Let The Games Begin

Broken Wings 3

So I'm sorry for not posting in a while, but I went to go see my baby cousin in Cali for his first birthday, and I didn't bring my laptop So I decided to make this chapter a little longer to make up for the missed week. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for all the views, and subscriptions!!! Oh and Comments, and Votes are always appreciated. 

Kansamnida!!! ^-^


Chapter 8

Eun Mi 

"Oh My God Eun Mi!!!"

Ravi runs to me wrapping me tightly in his arms. I bury my face into his chest happy to be in his warm embrace. 

"Angel kept her promised to me. She found you."

He pulls back looking around for someone.

"Where is Angel I need to thank her." 

A knot starts to form in my stomach as the memories of this morning come back to me. I look up at the rest of the boys, but especially Leo. He returns the stare searching my eyes for answers.

"I'm not sure...the last time I saw her was at Dae-jung's. She gave me her keys, and told me to run. I heard gunshots..but..but I don't know...."

Hot salty tears had started flowing as soon as I began talking about Angel. I look towards the ground not able to look anyone in the eyes.

"For all I know she could be dead, and it's my fault. If I hadn't been so stupid, she would have never had to go find me." 

Someone places a hand on my shoulder, and I look up to see Leo. He looks so sad, but he still smiles at me.

"It wasn't your fault. Angel did what she thought was right, and I'm okay with that. And don't worry she's a tough girl, I doubt she'd go down that easily so don't worry we'll find her."

I nod towards him thankful for his comfort. Ravi pulls me into a one armed hug rubbing my arm gently while placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I'm grateful for the comfort, but my worries for Angel are still at the surface of my mind.



I wake up feeling sore, and dirty. I know my hands are cuffed behind my back by the feeling of cold metal. I attempt to stand, but can't get far due to chains. I sigh loudly wishing that there was some sort of light in the room, but it's pitch black in here. So I sit waiting for something to happen, or anything to happen. The door suddenly opens allowing a stream of bright light to hit me. I hiss in pain, and I hear a chuckle come from outside the door. He walks over to me, and crouches down so we're eye to eye. 

"I can see why Leo picked you as his girl you are stunning."

"I wonder what would happen if I gave you back in exchange for Eun Mi."

"I already told you Leo would never do that so you can forget it."

He caresses my cheek, and I cringe away from him. He chuckles again leaning in closer to me, and forcing my back up against the wall. 

"Then maybe I might just have to keep you, and then I get Eun Mi on my own."

"You won't touch Eun Mi, and trust you couldn't handle me."

"You wanna bet on that." He whispers into my ear.

I shiver praying that he would back the hell up. He pulls back slightly, and grabs my chin forcing me to face him. He crushes his lips against mine, and I try to squirm away. he pins me to the wall, while biting down on my lip. When he pulls back he smiles looking at my now bleeding, and swollen lip. 

"I think I like the thought of keeping you. Eun Mi will be no challenge at all, but breaking you now that will be fun."

" you." I growl glaring at him.

"Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get." he smirks.

I growl in reply to him as he gets up, and leaves the room. The heavy door is slammed, and I finally relax when the darkness falls again. I want to cry so badly, but I also don't want to give him the pleasure of seeing that he fazed me. So I sit there thinking about Leo. I hope he doesn't go off, and try to find me on his own. I know my boyfriend well by now, and sometimes he let's his emotions get the better of him. I'm also worried about Eun Mi she's way to innocent. She doesn't know anything about people like this. Though Yongguk has changed he was similar to the way Dae-Jung is now. I hop she doesn't get caught in this spider web like I did.


Eun Mi

The boys still had the concert to worry about tonight so they had me wait in their dressing room guarded by two officer until they were done. When they finally finished up we all sat in a circle in the dressing room trying to figure out what to do about Angel. 

"Knock Knock"

We all look to the door wondering who it could be. We open the door to reveal a cheerful Zaka. We still haven't told her yet. 

"Wae do you guys look so down. We should be happy Eun Mi's back now."

Leo looks like he's about to tell her when his phone goes off. He pulls it out of his pocket, and looks down at it confused.

"What's wrong Leo?" I ask.

"This number I don't know it at all, but whoever it is sent me a picture."

"Well it won't hurt to see what it is." N states.

He nods, and unlocks his phone heading for his messages. 

He opens it up, and immediately drops his phone. I run over, and pick it up to see what the problem is, and gasp. 

The others soon follow, and each one of them has a shocked reaction. It's a picture of Angel, but she looks terrible. Her hair is matted and dirty. Her lip is bleeding pretty badly, and then her shirt is soaked in dried blood.  Then there's Dae-Jung his head on her shoulder, and one arm pulling her hair so she'll face the camera.  

The message underneath the picture says:

"Let's play a game, and see who'll be the last one standing."

I look over at Leo, and I can see her furious, he jumps up heading for the door. 

"Whoa Hyung calm down." Ravi says while jumping in front of him. 

"Move now Ravi."

"Ani you need to calm down. This is exactly what he wants for you to go off the handle. He wants all of us to lose our minds. All he wants is Eun Mi, and he will use anyone to get her including Angel."

I can see in Leo eyes that he wants to disagree with Ravi, but he knows he's right. 

"Fine but if he ever shows his face to me I'm gonna kill him understood."

Ravi just sighs glad that he stopped Leo. 

"He said he wanted to play a game right?" 

We all look towards Zaka, and nod not seeing where she's going at all.

"Well then we'll play a game, but no said you can't cheat."

Zaka get a devious smile on her face, and I can see she's already formulating a plan.

"We have what he wants right so we give it to him, but then we steal it back before he gets it where he wants it."

"Oh like capture the flag right?" N jumps and says.

"Exactly, but we have a decoy flag."

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Chibisakura #1
Chapter 10: Wow! Just finished reading all three stories--great job! I really like your writing style. I'm so happy that no one died! :). Are you going to continue the story for all the other members to get girlfriends? If so, I'll definitely be reading them! :)
Chapter 10: Yay!!!!you updated and aw that was a cute story good job!!!:)
Chapter 9: OMG Leo did not just die Leo don't die on me don't die OMG and Yay!!! You updated!!!:) please update soon I hope Leo will be ok after that :(
Chapter 8: OMG can't wait to see what they will do
Ilovekpopforever #6
Chapter 4: update soon!
Chapter 4: Aw so cute Ravi why you didn't kissed her right there anyways update soon please!!!!!!!!:D
Ilovekpopforever #8
Chapter 3: Aw sweet~!
Update soon!
B-locket #9
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
continha_troll #10
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^