was..

"YA!!" she got up of her seat and yelled
"How dare you steal my milk?!" she yelled,making the whole cafetaria look at her
"That's why you shouldn't ignore me" I said
"Fine..Just don't..steal my food!" she sat down
I grinned
She's so...easy

"But promise me you'll try to be friends with Junsu." she looked at me
"Well...." I thought it for a while
"As long it makes you happy" I smiled and began eating my food

Then I felt something on my face
I reached for it
It was tomato sauce
"YA!" I turned to look at her
"That 's for stealing my milk" she had a victorious grin

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Sounds awesome
Mizfit4life #2
Just finishe reading this fanfic...It's so romantic :) <3
@iammee : thank you :)<br />
Hope I see you in my other stories too..
Wow...... That was really cute, sweet and touching... ;__; both ur stories are AWESOME... keep writing!
@Mizfit4life: Wow I can't believe somebody's still reading this<br />
Hahaha<br />
It makes me feel happy.. :)<br />
I'm glad you like this!and if you like you can read my on-going story after finishing this one ^^
Mizfit4life #6
I subscribe to this and it's sooo damn cool
Mizfit4life #7
OMG its so awesome~I cant stop reading it!
aww<br />
i loved the prequel and its sequel XD<br />
its amazing!!<br />
lovely story!~ ^^<br />
*clicks link to next story*
It's the endinggggggggggg! AIGOO, NOOO!. ):<br />
Oh well.. This story is AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!<br />
Awee the ending <3 Thanks for writing an AMAZING story!<br />
Hey, it'd be cool if you were an FF about Jun and Junhye ^_^<br />
HAHA I'm just tryna suggest things ;)<br />
Overall, <3 Amazing seqeul.