The Search

Broken Wings 3

Chapter 6


Today Angel's meeting with the local authorities to discuss the video evidence, and map out a search area. I going crazy right now, because there's nothing I can do to help. I also can't help, but feel like it's my fault that she's gone. Maybe if I would have walk her to her room, and made sure everything was okay. I just don't know, Angel keeps telling me there's nothing that could have stop this, but I just can't believe that. I mean could you?


Eun Mi

I don't know how long it's been since I was kidnapped, but it has to have been at least a day. Everyone's probably so worried right now, but there's no way for me to escape. I'm tied to a chair, and the chairs chained to the wall. The worst thing is that I'm locked in this windowless room. My odds of escape look pretty dim right now. Dae-Jung comes in every now, and again trying to coax me into falling for him. I don't even speak to him though. I just stare hard at the floor wanting him to dissipate. But just my luck he doesn't, and he enters my room again. 

"So I've decided on how to make you mine."

I continue staring at the ground trying to lose myself in the patterns in the wood. 

"You see since you care about that little idol so much, I think i just need to take him out of the picture. But I wanted to get your opinion first."

My head shoots up, and I stare at him in horror.

"You wouldn't.." I choke out.

"Maybe I won't if you give me what I want, but not giving me what I want seals the deal. But of course I leave all final decisions up to you my dear."

As much as I hate to say yes, and give in to him. I would hate myself that much more for being the reason wae Ravi dies. 

"Fine I'll do what you want, just don't involve Ravi."

"Well let's make it final with a kiss."

Before I can protest he slams his lips onto mine. His kiss is rough, and unpleasant it makes me want to vomit. He pulls back with a smile, and waves.

"See you later babe."

When the door closes I breakdown. Hot salty tears stream down my face while my stomach twist and turns into knots. Someone please help me. 



I sigh loudly in frustration. It's been 10 hours since Eun Mi went missing, and we still don't have any suspects! Though it has to be someone from the area, because he was caught in none of the hotels cameras. He knew each of the blind spots for every camera. My phone vibrates, I answer it without bothering to look who it is. 


"Angel I just remember someone you might want to look into. His name is Dae-Jung Yoon. He quite the other day, but I've noticed that he's really obsessive over Eun Mi. Maybe he might be a good place to start."

"Okay Ravi Komowayo."

"No problem Noona!"

"Yah!! You brat do you want to die!!??"

He hangs up quickly, and I roll my eyes. I get up from my desk, and grab to officers at random. 

"Come on we need to go check this kid named Dae-Jung Yoon out."

They nod, and follow like lap dogs.


It takes about 30mins to get to that part of town. We arrive in front of an apartment building. It looks to be fairly new, and it's in a decent neighborhood. I read the list of names until I find the Dae-Jung Yoon written neatly in Korean. I punch his apartment number in and wait for him to answer.

"Yoboseyo? Who's there."

"This is Detective Angel." 

Putting detective before my name sounds odd, but I like it. 

"Okay I'm buzzing you up."

The door unlocks, and I have the other officers wait by the car. I have my radio going one way so the can here everything that happens. I knock on the door lightly, and a young locking boy with tanned skin, chocolate brown eyes, and messy navy dyed hair opens it. 

"Hi I'm Detective Angel. I just wanted to come in, and ask a few questions."

I flash my badge as proof.

He nods then sidesteps to let me in.

"What seems to be the problem Miss detective?"

He doesn't face me when he ask the question.

"A dancer named Eun Mi Jang has recently gone missing . We're asking those who know her about any information they may have.

"What Eun Mi was kidnapped!?"

I make another metal note, only said she went missing not that she was kidnapped.

"Unfortunately yes. Do you know of anyone who may have had a grudge, or had taking a strong liking to her?

"Aniyo not that I know of."

He looked to the left when he answered.

"Did you see her recently get into a fight, or any altercation with anyone?"

"Aniyo everyone loved Eun Mi she's a really sweet girl."

He looked to the right.

"Have you spoken to, or seen Eun Mi in the past 10 hours?"

He looks straight at me.

"No not since I left work."

"Wae did you quite?"

"Because I felt like I was being treated unfairly, but I didn't want any legal actions taken so I just decided to quite. Is that all?"

I feel a bit taken a back by the question but I nod.

"Kansamnida for the cooperation."

"Have a nice day detective."

As I walk down to the car I think everything over. I'm definitely keeping this kid in mind, but first I need some constructive evidence.

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Chibisakura #1
Chapter 10: Wow! Just finished reading all three stories--great job! I really like your writing style. I'm so happy that no one died! :). Are you going to continue the story for all the other members to get girlfriends? If so, I'll definitely be reading them! :)
Chapter 10: Yay!!!!you updated and aw that was a cute story good job!!!:)
Chapter 9: OMG Leo did not just die Leo don't die on me don't die OMG and Yay!!! You updated!!!:) please update soon I hope Leo will be ok after that :(
Chapter 8: OMG can't wait to see what they will do
Ilovekpopforever #6
Chapter 4: update soon!
Chapter 4: Aw so cute Ravi why you didn't kissed her right there anyways update soon please!!!!!!!!:D
Ilovekpopforever #8
Chapter 3: Aw sweet~!
Update soon!
B-locket #9
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
continha_troll #10
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^